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Posts posted by Dataduffy

  1. 2 hours ago, AeriaGloria said:

    It’s in the pre start check list. Step 38, power from battery on. 39. parking break check 

    40. Service tank 1/2 on 

    Check tank 1/2 lights and battery voltage 


    then turn tank 1/2 off 

    Thanks for the quick response. 🙂

    Is my assumption correct that switching on the pumps is to create a load on the battery for the check?

    Can you also please point me to where I can find the checklist you refer to? I have looked through the quick start guide again, but I can't seem to find it. Probably me being blind!

    Many thanks again.

  2. great video. Thanks for sharing.

    Quick nerdy question. at 3:48 in the video, he switches on the two batteries, selects "power from battery", but then switches on Tank 1 & 2 fuel pumps before checking the battery and bus voltages.

    He then switches the tanks off again, before hooking up the external power. 

    Any idea why he powered up the tanks? Is it to create some current draw on the battery for the tests?

    As I said... nerdy question, but I am genuinely interested. 

  3. I'm getting the same today. (I went through the campaign a couple of months ago and it was fine, so I guess it's to do with the changes on Comms with the latest Open Beta update). I'll try again later and see if I can find out what's going on. 

    Update - I went and tried again, and I'm still getting nothing. Just not hearing lead. Radios definitely on and correct. As I said, it worked find before and is a great campaign to learn from, so I'm sure someone will come along and help us.

  4. 30 minutes ago, H60MTI said:

    I get a constant rhythmic thumping sound when on the ground, even with engines at idle and not moving...

    Seems to be the radar at the ends of its travel. Watch the scan of the radar, and the “bump” sound happens when it is at the end of the scan in each direction.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, IsAnyoneUp said:

    I didnt found any mapping for "castle switch in" . But I managed to get it done. Like Yurgon said its only showing "IN CMD" in A/G-Mode. You have to keep "castle switch down" pressed and "castle switch fwd" short at the same time

    It was actually “castle switch press”, not “in”…..my bad.

    Glad you got it working.




    5 minutes ago, Yurgon said:

    Oh, good point! But the voice-over really emphasizes that point, so I assume OP already knows this part.


    I had a 5 year old running about at the same time as trying to listen so I guess I didnt hear the voice over clearly… 🤣 

    Fantastic module by the way. 😀 

    Having a blast.

    • Like 3
  6. 10 minutes ago, IsAnyoneUp said:

    Hey I am doing the training missions for the F-15E and when I have to take command of the HUD it doesnt work. The training says I have to press castle switch down and then short castle switch fwd. I cant get it working. I mapped castle switch pressed to my keyboard so I am sure I "press it right" but doesnt work. It doesnt say In CMD in the Hud also

    That stumped me, but I then realised that it’s actually press “castle switch in”……… not “down”

    There is a key command for pressing castle switch in. (So in total there are 5 key binds…. Up, down, left, right, and press in.)

    Hope that helps. 

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