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Posts posted by rkracht01

  1. I would like to set up either the touch ir+ with my ipad2 and/or iControl app on my ipad2. I purchased both but I would like simple step by step installation instructions. With the touch ir+ for ipad, you download a zip file with multiple zip files included and the instructions assume you know exactly what the developer knows. If you could help, or know where there is a simple step by step set of instructions for both the touch ir+ app and the iControl app for installation on my ipad, it would be appreciated. Thanks

  2. Thanks. I will try remapping to the Saitek. As to your side note, all of the remapping I was referring to was done in the A10-C options, controls section.


    I will try remapping as you suggest tonight.



  3. I deleted the keyboard.lua file as you suggested. I then went into a mission and it started after pushing the Pause button and worked perfectly. I then engaged the active pause using the LShift + LWin + Pause keys and it both engaged and released as it should. So thanks for the assistance. Much appreciated.


    I would like to be able to remap the active pause buttons so that I can use one button on my joystick or throttle. Can you walk me through that process so I do not screw it up this time?



  4. I changed active pause (LShift + LWin + Pause) to LShift + Pause. For some reason, it switched the formt to +Pause + LShift.


    I then had to put Pause in as a modifier and then the Pause entry in the keyboard Control screen was higliighted in red indicating some type of a problem and it locked up and I had to go to task manager to close the program.


    Since that event my other attempts to correct the problem with the Pause key failed. I may have to uninstall the program and reload and then go back in a reprogram my Siatek X52 Pro.


    Not sure what to do absent uninstall and reinstall at this point.

  5. Key Mapping for Active Pause


    I reviewed a few of the posts regarding accessing the active pause feature. I too had a problem with the key commands and attempted to remap the keys using LShift and Pause. Now when any mission loads and I push the Pause key to start the mission, nothing happens and I cannot start any mission but I can pan the camera around the cockpit, but no switches work and I cannot start the sim. I cleared the keys and reset them via default. need help

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