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Posts posted by gszaloki

  1. First of all I uncecked the Easy Communications, but nothing changed.

    For example, at the beginning of the second mission, I experience the following:

    In the video the other FA-18 (Smoke) is on my left side. In my computer the other FA-18 (Smoke) is on my right side. (This is not a problem)

    In the video the "When ready to taxi, press SPACE BAR for radio check with Smoke. He will start approximatelly 30 seconds later, so you can perform the radio check after you start moving towards the Cat" text appears. This text informs me that I don't try to start communicating with smoke before full system start. In my computer only the "(Radio check with SMOKE)" text appears. In this case I could think that I can check the radio when my radio online, and working.
    After my full start, before I would like to taxi, Smoke doesn't do anything. Smoke's plane has a closed cockpit, but the person is missing inside the plane.  
    When I'm in the Cat and I do the radio check, the following conversation can hear:
    - Player: Springfield, check.
    - Smoke: Two.
    - Player: COMM 2 check.

    And I can't hear anything. In the video Smoke answers the second test (Two). As in the video both two radio set to channel 1.

    In the video my plane go to the Cat1, and Smoke goes to the Cat2 at the same time. In my computer I take off from Cat2 (I can't navigate to the Cat1, because Smoke is in my way) after this Smoke goes to the Cat2 to take off.

    In my computer after take off I go to the waypoint 1, but Smoke goes the opposite way. In the video Smoke goes with me in formation.
    After second turn around waypoint 2 Smoke begins to go towards me.

    Maybe I misunderstand something, but I think these are bugs. I played two campaigns, when I had to change radio channels both of the radios, and I have not encountered such errors.

    Please check the working of this mission!

  2. Hi!

    I bought this campaign, and unfortunately I have a problem with it. I played several campaigns and I didn't find that kind of problem. The radio communications doesn't work. I checked some uploaded youtube videos what shows what I should to do. These videos has a lot of communications what I can't hear in my computer.

    What could be the problem?

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