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Posts posted by csevers

  1. Hello,


    I recently upgraded my video card and Lockon 1.1 ran once fine. I then went to run it again and now every time I go to fly, either quick start or missions, it goes to the loading screen and loads all the way then restarts my computer. I poked around a bit and found a errors.log and Error.log, the contents of both files are below. I completely uninstalled LockOn 1.1 and 1.0, then reinstalled LockOn 1.0 and it ran fine. I then installed 1.1 on top of it and it restarts the computer every time I try to fly.


    I would appreciate help with this as I am completely unable to play.


    The last time I tried to run the game was 5/13/05 at 15:50, this is when the logs are from.




    5/13/2005 15:50

    Command Line :






    5/13/2005 15:50 V502031740

    TrackIR DLL path: C:\Program Files\Naturalpoint\TrackIR4\

    NPClient interface -- initialize OK

    NPClient : Window handle registration successful

    NPClient : NaturalPoint software version is 4.00

    NPClient : Data transmission started

    TrackIR DLL path: C:\Program Files\Naturalpoint\TrackIR4\

    NPClient interface -- initialize OK

    NPClient : Window handle registration successful

    NPClient : NaturalPoint software version is 4.00

    NPClient : Data transmission started

    Dispatcher: track version = 502031740

    Dispatcher: initial random seed = 4656796

    Dispatcher: apply random seed = 4656796

    Cosmos: Mission date assigned - Year:2004, Month:6, Day:22

    DXDefTexture: failed to load knopki.tga, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load pribory-1-39.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-red.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-blue.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-cherry.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load TRAVA-2.TGA, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    wHumanPlane::Init(InitData): New Flight Model of the Su-25T: Init starting...

    wHumanPlane::Init(InitData): New Flight Model Init finished.


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