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About Crumb

  • Birthday 07/04/1978

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  • Flight Simulators
    X-Plane 11
  • Location
    United Kingdom

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  1. I've just tried setting up a TrackHat v2 with DCS and while I seem to be having some kind of conflict while in the cockpit view. If I go in to any external view it seems to work (albit badly) but in cockpit view, it starts working but as soon as I tap the recentre hotkey the view flips to one side and slowly creeps off in the wrong direction. I've tried setting the protocol settings to Both/TrackIR/and Freeterack but it's the same result. It feels like a conflict within DCS. I tried making sure that no joystick controls were set to change the view. Does anyone know where I might be going wrong? EDIT - I just replugged in to a USB3 port and it has improved things quite a lot. I've got the protocal set to both but I think it was a lack of power that was my main issue.
  2. Hi, I initially downloaded DCS through Steam but then decided it would be better as standalone. I was advised that the DCS downloader would see the files that were already downloaded and just copy them, which I think has happened, but now I'm unsure whether I have duplicated them or not. I currently have; C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DCSWorld This DCSWorld folder is about 117GB C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta This DCS folder is about 128GB So, I'm hoping that I can now unistall the version in Steam and reclaim that 117GB. Can anyone advise me on this? Would be appreciated, thanks!
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