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About Avantar

  • Birthday 07/08/1983

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS 2.0 with NTTR
    Black Shark 2
    Falcon BMS 4.33
    Flight Simulator X
    Rise of Flight
    Cliffs of Dover
  • Location
  • Interests
    Flying (private airplane and glider pilot), modelling, combat simulators
  • Occupation
    corporate rat

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  1. hey there, I wonder if you´re OK. havent heared anything from you in a long time here on the board. I hope you´re good and just lost interest in DCS or your software. Please show a proof of life.
    Hoping all the best



  2. Hi guys. I am taking notes on multiple requesta I’ve seen here. Some of them are fairly simple (shorter time for „long press”), some are more difficult but in works (different code pages and keyboard layouts). as for HIND, I dont have the module myself but when ai start 2weeks of free play I can debug. i know the changes are slow but I am leading a DCS squadron, fly real planes in free time, work and take care of my family so finding time to support rs mapper is not sometiing I find often. (But I do and I intend to finish announced functionality. In time )
  3. Hi guys. I've just released a small update to RS Mapper with couple of bug fixed. by the way, I am still around and playing with RS Mapper but family, work, leading F-16 squadron and flying in real life takes awfully lot of my time so I may seem to be quiet for times Cheers, Avantar
  4. guys, sorry for a bit of slow responses this month - I've been on sick leave a bit and later needed to catch up with work so didn't have much time for RS mapper problems / tweaks ect. I am starting my holiday on Monday and I hope to find some time during next 2 weeks to review what bug fixes and changes need to be done
  5. hi Sobe, can you tell me what exactly is the problem? You mention continous key on .51 - does it always happen for you or just with some combination of actions?
  6. Hi Gayle, Couple questions for you - do you use standard english keyboard layout? - Could you try to open a notepad, and try to press the Warthohg button with RS Mapper running? What character gets typed into the notpead? - Do you run RS Mapper with admin rights? Cheers, Avantar
  7. I am a bit puzzled by this. Do you have those MFDs and Warthog connected directly to PC or by (un)powered USB HUB? If they are detected in the Windows they, well, must be detected by RS Mapper. Could you try and unplug and re-plug those devices? and only then start RS mapper? Thanks. Avantar
  8. OK, what you are seeing is "may be dangerous" warning that windows 10 displays if MS servers does not cache a lot of downloads of the file. Most likely this will never disappear because well, to be honest you wont have thousands of downloads of RS Mapper, the "market" is too small. Also, the zip file contains an unsigned .exe file - I would have to pay for certificate to sign it and since this is non-profit app- well, I will most likely not do that. Having said that - I had this warning myself on my PCs :)
  9. Hi Dunx. Is it just Windows complaining about lack of signied certificate or Windows Defender blocks the .exe? can you give me a screenshot? Avantar
  10. Hi folks. I've released version 0.51 with fixed action deleting. Testing did not reveal anything else so I think the version is good to go. Enjoy.
  11. Just a quick update. I've got the "delete" button fixed but I want to do some more tests first so to avoid releasing an Open-Beta Early Access version. as to donation link - I think I put it in "about" box in the app :) I'll try to release new RS Mapper by the end of the week (need to hide new "in-developnent" features too...) Cheers, Avantar
  12. Indeed :) You've found a bug. thanks for reporting, gonna fix it as soon as I can release new version.
  13. What language settings are you using? Keyboard layout / Windows language. And which version of RS Mapper are you using?
  14. Unfortunately no, the RS Mapper is not and will not be an open source application. Avantar.
  15. Hi there. Can you send me (here or email) what error message do you get? Also seeing your .RSMapper file would be a help. Cheers, Avantar
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