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Posts posted by Cobra747

  1. Regarding the Aussie stuff they buried their jets after they retired them, unlikely you would get any specifics needed to make their specific late 2000’s -111, something like a desert storm E/F however would probly be eminently doable


    We have one in a museum down here near where I live. A8-109 which was the last RAAF F-111 to shut its engines down. I believe there are others as well but not certain.


    Historical Aircraft Restoration Society



  2. I know im being really dense but I dont have much experience with the mission editor and I cant figure out how to install this/get it working. There is a video on youtube but it displays as private so I cant view it.


    Is there another video available to show how to install/use this?




    Sorry this might not hep but what part of Alerax's instructions are you getting stuck at? (replicated below)


    --- INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    I have simplified the installation significantly. There are largely two parts to the installation, the script and sound files.


    Firstly, here are the steps to install the script file into your mission.


    1 ) Open your mission or create a new one in the Mission Editor.

    2 ) Go to the Trigger panel.

    3 ) On the first column, select new Trigger (rename this to whatever you like), and change condition to “MISSION START”.

    4 ) On the third column, select new Action “Do Script File”. Select open and locate the "Alerax_LSO_Script_Release_v2.5.lua" file.

    5 ) Rename your CV to “Stennis_AI” (case sensitive)

    6 ) Save the mission.


    Secondly, the sound file installation no longer requires you to install each sound file one by one. However, you’ll need a “.zip” file program for this to work. Also, make sure that you close out of the Mission Editor before you do this step, else DCS Mission Editor may overwrite your mission file.


    1 ) Locate and select your mission (.miz) file.

    2 ) Press F2 to rename the mission file and change the “.miz” to “.zip”. This will allow you directly place the sound files into the mission.

    3 ) Open the newly converted .zip file and place the "Alerax_LSO_AI_Script" folder into the root directory (same directory as the “l10n” folder).

    4 ) Close out of the .zip file.

    5 ) Press F2 and rename the mission back from “.zip” to “.miz”.




    If you let me know where you are getting stuck I will try and help.

  3. If you guys are ever in the Sydney area pop down to Wollongong Airport and check out H.A.R.S


    Awesome place with some great aircraft there and growing everyday.


    The Oz Flight Sim Expo will also be held there in Nov i believe.

  4. Hi all-


    I've been a bum and never really updated you guys on the progress. Just spent this past weekend updating the script for the F-14B and attempting to output a flight path tracker for post-flight review. Going to send this out for testing this week and if all goes well, will release the v2.4.




    p.s. If anyone is interested to test, message me and we can connect on discord. I'll max at a couple of people.


    Hi Alerax,


    any update on this? sent you a pm regarding testing but didn't hear anything.


    again, thank you for such an amazing script, it really brings the carrier to life!



  5. I dont know of any way to change an aircraft to spawn in as AI if it was tasked as Client.


    I'd say go with the second option you mentioned. You would need to place four groups in instead of two. Two F-14s where one has a client the the other an identical group but with lead as an AI and the same for the F/A-18 groups.


    Then create a trigger so that if you spawn in the F-14 it triggers the AI F-18 group and visversa.


    Under conditions you could use "Unit Alive" and under Actions "Group activate"


    Dont forget to put the tick in "Late activation" on the AI groups.


    Good luck

  6. Should work. At least it did before the last update. Given the fact you are the only one posting this issue and videos getting published on YouTube from Multiplayer that show no issues with statics, I recommend a look into the dcs.log. Maybe there are some pointers. Next idea would be a DCS repair. Only thing is, I have no experience with the new dedicated Server option.

    in general DCS syncs everything over the same connection, so there is no need for other ports etc. if everything else shows as expected, it is likely something completely different.


    Thanks shagrat


    I thought the same thing and have been trying to find out if it was a pc issue or a connection issue from my end. (router blocking it).


    I have had this problem for at least the last year and gave up trying to work it out.


    Recently I changed ISP hosts and got a new router, unfortunately that hasnt fixed it either.


    Perhaps it was a mission building problem so I got my friend to host my mission and they show up perfectly.


    As others have said just occasionally I get up to two of the statics showing but only ever a max of two and not always the same two.


    Im at a loss and tearing my hair out.



  7. I cant seem to be able to get static items placed on an aircraft carrier to show for clients on a multiplayer server I am hosting.


    They show fine on the hosting pc but now i am using the dedicated server they still arent showing.


    I have the statics "linked" to the Stennis and also have "Offset Fixation" ticked.


    Port 10308 is open on my router.



  8. Read the second post of this thread:


    5.2 Local Control


    A. You can use the same URL as in Remote Control (note: you must be logged in to your DCS account)


    B. Open the .html document


    <DCS base directory>\WebGui\index.html


    from your local file system. This allows local server control without forwarding port 8088 and logging into a DCS account on the DCS homepage.


    That only seems to work on the server pc.


    I tried logging into the dcs website and logging in using the same account as the server pc but it doesnt see any instances of my servers running.


    Guess i'll just stick with Teamviewer for now.



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