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RPY Variable

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Posts posted by RPY Variable

  1. On 5/7/2024 at 4:06 AM, Flappie said:

    I've just tried lauching some Iglas at an AI Hornet. It often takes two missiles, sometimes just one if shot from behind. If you have a track which shows something worse, please bring it in.

    Ka-50 Igla vs AI Hornet_2 hits_v1.trk 143.25 kB · 0 downloads Ka-50 Igla vs AI Hornet_2 hits_v2.trk 124.6 kB · 3 downloads Ka-50 Igla vs AI Hornet_2 hits_v3.trk 125.12 kB · 3 downloads

    Two missiles hits is almost a unicorn... "it often takes two missile". This is a missile, not a machine gun. It should be -> It often takes one missile, not the other way around. And we are talking about a hornet, a small aircraft, that it cannot have the engines closer together than it has them, it should be one of the mos fragile airframes of all.

  2. 9 hours ago, Nealius said:

    Having been personally hit by Iglas in both the F-16 and F/A-18 multiple times, I don't see an issue with the small warhead modeling. In the majority of cases I'm damaged enough to require ejection within a few minutes after being hit; usually fuel leak. I suspect this is an issue with AI damage modeling moreso than it is with the Igla itself.


    A pretty effective "small warhead". And I'm talking 100% pvp no AI.

    I get that it may not be a 100% effective. But having to shoot twice every time it doesn't map with reality. In most of the cases, you need to impact twice to shot and F-18... an F-14 will most likely survive. A-10 will certainly continue flying. The chance of taking down an aircraft with one Igla hit is +- 20%, which in my opinion, 20% should be more close to the chance of flying away, they are made of papier mache.

    A HE 20mm projectile weights +- 130 grams, and Igla warhead (which is more sophisticated) weights 9 times more... If Igla had the damaging power of 9 HE impacts, we would not be having this discussion. I know that it is not an apples to apples comparison, but argumentatively it is much more valid and closer to reality than "I think it is well modeled."

  3. https://streamable.com/5aft7v

    Shot 2 Igla's to an F-14, and he went happily back home. Today I must have shoot and hit 10 different aircraft with at least 2 Iglas. I was only able to get kills for 5.

    Maybe one went down with only one Igla only (F-18) out of 12 "encounters".

    +-80% of the cases are like this F-18 screenshots. Hit, debris, and the aircraft continue.

    I get that the missile if not an apocalyptic weapon, but it is design to shot down military aerial crafts. I get that in real life maybe 10%, 20%, 30% or 40% of the cases it doesn't shoot down an aircraft, but I doubt that 90% it doesn't manage to down and aircraft..

    Add to this that you need like 4 Vikhr to shot down an AH-64 if you hit it from the front and in my  ka-50 I go down with one hellfire.



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  4. I just remember I made a post about this problem in 2019, 5 years ago. I hope by next time... 2029/2030 we have a working gbu-24... I don't want to be that "that guy" but come on man, it can't be that difficult.
    It is the most capable A/G weapon of the F-14, F-16, F-18 (in 80's 90's scenarios) it should have some priority.


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  5. This ruined all my DCS sessions this weekend. Is lost hours in multiplayer trying to figure out why mavericks would aim with a 45° deviation. This "feature" which is a pin in the ass while is working fine (not that I don't want it to be realistic, just a description), but adding a bug to that... men. Plus now I need to turn off the TGP and then turn it on again after rearm, wait for it... really inconvenient.

    I found this post in bug report F-16 forum this morning on my phone, trying to find if there was a bug of some kind with boresight. But if I hadn't looked this morning, I would still not know what the problem was, because the post was moved. Believe it or not, this post is useful for users, because we can be aware of the state of the module when we search for possible bugs. The bug report forum work not only for reports but for user knowledge of current bugs.

    And adding to the subject. Shouldn’t the BSGT label on the MFD be always showing? (like in the F-16 manuals available). It is really cumbersome the need to be tracking something in order for the BRGT label to appear. There is really no need for that logically, because you are just telling a microprocessor "save this value as center", so that get me thinking, does it work like this in reality? I get it that, while flying, you may want to do it like that, but there is no reason for it while on the ground. Again, every image of a AGM-65 MFD page that you'll find in a manual is showing the BSGT lable, like as if you can boresight anytime.

  6. This bomb should fly almost horizontal when dropped at speed. In DCS it is just a normal GBU with a slightly attenuated parabolic trajectory. If you want to have a more or less decent distance you need to drop, let's say, mach 1.2 35.000, and it almost goes on a 45° dive to the target, which goes against the essence of this bomb. In DCS it has a glide ratio of 2.5 or less, which is ridiculously low if you compare it with this video and common sense.

    Note that the bomb drops like a normal bomb, then the autopilot kicks gliding with a much more shallow angle. Int not going to make a CFD study of the bomb, but 2/2.5glide ratio (, when dropped at 500kn, seems way too low. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1) The effect seems to be too sudden. Today I black out on almost all merges. 

    2) From changelog: "This is most useful AFTER performing a G warmup (4 to 5 G for 90-degrees, and then the same maneuver back in the other direction)." Why 90° in one direction, and then 90° in the other direction??? I find it kind of arcade. Like if matter which side you are pulling, there is no difference for the body. For example, G-Force centrifuges only rotate in one direction. In my opinion it should be, X amount of G's X amount of time and that's it.

  8. 13 hours ago, Panny said:

    That is utter speculation and there is no substance to that statement. I'd look forward to your evidence that HB would do such a thing beyond your interpretation.

    I actually think the release of the F-4 will make the F1 even more popular. Currently there isn't a directly comparable 3rd gen aircraft to the F1 in DCS, with the CE being a mid70s vintage. The F-4E that we get is early 70s, and aside from being a more complex two seater, have similar capabilities. I suspect people will jump in to the F-4 and become naturally interested in trying other aircraft, and most particularly the likes of the F1 and future MiG-23. Principally because the Mirage and Phantom complement each other in terms of gameplay - not compete. The presence of both serve to greatly enrich the Cold War gameplay potential DCS has. 

    I am talking about the reason for the hasty announcement of the F-4 and you are talking about the effects that the launch of the F-4 will have on the sales of the F-1. They are two different things. Beyond that I don't agree either since it is like saying that the Toyota Corolla does not compete for sales against the Honda Civic.

  9. 2 hours ago, Bozon said:

    Had I known that the Phantom will be delayed so much, I would have bought it already. I figured two complex planes (for me, I’m a warbirds guy) will be too much to learn in parallel. F1 is definitely on my list now, and the moment I’ll be ready for another jet module, this is going to be it.


    That is precisely why they announced the F-4 just when Aerges was about to release the F-1. With the promise that the F-4 would be available before the end of the year. In this way, they induce several people not buy the F-1 and wait for the F-4... in the end, the wait turned out to be more than two years, but they achieved their goal. These are the rules of the market, but a very unhappy move if you ask me.

  10. ED degrades RED coalition GPS accuracy. So take that into account. If you drop a gbu-38 from a BLUE F-16 you may have a CEP(circular error probable) up to 6m, if you drop from a RED F-16 you will have a CEP up to 50. You will have a better accuracy with a dumb bomb CCRP release. I didn't test if it affects J-17, but I suppose it does.

  11. On 2/7/2024 at 9:19 PM, SickSidewinder9 said:

    You may need to hit TMS down twice.  First time seems to "unlock" it from something, 2nd time seems to recenter it on the steerpoint.  No idea what the correct behavior should be, but TGP slewing messes with the nav system steering cues so much that I'm now just making sure to hit TMS down several times before going back to Nav mode, after changing steerpoints in AG mode, etc.

    Hit it 10 times, it does the same thing. I think is broken.

  12. 8 hours ago, Lord Vader said:

    Hello all

    After we reviewed the tracks and observed the conditions, we believe we have found the culprit for your reports.

    It's actually a feature in DCS, regarding GPS quality.

    In your track @RPY Variable your F-16C is set to the Red Coalition. As such, the GPS quality is by default much lower than the Blue Coalition. In order to mitigate this, you can select "unrestricted sat nav" option in the Mission Editor or just select a Blue coalition side. 

    I tested this myself with the DCS: F-16C Viper and with the DCS: A-10C II Warthog and you can observe the difference. 

    Without proper or poor GPS guidance, the GBU-38 can have a CEP at about 30m or even more. So this is actually well modelled.

    Thank you for your patience and, yes, this was a tricky one. 

    Thanks for taking the time.

    I understand the argument, I don't say I agree (don't think anyone cares), 30 meters of precision seems a lot to me no matter how bad the GPS is. Even more so with such unverifiable aspects as GPS guided accuracy of eastern world countries. Maybe if BLUE is 5m, then make RED it 10m or 12m, I don't know, but 30m, 40m even 50m seems like much. It is worse than dumb bomb level flight release from 20.000ft.

    Be sure to stick this report on the refrigerator door because it will surely be a constant complaint XD. Thanks again for the time.

    • Like 5
  13. I start with a waypoint over a tank (altitude of the waypoint is as the tank). The TGP point over the waypoint, when I slew the TGP and press CZ, the TGP doesn't go to the tank, but if I do a combination of SP->CZ sometimes it goes to the tank. But if I slew from there and CZ again, it again goes over the tank.

    Sames happens if I do it over a mark-point.

    Shouldn't the TGP start pointing over the tank, and CZ always go to the tank.

    F16 CZ.trk

  14. I release there because I was prepared for someone telling me, "you release from very far away and the bomb had poor energy"... nevertheless. They had plenty of flytime.

    Based on what has been shown, I don't see any debate.

    Next image is Mk-82 dumb bomb release on level CCRP, same altitude, same all. Almost same accuracy as gbu38.

    This is nothing new, it has been like this for quite some time now.


  15. 7 hours ago, BIGNEWY said:

    Please ensure you are using the laser to get the correct range for the target, this will ensure the CEP is much smaller. 

    thank you 

    Why so fast with the  "correct as it is"? This has no sense.

    1) If there were drift between the target and the waypoint, for example 30 meter to the left, the bomb should fall away from the target (+-30m to the left), but with the same CPG. All bomb should fall near each other, because there is an offset, but the bomb accuracy (CPG) shouldn't change. Image attached showing what I mean.

    2) The waypoint was in place in the editor, the mission was just started, so there should be no error, and what shows that there is no error is the TGP pointing to the tank, which was CZ, it was not slewed at any time. In this case, it should work as a B2 with preplan waypoints. Is a INS/GPS bomb.

    3) They are also very apart in azimuth, so it not a distance (laser) thing.

    4) I tried with lase, almost same result. Image attached.


    cpg laser.jpg

    F16 GBU38 CEP with Laser.trk

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  16. 1) Why sometimes I'm able to get my selected waypoint showing on the RDR screen and sometimes not?
    2) Why sometimes I'm able to get the lines between waypoints shown on the HSD and sometimes not?

    If any JF17 veteran is able to clarify my doubt, I would be very grateful.

  17. I don't know where the "the gun is tilted down specifically to target ground targets" myth came from. But people keep repeating and repeating... The gun has the angle that it has because it is located under the fuselage, so it can't be tilted up, like in western fighters to gain more lead. It is the same arrangement of the mig-21 and nobody is repeating that mig-21 "the gun is tilted down specifically to target ground targets". Or the F-4, again mounted under the fuselage, and tilted is tilted down quite a couple of degrees.

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