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Everything posted by PawelKPL

  1. same, what I've traced is in task manager dcs proccess shows 30GB usage but when I check whole memory usage it shows even 62GB usage, no other app open...
  2. yeah, I have it the same, I have 13700K 64GB and rtx4800, I'm in cockpit and then dcs is not responding and it crashes, what more, task manager shows dcs memory usage about 25GB for DCS, but whole memory usage shows 60GB ! No other apps running. Then dcs crashes and I'm able to join server on 2nd or 3rd run... Anyway, I find MT runs worse in MP than ST...
  3. It is not a tank smoke , it is a BUG, I was playing on multiplayer and watched other players attacking same target , NO STRANGE DUST. :( So it is a BUG.
  4. yeah I was thinking the same , but cloud is too big, it goes 100mtrs above gorund lvl for a few seconds and then disappear ;(
  5. :( look at screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/dcs2012080211584009.jpg/ it happenes when I shooting a target with cannon anyone help ???
  6. movie (!!! set volume on youtube to min.!!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=K1-f3jp3pj8 my pc: I7 2600K @ 4.6GHZ 4GB DDR3@2133MHZ Asrock P67 pro 580gtx Titanium HD , all drivers / dx up to date. all settings set to high , I`ve tried to turn TSAA off to see if it helps but no luck so far...
  7. it is a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1-f3jp3pj8&feature=youtu.be , - nothing...
  8. my pc: I7 2600K @ 4.6GHZ 4GB DDR3@2133MHZ Asrock P67 pro 580gtx Titanium HD , all settings set to high , I`ve tried to turn TSAA off to see if it helps but no luck so far...
  9. very low 1-2 mtrs and no dust effects show on ground :/
  10. yes when creating the game u can choose IP intarface, by default it shows my tunngle IP : 74.xx.xx.xx, what I have to do is to change to primary intarface: 192.168.1.xx , and then game shows up on the server list.
  11. thx all ok !!! , thank U very much my friend :D
  12. my server name is: Newbie training, game A-10c warthog , ver 1.1.1
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