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About jcommdcs

  • Birthday 05/22/1964

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, X-Plane 12, MSFS 2020, Prepar3d.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Aviation, Astronomy and Cosmology, Computer Science, Sexy Womene

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  1. I would like to get your feedback regarding the SMT option (AMD multithreading) for a Ryzen 5600x, 6 core CPU I am using. My GPU is a Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti with "just" 8 GB. Should I enable SMT to get the 12 virtual CPUs instead of the default 6, now that DCS is "natively" multithreaded ? Thanks for any opinions / hints ! EDIT: Well, should have used the "Search" engine, I know...
  2. Sorry for my rather basic question but what is SRS? Is it a module/asset?
  3. That's it : - how can the calculated wind vector be displayed in the Navigation Display either when in the HSD or in Map view? I am not sure the "feature" is available in the real avionics, but I guess it most probably is? Thx! P.S.: Ooops sorry, just used the SEARCH function of the forums and this was already a subject Will read there and see if it's answered already
  4. I just installed DCS World 2.9 after a few years away from the tittle, just to try the new CH 47 and most probably one of the new Maps, as well as the F-16 (waiting for a Sale...) I found a few new settings under SYSTEM, such as the possibility to set a MAX FPS without having to write it in the "autoexec,cfg" conf file :-) I am setting MAX FPS = 30 and yesterday I decided to also enable VSync since my monitor is 60Hz. Can these two settings coexist peacefully without causing impact in performance? Should I leave the MAX FPS = 30 and disable VSync? What I look for are a stable 30 FPS in my system (specs in the signature). Thank you guys for any hints / suggestions
  5. Does it make sense? In the Graphics Options I have set Limit FPS = 30, but now I also enabled VSync (my monitor is 60Hz). Should I keep it that way, or maintain max fps = 30 and disable VSync ? P.S.: I just want to have the smoothest performance at 30 FPS. Thx for any hints / suggestions !
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