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Posts posted by Greb

  1. So after purchasing almost every module I have 4 bucks in bonus points.....


    When I purchased the Harrier I got 16 bucks now I have 4 dollars and haven't used any points on anything. I have never used points to purchase anything because these so called points are never available.


    Just more BS from DCS!

  2. Could you PLEASE release the new map on Wed before the weekend (whenever that is)... If you release it on Friday its going to be a huge freegin mess and it will be over the weekend. Instead of flying and getting support it will just piss everyone off.... Release it so we can at lease prep for the weekend


    ...I dont know maybe I'm off here.. I love spending my time off looking at a download screen!

  3. Thanks Greb! Haven't tried the others yet but managed to find and get shot at by the targets in mission 1.


    FYI, the mission briefing is incorrect. It says that targets are at WP6, but actually they're at WP5.


    Thx I’ll correct! Been converting missions so will post more!

  4. Get the ball rolling here!


    As some may know I'm a A10C junky... so I have a ton of missions I have created. I dropped Harriers in a couple. No guarantees here folks but they are good ground pounding Adrenalin mission with some cinematic too. I may need to make some changes...if you like I need some testing but have fun at same time!


    Anyways.....GO KILL!!!!

    SP AV8 Hunt I 158OB.miz

    SP AV8 Hunt II 158OB.miz

    SP AV8 Hunt III 158OB.miz

  5. Who remembers the original Flanker? We've come a long way baby! I remember my buddies giving me shit because it was Russian....funny how they didn't feel the same about Ferrari's just because they're Italian!


  6. Ive been out of the flight sim scene for a few years now. Last year I became very ill and spent a year in a hospital. I had a pressure sore over my tailbone that went sepsis and it almost killed me. It took a year of wound care in a long term facility before I was healed. Needless to say I very far behind on my modules. I also spent the last 25 years as a OTR Truck driver and that really cut into my flying and mission making time.


    I decided to start with the MiG-15bis and I have to say I am in love with that little Airplane. It's amazing what the Soviets could do on so little. I have flown the F86F a bit and compared to the MiG its much more sophisticated. That Soviet philosophy is so apparent in the 15, just like with tanks ...build them tough, build lots of them, and build them at low cost. That being said I love flying it. Belsimtek you did a wonderful job.


    The way I get to know an airplane is to fly it obviously. I have been exploring the NTTR map in the MiG. Getting to know cruising speeds, engine management, and fuel consumption. The flights are very long and I really love the work DCS put into the map. A few days ago I cruised over the NE part of NTTR and did some laps around Hawthorne. I have two friends that grew up there. DCS really nailed it. Walker lake and the truck stop coming into Hawthorne from the North. I even think I see my buddies house. Today I cruised out of Tonopah. took a hard left and cruised along the California border and down into Pahrump, then into Vegas landing at Nellis. Burned almost a full tank and what a beautiful sunset. Once again DCS ....awesome job on the NTTR Map.


    I have started creating missions for the MiG-15bis in 1.5. Been out of the Mission Editor for awhile and getting it all down again. I have a real nice B-29 intercept mission going but I haven't got the bombers and the escorts to my liking yet. ...its a furball though!


    Some Shots of today's flight....Love that MiG baby!







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  7. After being totally out of the flight sim community for almost two years. I'm very happy to be back. Life can be quite involved at times and I was no exception. Divorce and reestablishing ones self is not a overnight feat. I've come around though and glad to be on with flight simming again.


    As many may know I'm a truck driver. I do west to east coast runs and home again and I'm off 4 to 5 days at a pop after being out 2 weeks. I was in Florida when I ordered the warthog and it arrived before I got back home. It took me two days to set up office and it came out nice. Of course I had days on the road to think about how to setup.


    My initial impression is good. Throttle is nice and smooth....love starting up ..setting the throttle...way cool. I was using an x-52 Saitek before and the precision to the warthog is worlds apart. Setting down in the green of the AOA indicator is a breeze. I'm sure it will be much easier in refueling. I'm just going through my targeting stuff now. I have forgotten so much and learning of the button assignments will take some exercise ....but much easier. I also ordered the saitek pro rudders and I love having a rudder system now. I was using the twist stick on the saitek. I also added a 55 inch screen.... If my ex wife saw this setup .....she would be so pissed! Thank god I don't have to worry about that any longer!


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