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Posts posted by =RAF=Armen

  1. В 02.06.2024 в 20:26, Rokman сказал:

    Уважаемый автор кампании!!!Можно поправить свою поделку до играбельного состояния?Всё таки люди деньги заплатили,а поиграть не получается.

    Уважаемый Rokman, можно трэк или хотя бы видео чтобы можно было понять, почему у Вас не работает? У меня на актуальной версии DCS без модов - все работает.

  2. В 17.11.2023 в 00:42, Kolibri сказал:

    Now there is a new issue with M3. When spawning both helicopters spawn on exactly same spot and we just explode...
    Ok, so this one doesn't appear every time, but I launched mission 10 times and out of those tries 7 times it happened. 3 times I spawned correctly and could fly the mission - until the next issue.

    Second issue comes to play when you land to pick up troops. I land, pilot gives command to troops to board, troops start walking towards the helo, stop next to it and never enter. Nothing happens. Ever. They just stand there.



    I couldn't reproduce the problem myself.

  3. 19 минут назад, shwed сказал:

    А я на "Радио охоте" споткнулся, когда прилетаем к ущелью и говорят патрулировать к тоннелю и обратно, лечу к тоннелю, радиокомпас ловит бармалеев, и все, больше ничего не происходит. Облетал там все, в надежде зацепить тригер, но нет.

    Спасибо, посмотрю.

  4. 4 часа назад, WaffenCat сказал:

    День добрый.

    На текущей версии Open Beta, с DLSS и многопоточностью - кампания корректно работает? 

    А то ведь давно создавалась…


    Спросил, так как планирую прохождение сообразить в прямом эфире. 


    Да, должно работать.

  5. 51 минуту назад, Kane сказал:

    Спасибо большое за кампанию! Проходится небыстро (моим навыкам ещё расти и расти), но с удовольствием.

    Что отметил.

    В "Бандитском лагере" приземлился в середину группы наших бойцов. Никто не отреагировал, даже когда я вплотную подрулил к "Тиграм" и бойцам возле них. Странно выглядит - стоит группа в двух метрах от вертолета, смотрит на тебя, и ничего. Переместился им за спину - триггер сработал, как положено. Может, есть смысл расширить зону реакции или чётко указать пилоту, что сесть надо не просто где-то рядом, а именно в определенном месте?

    В "Патруле" немного отклонился от ЛЗП вправо, в результате первую заставу облетел чуть в стороне, наблюдал ее слева. В итоге не сработал триггер при подходе к следующей заставе. Влияет ли это на прохождение миссии - не знаю, без генераторов и одного двигателя и со сдыхающим вторым вертолёт летит как-то не очень, но тем не менее.

    Спаибо за отзыв!

    В миссии "Бандитский лагерь" место посадки должно быть обозачено дымом.

  6. 14 минут назад, jetsimace сказал:

    Do you have any new campaign plans?

    Maybe for Mi-24 in Syria map?

    Currently working on a campaign for Apache on the Syria map. But the project is still at an early stage.

    • Like 3
  7. 11 минут назад, kaiseracd сказал:


    For mission 3 I managed to finish it without problems once the wingman managed to take off. I noticed that if you start and take off really quickly, the winger doesn't return to the ground and can then follow me.

    But, (and I think it's the same for all missions starting at Otkrytka FARP) I have this problem again during mission 7, and in addition, on the first try I arrived a few minutes early at the meeting point so I waited until 10:30 at WP3.

    I had the radio exchange with the MI-8 where he said: "approaching the meeting point", then nothing! the helicopter never came, forced to stop the mission... On the second try, I took my time to start and arrive at the exact time, but the wingman did his trick of returning to the ground again and shut off the engines.

    So I have the following problem: if I start quickly because of the wingman I arrive early and nothing happens at WP3, but if I wait the wingman does anything. I have to say that this campaign is getting annoying with all these problems. I was about to buy Pandemic campaign, but I don't really want to anymore when I see the problems of Border prequel...

    Did you test it with beta testers before publishing it? because there, honestly, I have the impression of playing an alpha version. For the price I think there shouldn't be such big problems.


    Of course, the campaign was tested many times before release.  And at the time of release everything worked fine.  The fact that the wingman does not take off is not a bug of the campaign itself, but an error in the behavior of the helicopter AI.  This has already been fixed in the internal version of DCS.  Therefore, I suggest waiting for the next update.  Thank you for your patience.




  8. 1 час назад, PoliticalPuffin сказал:

    Hi Gents,

    I can't tell you how glad I am to have found this post. I too get the issues that @kaiseracd reported above. I am not the greatest of pilots, to say the least, and so I assumed it must be something I am doing wrong. @=RAF=Armen sorry for this stupid question but once a fix is developed would I be correct in assuming that this will get rolled out with an ED DCS update? Is that how this works or will I need to download and install a patch, or what have you?

    Thanks to you both. I trust this finds you both well and doing fine.


    Dave (Puffin)

    Dear Dave,

    You don't need to do anything, the fix will be installed along with the update.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 4 часа назад, kaiseracd сказал:

    Second attempt, there are clearly an issue with this mission.

    Once startup permission obtained, the wingman take-off imediately, before me, and fly (with difficulty) over the FARP. Once i obtain takeoff permission, i take off and fly slowly forward to gain enough speed to take altitude, the wingman land at the position seen in the screenshot above, and cut motors... 

    I hope you can resolve this issue, 



    Yes you are right. There is a problem. I'll fix it.
    Thanks for the report!

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  10. 10 минут назад, jetsimace сказал:

    For whatever reason on my second try the triggers worked (?)
    I can only confirm that the last instructions/directions after taking off from the hospital back to FARP Otkrytka (bearing 136, radionbeacon 960) are wrong: Instead of going south-east (where you will definitely cross the border to the south!) the way back to Orkrytka is north-west and correct radionbeacon is 940.
    Really difficult often is the power / weight management: taking off can be really challenging... pulling too much collective makes the rudder ineffective resulting in an uncontrollable spin (at least for me 😉 )

    All in all, for me the campaign is very interesting with very entertaining missions, but not overly complex and misisons are not too long. Thanks Armen!


    Thank you for your feedback!

  11. 2 часа назад, kotor633 сказал:

    What I would also like to mention: In mission 2 I landed on one of the 4 landing pads in FARP Otkrytka. And then I waited several minutes. But there was no final message that the mission was over. Only when I landed on the landing site from which I had started the mission did the message 'Mission complete' appear. I think here too you could make it clearer in the mission description or during the final landing approach that you have to land on a specific landing site to complete the mission.

    There are no site restrictions at this location, the landing zone covers all 4 sites.  Perhaps you did not fully lower the throttle control and your landing was not protected.

  12. 9 часов назад, kotor633 сказал:

    Hi Armen Murazyan,

    Hi, I just enjoyed mission 2 of the Border campaign. However, I noticed the following: In the briefing it says that the ARK-15 channel for FARP Otkrytka is 940. And for the Hospital at the Tskhinval, the ARK channel is 960. In the mission, after the wounded man is delivered to the hospital, the player is told that the radio beacon for FARP Otkrytka is 960 (see screenshot).



    Thank you for your attention.  This is a typo and will need to be corrected.

  13. 18 минут назад, Antiguedad сказал:

    In several missions wingman chopper is unable to take off and continue flight plan due to the excessive take off weight. Also in a couple of missions I had to call ground crew to reduce my own's chopper weight.

    The campaign is fun to play but these details break immersion a little, please revise initial take off weights.

    Thanks for the feedback.


     In high altitude conditions, helicopters are always difficult.  In all missions, I chose the optimal weapon configuration and fuel supply for the task, in my opinion.  When testing missions, this issue has always been given attention.  With certain skills, takeoff is always possible.  Also in almost all missions there is a good wind that helps.  And I specifically left the opportunity to change weapons at your discretion.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 часов назад, jetsimace сказал:

    Hi all, 
    in mission 1, the Mi-26 transport helicopter ("27") is taxiing in front of me and "holding short of runway 06" as told by ATC Nalchik, but then nothing further happens...maybe this is because there is a soldier standing in the middle of the runway?
    Many thanks


    After permission from the dispatcher, you need to taxi and queue for the Mi-26. Don't be afraid to get closer to the Mi-26. The soldier stands there on purpose so that the Mi-26 does not fly away ahead of time.

    4 часа назад, Quati сказал:

    I played two times and didn't have this issue.

    I wish there was a F10 command to tell 27 that I'm ready to taxi also, so I could start my helicopter in my pace.

    Also think the cruise speed of 27 should be lower. I had to keep my engines above the cruise setting to try to catch 27 and only make it in formation with him near the FARP descend phase.

    You can safely launch at your own pace, the Mi-26 will be waiting for you at the runway.

    At the expense of speed, I tried to set such a pace so that it would not be boring to fly after him)). Do not try to get too close, 200-300 meters will be enough.

    • Like 2
  15. 8 часов назад, l_v сказал:

    Думаете, сколько нужно снарядов 30мм, чтобы остановить двигатель дрона? Все!) Откис только после хедшота

      Скрыть контент

    И после этого героического сражения и подтверждения сбития, мне по дороге к Открытке заявляют, что цель идёт курсом 260 к границе🤔

    Я забил, подумал баг, а оно действительно шло и ушло, и миссию не засчитали.



    Здесь произошло редкое стечение обстоятельств, вы сбили его очень близко к границе и он спланировал за границу. Я когда тестировал миссиию, срезал ему крыло. Рекомендую ставить быстрый темп стрельбы из пушки. А миссию я поправлю чтобы после сбития другие триггеры уже не сработали если даже он упадет на своей территории.  


    Спасибо за отзыв!

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