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Posts posted by GE_22

  1. Thanks for the reply! I did forget to add its link. Your link is to the NewView software I mentioned, but that's a very old version of it. The present version is here:


    http://newview.hruks.com/index.php or http://newview.hruks.com/index_en.php (The Russian pages have much more detailed contents.)


    It has 6DOF support and can be used in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover.


    I suppose some of the developers are familiar with it, since at the bottom of LockOn_1.2.1's readme, there are lines of FAQ as follows:


    Q: Upon mission start, the game does no respond to commands and does no unpause. Some buttons do not work, I am unable to save and restore a control profile.


    A: Most likely your system has either PuntoSwitcher or NewView software installed. Add the simulation executables (launcher.exe and simulator.exe) to PuntoSwitcher exceptions or stop the program while running the game. For NewView, you will need to rename the working NewView folder prior to starting Flaming Cliffs 2.


  2. Please consider supporting the use of NewView in Lock On.


    NewView provides the sim pilot with an extremely wide range of possibilities in camera view control. In comparison, LockOn's view controls are not flexible. Also, some Lock On players previously played the IL-2 Sturmovik series where they used NewView for view control, and they find it hugely inconvenient to abandon NewView while flying LockOn; and there will be more.


    Thank you!




    NewView's website:


    Russian: http://newview.hruks.com/

    English: http://newview.hruks.com/index_en.php

    (The English web pages are far less detailed as those in Russian.)



  3. If so, it seems - this may be too simplistic a deduction - that the missile will never be able to achieve a direct hit on its target and detonate upon contact, because the preximity fuse, with a uniform sensitivity distance in all directions, will always detonate the missile when it is still, for example, 5 meters away from the target.


    Or perhaps there are other factors that, together with distance, decide whether the missile will explode.

  4. Wishes about Custom Snap Views in LockOn's controls:


    1. Let the user have the option of letting a "Custom Snap View" remain where it goes (no jumping back to a previous view position) after pressing its keys and releasing them (eg, Num6-LWin).


    I mean, you don't have to hold the key(s) down any more for a custom snap view to remain at its postion.


    2. Let the user have the freedom of having as many Custom Snap Views as he wants to. That is, something like a "Create Custom Snap View" button.

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  5. OMG, it's called lift lines! (Inaccurate name, I think. At least the mod referred to has many other lines that are not lift vector lines.)


    I've found that one I was talking about. Thanks a lot aaron886!


    BTW, do these lines exist in real life?

  6. I once saw a Lock On video in which the jet's canopy glass had some lines painted on it, indicating 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock, the lift vector, and so on. I don't know the name of the mod, and my search on the internet has had no result.


    Does anyone know what mod it is or where to download it?



  7. I have two tough questions to which I hope there are solutions:

    . How can I make a "Custom Snap View" stay where it goes (no jumping back) after pressing its key and releasing it (eg, Num6-LWin)?


    I mean, you don't have to hold the key(s) down any more for a custom snap view to remain at its postion.


    . There are currently only 10 Custom Snap Views in Lock On FC2. Is it possible to increase the number of them given by the game?

    Or is there any mod or application that can tweak these?


    Thanks in advance!

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