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  1. TKhaos's post in About to give up on issues was marked as the answer   
    You got two things in your files, one is VCRuntime140.DLL error in dxdiag.txt which apparently crashed DCS.exe, you can try to sort that by a post I did earlier:
    In the DCS log there's quite a few "out of memory" errors, forget that you have 32GB of RAM as plenty of people run on that, but 64GB is better and check your Virtual Memory.
  2. TKhaos's post in Fictional U.S. Coast Guard A-10A skin request was marked as the answer   
    Download this file, it's for the A-10C but works fine with the A-10A.
    Open your DCS Saved Games, if you don't know how just type %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games into Windows Search and select the DCS folder
    If it's not already there create a Liveries folder and create a new folder called A-10A so you end up with DCS\Liveries\A-10A
    Copy the unzipped contents of the downloaded file across which will be USCG Clean and USCG Dirty then just select them off the loadout menu as normal
    You will end up with:
    DCS\Liveries\A-10A\USCG Dirty
    DCS\Liveries\A-10A\USCG Clean
  3. TKhaos's post in Some DDS files no longer working... was marked as the answer   
    XnConvert and ImageMagick both do batch file conversion of DDS.
  4. TKhaos's post in Some DDS files no longer working... was marked as the answer   
    XnConvert and ImageMagick both do batch file conversion of DDS.
  5. TKhaos's post in No map in mission editor? was marked as the answer   
    Start the game in MT, it's ST that is apparently causing the problem.
    Just noticed you are on Steam, probably already know how to get there but just in case
    Click on DCS World in your libriary then either click on the cog on the right side or right click the mouse on DCS World itself and select properties. On the General tab make sure the lauch option is Play MT Preview.
  6. TKhaos's post in Is Resizable BAR enabled in DCS? was marked as the answer   
    Think they are referring to the Resizable Bar for the Nvidia GPU, or SAM on the AMD. I've got it enabled on my system and never noticed any problems and as far as I know it's used in DCS, least they posted about it maybe two or three years ago.
  7. TKhaos's post in Nromandy map NOT AUTHORIZED?? was marked as the answer   
    It was on the DCS side, they were displaying a massive red banner along the top of screen with 'Authorisation Issues' written in it, also there was posts from ED staff stating there was a problem they were working on. I copied and posted this in multiple places, guess I forgot here

  8. TKhaos's post in Helmet display offset to left of line of sight was marked as the answer   
    I think it you go into settings and select the Special tab on some of the aircraft you can set it to left, right or both. I might be thinking of something different but sure it's the helmet display. Needs to be done in the settings from the main menu.
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