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  1. Kanelbolle's post in "Immortal" units dying was marked as the answer   
    Look here:
    The place in the action list where "immortal" is makes a difference. If it's not nr 1 it will not work.
    Players should not be able to damage the unit if it is sett correctly.
  2. Kanelbolle's post in Choose a side script was marked as the answer   
    Made one some time ago:
  3. Kanelbolle's post in Determining Pre-Active Status? was marked as the answer   
    You can do that to.
    But yea, the command is for Late Activation:

         Mission Scripting
    Function:     isActive     Added with: 1.2.0
    Member Of:     Unit
    Syntax:     boolean Unit.isActive(Class Self )
    Description:     Returns a boolean value if the unit is activated. Units set to late activation would return false if checked by this function.
  4. Kanelbolle's post in how to extract audio files from the miz file was marked as the answer   
    If the audio files are implemented in to the .miz file (not running from a folder on the disk), they are in the .miz file under path: \l10n\DEFAULT\
  5. Kanelbolle's post in Making mods mandatory/optional was marked as the answer   
    Open the Miz file as a zip file.
    Change the mission file.
    Remove the mods in the first part of the file under requiredModules.
  6. Kanelbolle's post in How do I stop an enemy convoy from dispersing when one unit is damaged? was marked as the answer   
    Just do a advanced waypoint option : Disperse under fire off

  7. Kanelbolle's post in Select red or blue script was marked as the answer   
    For anyone who needs a side select script!
    Scraped this together from examples on the Forum and a lot of testing. Enjoy!
    --- Install in <DCS profile path>\Scripts\Hooks\ -- ONLY WORKS IN MULTIPLAYER! YOU CAN NOT TEST THIS IN THE SINGLEPLAYER! -- USES LFS and IO to save and load files! net.log("-- HOOK: Side Select v100 loading...") sideCall = {} sidesel = {} -- The line below gets your DCS profile path: <DCS profile path>\Scripts\ sidesel.loadDir = lfs.writedir() .. [[Scripts\]] sidesel.saveFilename = "sideselect_save.lua" -- Settings: sidesel.verboslog = false -- Define the sides and corresponding slot names local sides = { ["blue"] = "blue", ["red"] = "red", } sidesel.sideplayerTbl = {} sidesel.adminTbl = {} -- Uncomment and add UCID of Admins that can run Admin commands in chat! --sidesel.adminTbl["admin players ucid"] = "admin" --sidesel.adminTbl["admin players ucid"] = "admin" --sidesel.adminTbl["admin players ucid"] = "admin" --sidesel.adminTbl["admin players ucid"] = "admin" -- Function to handle chat messages function onChatMessage(message, from) local ucid = net.get_player_info(from, 'ucid') local _playername = net.get_player_info(from, 'name') local playerId = net.get_player_info(from, 'id') local playerside = nil -- Check if the message is a side selection local side = sides[string.lower(message)] if (sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid] ~= nil) then elseif (sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid] == nil) then if side then sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid] = { ["side"]= side, ["nicename"]= _playername, } net.log(" ---------------- " .. _playername .. " - Selected SIDE : " .. side) local msg = string.format(" You are now on the %s Side!", side) net.send_chat_to(msg, playerId) -- Save Table to file! sidesel.save() end else --some error net.log(" ---------------- ERROR: some error MSG") end -- of if(sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid] == nil) then -- Admin Commands if (sidesel.adminTbl[ucid] ~= nil) then if (string.lower(message) == "-reloadsides") then net.log("-- HOOK: Is Admin player! - reloadsides - Name: " .. _playername .. " - UCID: " .. ucid) local lpath = sidesel.loadDir .. sidesel.saveFilename if file_exists(lpath) then assert(loadfile(lpath))() if (loadsideplayerTbl) then sidesel.sideplayerTbl = loadsideplayerTbl end end net.log("-- HOOK: Reloaded save file!") end -- of if (string.lower(message) == "-reloadsides") then if (string.lower(message) == "-purgesides") then net.log("-- HOOK: Is Admin player! - purgesides - Name: " .. _playername .. " - UCID: " .. ucid) sidesel.sideplayerTbl = {} net.log("-- HOOK: Pureged Side Table file!") end -- of if (string.lower(message) == "-reloadsides") then if (string.lower(message) == "-printtable") then net.log("-- HOOK: Is Admin player! - print table - Name: " .. _playername .. " - UCID: " .. ucid) net.log("-- HOOK: : -printtable Running: ") for key,value in pairs(sidesel.sideplayerTbl) do if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then net.log("-- HOOK: : Key: " .. key) --net.log("-- HOOK: : Value: " .. value) -- Table cant print end for skey,svalue in pairs(sidesel.sideplayerTbl[key]) do if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then net.log("-- HOOK: : sKey: " .. skey) net.log("-- HOOK: : sValue: " .. svalue) end end end net.log("-- HOOK: -printtable End!") end -- of if (string.lower(message) == "-reloadsides") then end end -- of if (playerside == nil) or (adminplayer ~= nil) then function sideCall.onPlayerConnect(playerId) local ucid = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'ucid') local playerName = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'name') net.log("---------------- Player: " .. playerName .. " - Connected: " .. ucid) end function sideCall.onPlayerTryChangeSlot(playerId, side, slotId) local playerName = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'name') net.log(" ---------------- Player Changed Slot: " .. playerName) local ucid = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'ucid') local sidename = "" if (side == 1) then sidename = "red" elseif (side == 2) then sidename = "blue" else sidename = "spectator" end if (sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid] == nil) then -- New player with no side selected net.log(" ---------------- " .. playerName .. " - No SIDE Selected!") local message = string.format(" Player: %s - Please select a side by Typing red or blue in chat!", playerName) net.send_chat_to(message, playerId) return false elseif (sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid] ~= nil) then if (sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid].side == sidename) then net.log(" ---------------- " .. playerName .. " - Correct side : " .. sidename .. " - Has Side: " .. sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid].side) elseif (sidename == "spectator") then net.log(" ---------------- " .. playerName .. " - Spectator side : " .. sidename) elseif (sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid].side ~= sidename) then local message = string.format("You are not allowed to join that side: %s - Please select a slot on the other side!", playerName) net.send_chat_to(message, playerId) net.log(" ---------------- " .. playerName .. " - Wrong side : " .. sidename .. " - Has Side: ".. sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid].side) return false end -- of if (sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid].side == sidename) then else --some error net.log(" ---------------- ERROR: Something went wrong with finding the player in sidesel.sideplayerTbl") end -- of if(sidesel.sideplayerTbl[ucid] == nil) then end function sidesel.save() net.log('-- HOOK: : sideselect - Running sidesel.save()') wFile = io.open(sidesel.loadDir .. sidesel.saveFilename, 'w') wFile:write('loadsideplayerTbl = {}' .. '\n') for key,value in pairs(sidesel.sideplayerTbl) do if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then net.log("-- HOOK: : Key: " .. key) end wFile:write('loadsideplayerTbl["' .. key .. '"] = {\n') for skey,svalue in pairs(sidesel.sideplayerTbl[key]) do if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then net.log("-- HOOK: : sKey: " .. skey) net.log("-- HOOK: : sValue: " .. svalue) end wFile:write('["' .. skey .. '"]= "' .. svalue .. '",\n') end wFile:write('}\n') end -- of for key,value in pairs(sidesel.sideplayerTbl) do wFile:write('net.log("-- HOOK:sideselect - Save file has been loaded")' .. '\n') wFile:close() wFile = nil end function sidesel.load() -- local loadpath = sidesel.loadDir .. sidesel.saveFilename -- net.log('-- HOOK: Loading save file : ' .. loadpath) -- assert(loadfile(loadpath))() local loadpath = sidesel.loadDir .. sidesel.saveFilename if file_exists(loadpath) then assert(loadfile(loadpath))() if (loadsideplayerTbl) then sidesel.sideplayerTbl = loadsideplayerTbl net.log("-- HOOK: Loaded save file Table : loadsideplayerTbl") end net.log("-- HOOK: Loaded save file : " .. loadpath) end if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then for key,value in pairs(sidesel.sideplayerTbl) do net.log("-- HOOK: : Key: " .. key) for skey,svalue in pairs(sidesel.sideplayerTbl[key]) do net.log("-- HOOK: : sKey: " .. skey) net.log("-- HOOK: : sValue: " .. svalue) end end end -- of if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then end function file_exists(name) local f=io.open(name,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end sideCall.onMissionLoadEnd = function() net.log('-- HOOK: onMissionLoadEnd()') if (loadsideplayerTbl ~= nil) then if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then net.log('loadsideplayerTbl is NOT nil') end if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then for key,value in pairs(loadsideplayerTbl) do net.log("-- HOOK: Loaded Key: " .. key) net.log("-- HOOK: Loaded Value: " .. value) end end else if (sidesel.verboslog == true) then net.log('loadsideplayerTbl is nil') end end end -- Add the chat message handler function to the server event loop DCS.setUserCallbacks({ onChatMessage = onChatMessage, }) DCS.setUserCallbacks(sideCall) -- Load Save file sidesel.load() net.log("-- HOOK: Side Select script loaded!")
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