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Posts posted by RZero

  1. Yes seems ok lomac 1st then FC then may be patch 1.12a then the addons, You dont need to install stutter fix as they are all included in the 1.12+ patches. As for addons ie cockpits etc make sure they are compatable with 1.1+ because they could be the problems using older addons. Add the seasons packs when you want, but as you install I would say install lomac 1.0 test to make sure it runs, then install FC then make sure it runs then install 1.12a then make it runs then add all the extras.

  2. and here is my last crashlog:

    22/04/2006 23:51 V512091930

    DXProceduralTexture: failed to create, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL.

    Dispatcher: track version = 512091930

    Dispatcher: initial random seed = 2710546

    Dispatcher: apply random seed = 2710546

    Cosmos: Mission date assigned - Year:2004, Month:6, Day:22

    DXDefTexture: failed to load C-130-PAINT-DEF1.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-red.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-blue.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-cherry.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    DXDefTexture: failed to load TRAVA-2.TGA, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

    View::GetCameraViewAngleLimits: ./Config/View/View.lua:70: attempt to index global `CameraViewAngleLimits' (a nil value)

    Warning: (texture class Graphics: DXFontTexture) must be loaded to step 2, step 1 reported.

    Warning: MP_00_00.BMP (texture class CddsTextureItem) must be loaded to step 3, step 2 reported.



    hope you can make something out of it!




    looking even more like an inproper install of lomac and or FC, as for chkdsk you should say yes and restart your comp ;)

  3. DXProceduralTexture: failed to create, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL.

    Dispatcher: track version = 512091930

    Dispatcher: initial random seed = 890578

    Dispatcher: apply random seed = 890578

    Cosmos: Mission date assigned - Year:2004, Month:6, Day:22


    Ok all i can tell from this is the game/patch hasnt been installed propley and searching on the net for the errors Ive found one on a german site that says the same. Also make sure your running Direct X 9.c they may be some conflict with your card but I cant find anything that there is a conflict, also do you have netframework 1.1+ installed the new Cats need it to run its config program so you can edit your settings, still think format and install is OTT may be using the command consol to do some basic system checks. go in to start menu then run then type in cmd.


    then at the promt type in chkdsk and see if it picks any problems up.

    if it does you can use chkdsk /f this should force windows to fix the problems if its none of the above( the /f can take along time depending on how many files are on it), but if you feel formating and reinstalling windows in some you want to try then do so and see if that works :cry:

  4. ok the log you get can you save it and email it me?

    If the omega drivers didnt fix it then there is some thing else I find it hard to be the 3d card becasue it fuctions ok with other games. You have tested your RAM so its norrowing down abit. There is some conflict some where but because you are not getting a log file for lomac tells me its some thing on the system. May be installing the MOBO drivers again. I know this may sound dumb but are you running Xp sp2? a lot the new drivers need sp2 to function corectly. A compleat format and install can be a bit OTT.


    But I am running out of idea's my self try posting here as well with your drwtsn log http://www.geekstogo.com/ I have used these guys befor and solved alot problems Ive had in the past.


    Also Ive been looking into your board and found this http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?p=1713869 could be worth looking into your device manager also this will show any hardware conflicts/problems (sorry dont know why I didnt think of this 1st) do you know how to get to your system info? there is info section there that tells you whats sharing and conflicting.

  5. watson 32 gave me this:

    C:\windows\system32\dwwin.exe 80000003 ntdll!DbgBreakPoin(7C951230)

    can you understand something of it?



    Ok 800000003 is just an indecation that its a system error DbgBreakpoint(7c951230) this is a Debug breakpoint the 7c9 etc I dont know what this is,


    and the fact drwtsn32 doesnt give a log for ubi like the attachment does, the log it shows can you click on View? it should give you a compleat logfile of what it is and where the error is being casued.

    It could be driver related but not sure if its your card drivers or some thing else like sound drivers, to test to see if its your card drivers try using Omega drivers insted, see if this sorts the problem out. If not then we no its not your card.


    Right Ive all so done some digging on this code 0x00030006 this is some thing to do with PCI address config. do you have a sound card? and are all your new MOBO drivers upto date? dont forget the disk you get are old drivers check for new ones.


  6. ok here what i am finding for you





    hope these help a little but it could be the game hasnt been installed propley or virtual memory, doom 3 hl2 etc run fine on lower spec computers so using these as some thing to fall back on isnt really a good indication of any thing else, some think like BF2 would be becasue this uses alot of VM, you dont memention what size your Hardrive is but I guess its an Uber size, so up your VM to 2gig double what your RAM is, or there is some hardware conflict with lomac FC check out dr watson on your system or event viewer it will have more details on there may be pointing to where the conflcit is.

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