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About marktheshark

  • Birthday 09/09/2010

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  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Pheonix, United States
  • Interests
    Military Aviation, Scale modeling, DCS

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  1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has an F/A-18C profile for the Ursa Minor fighter stick and TM Warthog throttle.
  2. I have one more question if thats ok Should I use STT or TWS to shoot AMRAAMs? Thank you all for replying Mark
  3. Thanks everyone for helping Have a good day
  4. So lets say I'm at 40k ft Mach 1.5 and there is a f-16 at 45k mach 1.7. At what range should i shoot? Also what do mean by temperature? Thanks for helping
  5. I know that all too well... How do I counter?
  6. Hi everyone I am having some trouble in the growling sidewinder pvp server in my f18. Im pretty new but I know how to work all the systems and I get kills sometimes but not often. One of the main things that I want to learn is good launch parameters for AMRAAMs and also gaining SA and anticipating my opponents moves. Thanks in advance Mark
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