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Posts posted by bobdude11

  1. I havew been through every troubleshooting step in the forums and elsewhere.


    APU swith on the throttle works, nothing else does.


    Joystick only works up and down. I don't know if anything else works because I am unable to get the basic flight controls to function (roll etc.)


    Rudders do not work (Thrustmaster TFRP) cause full throttle on left engine and are linked to pitch and roll.


    I clear all of the categories and re;oad joystick and throttle and they remain unusable.


    Clear rudder settings and set the rudder axis and brakes . rudder does not work at all.


    Sadly, at this point I am convinced my monetary outlay for these to use in DCS are a waste of money and I may have to uninstall DCS as I am unable to fly at all.


    I am not sure if I can get a refund for the 3 aircraft I purchased. If not, lesson learned.


    I used to enjoy DCS, but now with the release of the 2.5.x version, it has rendered a $500+ USD HOTAS a waste of money. :cry:


    NOTHING WORKS to correct the non-functional issues with my TM WARTHOG.


    I even set the option to sync the cockpit controls with the HOTAS and that renders my TrackIR useless (because it causes the cockpit to ZOOM into the HUD switch panel and the F12 for TrackIR no longer works.


    I guess my simming days are done.

  2. My system just provides a Windows "Ding" and it drops to the debriefing window. I double checked and I am still activated (re-activated actually) - no event log entries and no error logs being written.

  3. I'm frustrated with the AGM target designator - to date, it has NEVER worked for me - I have only been able to kill ground. So, I will only fly an F-15 or a Russian fighter now and then - ground attack is a waist in my eyes. If I have to contort my hands just to try and get the missile to lock, it takes some of the fun out of the sim.

  4. I just bought the LockOn Platinum Pack ...


    :thumbup:- I have a TrackIR 5 and this was one of the titles - YouTube videos looked REALLY good, so I found it at Target. I have to say: I am absolutely AMAZED at the quality of this sim. I love a good combat flight sim and none I have played have measured up to Falcon 3 or 4 - until now!!

    This is the absolute cool and this thread helped me understand the problem I was having not being able to launch missiles - now I am absolutely lethal (in single player - probably just meat on the table in multi ...) - in any event, now that I know I have to hold the release wepon for a second or two, I am thoroughly loving this one!


    Thanks to all on here that answered this question - you have justified my purchase - I might even get the A-10 and BlackShark sims ... I'm saving my pennies ... :) :pilotfly::thumbup:

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