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  1. After reading through Chuck's Guide for the F-16 for the millionth time, I noticed some unknown-to-me, easy-to-miss HOTAS shortcuts. Here are a few of my favourites in terms of interesting/unique; some discovered today, some in the last few weeks. On the FCR, TMS Right Long will change between RWS and TWS submodes of CRM On the FCR, 'Transmit Switch - IFF IN (INBOARD)' (Short) will cycle the different filter options (All vs No Datalink Tracks, etc) On the FCR, 'Transmit Switch - IFF OUT (OUTBOARD) (Short) will remove datalink tracks (can then use the above to return them) In DGFT mode with HOB missiles equipped and the default settings, holding the 'Radar Cursor/Enable Switch' will slave the HOB seeker to your HMCS so you can point at off-bore targets with your head and fire, without having to go in and change slave modes just for that - it's a nice temporary switch, after which the seeker goes back to being slaved to radar lock Press the 'Radar/Cursor Enable Switch' in A2G to change firing modes for e.g. Mavericks, to quickly swap VIS/PRE/etc What are some interesting HOTAS shortcuts and related information that you've found, that you think other players have possibly overlooked? (Side-note; if anyone knows how to change the number of bars [the actual height, not elevation or azimuth] of the radar scan volume using the HOTAS and not the OSB/MFD buttons, let me know!)
  2. Just for my knowledge - do the Mavs hold their lock even when you switch stations? I swear I tried this after you said the above and had trouble; should it work with the LAU-88s as well? Not actually "ripple" fire/RP option, just locking with one Mav per station. EDIT: If you can lock this way with one from each station, can you switch from that one missile to the other and back, instead of cycling all 4-6 Mavs? Also want to signal boost this as I looked over it. If you're complaining about the TMS Up behaviour switching SOI to WPN, I get it - I'm not used to it and it doesn't feel like an "upgrade" if you used Auto hand-off a lot, BUT you can still get that behaviour! Use TMS Right! Saying that again - if you want TGP to stay SOI while performing Auto handoff to Mavs, even with the WPN page up, use TMS RIGHT. (Not sure it's 100% identical to the _old_ TMS Up Auto handoff flow, but it seems to work pretty well?)
  3. I've seen this mentioned around over the years, and people have suggested all sorts of suggestions. For a sim rig, it's often not a realistic/convenient solution to make the desired monitor as the primary Windows display. A lot of games now provide the ability to specify the primary monitor on which the game should show, without requiring these shenanigans (which are a bit old-school). The user should not need to mess with lua files to just move the game window to another monitor. It's a basic UX feature, and it would be much appreciated. If this is already in the game, please share! Would be very useful Thank you!
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  4. Hi all, Watched this video Wags made three years ago: At ~1:32, Wags starts talking through the changeable channels, inc. the channel for our Flight. I'd love to be able to change who my wingmen/people in my flight are - when you play in multiplayer, it's often not possible/practical to pick slots that are set up to be in the same flight in the editor when the mission was created. I know how to set this up in the mission editor but that's not possible in this situation. It looks like I should be able to change my flight channel, and have my buddies do the same, such that we're all on the same channel and show up as wingmen with blue icons on e.g. the HSD. Is this currently possible? Wags didn't say these options weren't implemented when talking through them so I'm a bit confused by what they do if not. If it's not currently working, will this be possible at a later date? Side note: if this is already in / will be going in, would it be possible to set the flight channel in a Viper and in a Hornet to the same thing and be wingmen? They're both on L16 after all, and I imagine not every flight is 100% the same aircraft IRL but that's just my conjecture. Thanks! EDIT: I should say that I've tested this a little bit and found no functionality I could immediately observe. I created an SP mission with three Viper wingmen, then changed my Flight channel to something else, but nothing changed - they remained my wingmen.
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