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Posts posted by coilwinder

  1. Writing here (and bumping this post at the same time).

    Up until the updates to 2.0 this trick worked perfectly.

    However, right now, i cannot use this setup anymore. Whatever i do, Rudders always max out. The best i can do is to fully press one pedal to average out the rudders.


    Anyone has trouble with this trick right now?


    Depending on what trick you are refering to. I just tested DCS World 2.0 OpenAlpha (That's what it says on the desktop shortcut at least. I thought it was 2.1 beta or something, but I might misremember). Anyway, the pedal setup post I wrote earlier still works. Perhaps its different from DCS World 2.0 (not OpenAlpha)?



    Off-topic :D

    I haven't really used DCS for years, except a couple of tests with Oculus Rift DK2 some three years ago. I never really got far in it anyway (start, take off and land A-10C :) ), and while I bought Nevada last year I gave up on it because of draconian download system and limited SSD space. Got a shiny new rig, HTC Vive and an SSD with a slightly better space and so I figured I try this again. First flight was pretty fun, awesome random weather turned out to be a thunderstorm with lightning! Mission went fubar ofc, and I kind of even managed to land (forgot to set up wheel brakes lol).

  2. I prefer the 'old' method of torrent download, whereby I could download the entire installer on my low-power study pc, rather than my power-hungry gaming pc.


    Considering how long the download can take, particularly for a new release, I would like the opportunity to keep the installer file/s for a potential re-install.


    - Horsey


    +1 !


    After making room on my SSD, now I'm stuck with this stupid installer without any settings whatsoever, that downloads on the same drive I intended for DCS. Great!

  3. Figures!


    Just got my DK2 (struggling to get it to work, it seems to have a mind of its own.. but for the moment it works). Haven't touched DCS in a long time, and I just had to try this.. but ofc...


    The actual mouse pointer seems to be in the middle of the pointer as seen with the left eye and the right eye through the Rift. The same 2D pointer I think (it just being one display). Hopeless to hit swithces with.

  4. coilwinder your tip is awesome, I don't know how did you figured it out but it works well.


    That's great! But don't thank me, thank Eagle Dynamics and their awesome controller setup! :)


    Btw (about my second post above), I'm still a bit fuzzy on the details of the inverted axis output mapping, perhaps just the display that's not updated. I think it would help a bit if the output indicator could be on the Y axis in the graph also (It't actually a while since I've been using this now, so maybe I'm wrong).

  5. Heheh guys, we already have a wireless trackir solution. It's the regular track clip :)


    I was thinking the same thing :P


    You mean the Hat clip? Nah, that's no where near as accurate as the TCP for Cockpit interaction, I find.


    I wasn't aware of that, I'll have to test that sometime. Soldering up three IR LEDs shouldn't be that much trouble (Making it look good, be comfortable and wireless is perhaps something else).



    Just realised, kinda old thread. But no matter.

  6. Thanks for the reply.


    Yes, thats the window/dialogue that showed up, first for CA, tried retry some times, then BS2, then P-51D and then UH-H1. Same with these (except P-51D, I just skipped it for now).


    They show up both when trying DCS multiplayer, and in normal/singleplayer DCS when trying to start a mission in one of them. I only tried the Huey and BS2 now, they start but I cannot get into the cockpit view in single-player. I assume it thinks it is un-activated, which is kind of true as I have not activated them, only installed via Module Manager.


    In multiplayer I get to the log-in screen after all the failed activations. I didn't log in, just exited afterwards.


    Btw I had them activated before, I have recently reinstalled my OS some four-five days ago.

  7. I had DCS World with A-10C installed from my harddrive, then updated it and found I could no longer install the other titles (the installs were deemed incompatible). So I used the Module Manager and got them installed yesterday, no problem.


    However I didn't try them until just now. For once I thought I should check out some online servers to see what was available, and was greeted with inputting the serial numbers (even if they are visible in Module Manager, and installed).


    And activation fails (I turned off windows firewall just in case). I tried to activate CA, BS2 and the Huey (I also got P-51D), all fails.


    Can I assume there is some problem with an activation server or is there some other issue at hand? (Especially as they are visible in Module Manager with my serial numbers - why activate again?)

  8. I went on migrating current OS path.


    My system has some "minor" problems from time to time and reinstalling is not worth it. I think with horror to reinstall drivers and settings and little this and that... When I will upgrade to Haswell CPU I'll do a reinstall.


    I was thinking, maybe the (BIOS) battery in your motherboard is bad? Causing it to loose settings. About your pause key I have really no idea. Faulty keyboard?


    Btw I'm with you on dreading those complete reinstalls of everything. I also turn off all automatic updating (except antivirus) when things work the way I want.


    (But, as it is a good 3 years and two motherboards since my last install, and I got me a new SSD - first one btw - I thought it was about time and so I did all that anyway.. I have some issues ofc but I hope I will get it fixed soon-ish.. DCS stutters unfortunately).

  9. Uninstall of DCS World does remove modules.


    Does it also de-activates the modules? Or do you have to start the a10_protect.exe (depending on which module) in the module folders? Or click the delete button in module manager?


    Sorry, probably stupid questions but I'm not clear on these things.


    Also, I've -finally- got myself a SSD :) And about to reinstall the hole shebang. For now I went with deactivating via the _protect.exe's (Btw shift-click didn't seem to matter, but no biggie as there is a deactivation link in the window that pops up).

  10. Ya it does, left stick cyclic, right throttle.


    Cool Jesse, looking forward


    Just bought the UH-1H, and btw also recently got me a TM HOTAS Warthog stick :) I mapped my right throttle to collective (so other way around than you imply). But how do I map the other throttle to throttle? It doesn't seem to be an option atm?

  11. Always puzzled me while waiting for DCS A-10C and those loading images.. TrackIR centered, display (TV) on/off button below is in the center. Also, keeping the stick right in front of it, in the center. Same with the brake pedal below on the floor (since I happen to have a wheel. Not that I use it in this sim, except ofc for the pedals, for rudder and brakes).


    But.. the awesome A-10C loading images are off center? I wasn't actually sure. But a quick cap into Paint.net proved it. One image is about 6 pixels displaced to the right, and the other, being a bit closer, is a bit more.


    Probably the least important thing to "complain" about with this awesome sim :P


    Still a bit puzzled by that though.


  12. I was just wondering.. sometimes I forgot to activate the four internal fuel pumps lol. However, the left engine starts up fine, but not the right (causing me to realize the error). But - why do the left engine start at all, shouldn't that one also not start with the fuel pumps disengaged?

  13. Same here, well, except the missing cockpit. Did a full system scan for once, with Avira a few days ago. I still got the "old" Avira from 2012, version, but updated the definitions file ofc.


    Begin scan in 'E:\' <Data>


    [0] Archive type: Inno Setup

    --> {app}\Mods\aircrafts\A-10C\bin\Cockpit_A10Common.dll

    [DETECTION] Is the TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen Trojan


    I haven't really checked more than this, and I am inclined to believe this is a false positive. Especially since I have this installed :P Also, since i got this from the official site, and no more detections related to this was found. Also, I don't have to disable the AV while running the sim.

  14. Or is it?


    I was playing a bit with manual reversion switches and so on, and found that the "Elevator Emergency Disengage switch" didn't really disengage the elevators (they both seemed to move in sync). The Aileron Emergency Disengage switch worked as advertised though. As did the Manual Reversion switch, I think.


    Using DCS World and A-10C version 1.2.3.

  15. Rodney1111:


    Thanks for that! I tried a few combinations in regedit with a folder (or "key") named "dcs", "Dcs" or "DCS" with the expandable string or just regular string named "Link1", ctrl-F7 to save 3D settings, etc, getting nowhere.


    Unticking the "Full screen" setting worked! It was still full screen though (thankfully), so I'm not sure why it is named that.


    Using the latest nVidia at this time too (nVidia driver 310.90), Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit.

  16. EtherealN


    So that's what happened. Thanks for clearing that up!


    Also, I was wondering about how the 30-day wait for an added activation-thing works. If there is such a thing. It was just something I read in a post. I couldn't find anything about that from the "help" link in the actication dialogue that popped up. Not that it's likely I will run out of activations any time soon (years, if ever, under normal circumstances).

  17. After a long-ish pause, I recently updated DCS:World with A-10C and BS2 to 1.2.2. I completely forgot about (de)activations, and thus lost one for A-10C and BS2 (9 activations remaining). And I did not change any hardware (unless getting a new joystick counts :P).


    So how does the activation thing work actually? If I wait 30 days, do I get back an activation (in my case back to 10 left again), or is that only if you have zero activations left?


    As it happens, I'm also planning a little hardware upgrade soon; new motherboard and CPU. The rest I will keep and most likely reinstall OS. Judging from this thread I should first "de-activate" both modules I got for DCS:World, then HW upgrade and reinstall etc my computer. And then I won't loose more activations?

  18. Hi there! Thanks for the suggestions! Haven't tried it yet but I'm about to.


    IF you want to sit low, recentre while you're sitting up. not found this necessary myself.
    No, it's not that I want to sit low, just be able to duck a little lower. Anyway, I don't think this is a big issue.


    If you like IFR and the all the buttons to hand then Helios is excellent. if you got the hardware (GPU), 2nd monitor and some patience to figure it all out it can really enhance your experience.
    I'll keep it in mind for later, thanks! I'm not really that advanced yet with the sim, not sure if I ever will be that. Also, I don't have any cockpit setup, but I do have dual monitors on my GTX 470. But I only use one monitor when gaming.


    Another option, although i didn't looked in further is to create a new profile in TrackIr and Rise considerably the curves for this axe.

    but remember, Zoom button will actually let you clearly see your abris, and the tank located 10km away. TrackIr in-cockpit Z-Axis won't help you outside.

    I don't think that will help as the movement is restricted more in BS2 than BS1, or so it seems for me at least.

    And cheating by seeing that tank 10 km away with a "built-in" super-zoom-vision wasn't my aim either..


    But, I will try out the "slow zoom" thing and see what I can see!


    What any Sim is lacking is the reduced field of view even with a HD display, compared to any human eye.
    True. On a similar note, I noticed that a few virtual helmet-like displays are beginning to pop up, which I think is a very exciting thing! Imagine that combined with a 1:1 headtracking... :) But, their FOV is really limited for now, compared to the human >180 ish deg horizontal FOV. And when they improve on that, it won't be cheap, I'm sure. For now I guess it's kind of like having tunnel vision.


    Btw here's a few I found so far. I haven't really looked lately, but it's a couple of links I have on the subject atm.







    IRL i will see and track my leader squad located 200m in his Ka-50 in front of me.

    In DCS, i almost always loose him at the first manoever.

    That was interesting info, thanks!
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