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Posts posted by Havrixx

  1. I had this happening before the update and it turned out I had to change the microphone from stereo input to webcam mic. It didn't like using the general mic input it needed a specific mic to use as the input. Also check the output speakers.


    Not sure if that helps but whatever



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    That seemed to solve it! Thanks alot! :)

  2. After updating SimpleRadio won't work anymore. As soon as i try to connect to BS's server it shuts down without any error message or anything.


    I get this at the end of the client log.


    20:46:34 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.UdpVoiceHandler Pinging Server

    20:46:34 Ciribob.DCS.SimpleRadio.Standalone.Client.AudioManager Error starting audio Quitting!

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