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About DCDBerris

  • Birthday 09/29/1970

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS / MSFS
  • Location
  1. Thanks for the idea of checking the mouse look. Once I worked out I needed to restart DCS without opentrack running for that to work, I discovered that the HMS/NVG follow the mouse view 100%. Thus I at least know that it is something with Opentrack or the implementation of the IR Tracking element that is the issue.
  2. Hi All. I am using an Open track setup with triple screens on my sim rig. The best setting in Open track for Yaw is 90 deg input to get 120 deg output so that i get a linear rate to be able to look just about all the way behind me when I look at the edge of my outer screens. The trouble is when I use a helmet mounted display (ala A10C II) or NVGs in any aircraft, the rate of yaw of the HMS doesn't match the rate of yaw of the view. In the attached picture the red line represents where I am facing; when I look to the right I can look to the edge of my right screen, but the HMS display only goes about half way. I have played about with a number of settings but the only way I can get the HMS to match the slew of the view is to set the max input to 20 deg and the output to 140 deg but the slew is too fast to be useable and the views slews beyond the 6 o'clock. Has anyone else got this issue, or had it and can tell me what setting I should be looking for? I can't find anything relating to the HMS settings and I have played about with track IR settings in DCS but no success. I am not afraid to play with LUA scripts having repositioned all the comms popups, but knowing where to find the right settings is the challenge, if it is possible.
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