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Posts posted by SpyderPB6

  1. I am familiar with the LUA style of setting up multiple monitors, main screen chopper, secondary screen SHKVAL and ABRIS. It is easy to do.


    I would like to check out the SoftTH way of doing it though because you can play fullscreen.


    PeterP: What is the best way for someone completely new to SoftTH, interested in it for DCS Blackshark 2, to get into it? Where should I start reading about how to use it?



  2. Hey guys, I searched around a bit for this but didnt see it.


    Sorry if this has been posted or has some really simple fix.


    I startup BS2 and go to the controls and can see that my X52 is mapped by default, and my keyboard works fine in selecting or modifying controls.


    However, when I start the game, load a cold start for example, after getting past the pause/break screen, my keyboard and joystick have no function. The only button on my keyboard that seems to do anything is esc, to leave the game. My mouse works, and I can do everything with that, but no input commands works from my keyboard or joystick.


    I am thinking this is something stupid that I forgot....any pointers? I just re-formatted and redownloaded and installed BS and BS2. It was working fine before....




    Thanks so much,


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