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Posts posted by Buznee

  1. Why don't we keep both systems. For those that want convenience, log in and no key is required as long as you phone home every x days. If you dont have a reliable internet connection or don't want to phone home then the offline mode requires a key with activation limits. Everyone is happy...

  2. Is there a way to shrink the size of the tool tips box for VR? It is way larger than it needs to be for the amount of text shown inside and it block quite a bit of the view of the rest of the instrument panel when you are hovering the mouse over items.

  3. Just a note. At least on the civil side engine performance and therefore aircraft performance charts for turbine aircraft are based off of minimum guaranteed "specification" installed thrust/power by the engine manufacturer. A new engine will develop higher thrust/power for a given ITT engine limit. As the engine is utilized it degrades in performance due to many losses such as erosion of the blades, increase of blade tip to shroud clearances, degradation of material properties, bearing wear, and engine abuse. This causes a reduction in the the thrust/power for a given ITT. During the design and requirements definition phase, the aircraft manufacturer will ask the engine manufacturer to guarantee a minimum specification power for a certain set of conditions in the proposed flight envelope. Once the engine is installed on the aircraft, the achieved installed thrust/power and installed losses are quantified by the aircraft manufacturer in the testing phase and confirmed to have met the requirements (or not). This data, normalized to the minimum specification power, is utilized to develop the performance charts in the flight manual. Therefore what you see in the charts is most likely based off of minimum guaranteed power/thrust. You would hope that the actual aircraft performance with healthy engines should be better. On the sim side this would all depend on the modeling of the engines. For example on the huey there is an option that allows you to increase the engine health in percent which simulates and engine that provides greater power for a given ITT.

  4. Fantastic! I was curious. Are you guys planning on showing the movement of the flight control sticks? Also is it possible to show the other players mouse cursor? This could be very useful if your fellow crewman is asking about a switch, he could point to it and you would be able to see what he is pointing at. Very useful for communicating and training.

  5. i get 45-90 fps.. on some quick missions and multiplayer. when i taxi out of hanger in multi, im getting like 45 up until i take off.. 1.5 pixel desity


    Thanks so much for the reply. So it sounds like even with the 1080 GTX, greater than 90 fps is not achievable, so my next question is, does timewarp make it feel smooth and without stutters when in the 45 fps range?

  6. Could someone with a GTX 1080 running dcs world and oculus rift cv1 please provide some fps ranges and graphics settings being run? I am thinking about getting the 1080 but would like to know the performance that is achieved with VR and DCS World. Additionally what pixel density is being run?



  7. Other than having the mouse controlled with head movement I think another option that would be fantastic is the mouse pointer coordinates should also be fixed to the cockpit surfaces rather than the pilot view which will make it much easier to keep the mouse on a particular button or switch while you move your head around. This will prevent neck strain from trying to hold your head still to keep the mouse pointer on a particular button. If the mouse pointer goes out of the pilot's field of view a simple arrow on the edge of the view can guide you back to where it is or it can snap back into your view. I think if this coordinate system is an option it can be very popular depending on the player.

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  8. I also have my HTC vive and am excited with it's potential in DCS.


    Some things I noticed that I am sure are work in progress are:


    1. Currently the VR version of the main menu in DCS does not have 6 degree tracking, only 3. Adding 6 degree will make VR feel much more natural and allow you to get closer to the menu. When you only do 3 degrees of motion (rotational only), you get sick quite easily.


    2. Also when you open the ingame menu while you are simming, the menu does not stay in place, it follows your head movement which makes set up of things like controls very difficult, considering that most VR systems do not have a good focus outside of the center field of view. This is due to the limitation in the fresnel lense design. Therefore you are forced to use your eyes to scan for the items which are out of focus instead of your head. Recommend keeping the menu fixed and allow you to rotate your head to look at the various menu pieces. There should also be an option to set the size of the menus to reduce eye fatigue.


    3. Additionally when using the mouse pointer to click on switches in game the 3d position of the pointer is often times closer to you than the cockpit switch you are trying to activate, making pointer alignment on the switch quite difficult and can cause eye fatigue. My recommendation is to allow the pointer to follow the surfaces of the cockpit panels so that the pointer is at the same distance as the object your eyes are focusing on. This may take some implementation but it will be worlds better.


    4. The mouse pointer coordinates should also be fixed to the cockpit surfaces rather than the pilot view which will make it much easier to keep the mouse on a particular button or switch while you move your head around. If the mouse pointer goes out of the pilot's field of view a simple arrow on the edge of the view can guide you back to where it is. I think if this coordinate system is an option it can be very popular depending on the player.


    5. It appears the DCS is working on implementing the tracked controllers into DCS. Right now the hands are backwards and quite large, not sure how eagle dynamics intends to incorporate this feature but we will have to keep our eyes open for updates. My guess is it can be useful for start ups and shutdowns although while flying I plan on using the mouse, hopefully with the above recommended changes.


    Curious what everyone else thinks of my thoughts for improvements here.

  9. If you have a none steam version of dcs do you have to add the dcs executable to the steam OS library? It appears that all HTC VIVE games must be run through the steam OS, since it requires Steam VR. Am I correct in saying that?

  10. I think all the missions are playable, but several of them will be improved with the update.


    The update will better gel the mission files with the briefings and LUCs and a few of the missions have been updated to improve the flow and challenge level.


    I know this isn't directly related to this post Wags, but I really want to get your thoughts on this as I think this will add a great deal of immersion and satisfaction to the campaigns. Is there any thought to making the campaigns coop friendly within DCS 2.0? Basically where you can load them up in your multiplayer server and have your friend join up as your wingman. I have modified previous campaigns such as the KA-50 deployment campaign so that my wingman is a client and it worked fantastically in multiplayer. Having this feature as a native feature within DCS would be a great addition and good selling point since it much more gratifying to fly with another human buddy than playing with the AI as your wingman. Just some thoughts.


    ..and just an expansion to this, I can see this feature working fantastically for multicrew campaign missions as well where the desire is for the player to fly the campaign with his buddy or for a 2 crew aircraft flight with a wingman you can do a 4 person coop. There's lots of potential here. I'm sure you guys have thought of this already.

  11. Fantastic work guys! Steve, not a big deal, small typo but I figured I'd let you know. In the intro PDF there are words that say "The airspace we use for Red Flag is known as the Nevada Test and Training Ranges (NTTR). We’ll be stationed at Nellis AFB for the two-week TDY (temporary duty assignment), and we’ll fly all our missions in the northern half of the NTTR ranges (red bounding box in the map above)."


    The map is actually below the text in the pdf, not above.

  12. Fantastic job getting this out on time. Very interesting plane and looking forward to the training missions and campaign to come.


    This is an observation and may not be a bug so with that said, the landings are easy and you need to come in hot (light craft around 180-190). On touchdown, the nose hangs and you actually have to stick forward.


    Is this the FBW trying to hold the nose up?


    Yes depending on the flight control laws. Most fly by wire aircraft use pitch attitude, angle of attack and/or load factor (G) control for the pitch axis. You can see that the aircraft autotrims itself in flight. This could be a pitch attitude hold function. When you land it will basically continue it's auto trim until it has no more aerodynamic authority and the nose will fall down. It is a good idea to lower the nose before you get too slow, if not the nose may come down quite hard. Also same goes for takeoff. If you command to rotate the nose up for takeoff and you don't have enough speed, the controls will go full hardover to try and get you there and you'll get an abrupt pitch up. It can be a little tricky.

  13. With the harrier I'm very excited about it's application in the dcs environment. You could have an improvised forward operating base setup on a road with some supplies and weapons. The aircraft could be covered underneath a tarp and require you to do a short takeoff from the road. I've seen some videos and documentation showing this as a huge advantage to the harrier. Another mission could be the airstrip was bombed grounding a large amount of the strike aircraft. The harrier could be the last hope for victory :)



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