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  1. is there a solution for this or isn't? any reaction is welcome duke
  2. I know in the meantime that Rcontr+Rshift plus a nomber gives me a position change for the cockpit and can I fix the position with Ralt+zero. If I would have more fixed postion how can I realize that. because with another Ralt plus zero overwrites the former one.
  3. ik weet inmiddels dat met r-control+r-shift + cijfer dat ik de cockpit view kan zetten echter zou ik graag willen dat ik diverse standen ook kan vastzetten. ik kan het maar met 1 nml r-alt+zero. de overige standen weet ik niet want als ik een nieuwe stand heb gevonden dan overschrijft deze de vorige. mvg duke
  4. I bought for the first time F16 in dcs to learn the plane. I also need to do the settings with my thrustmaster airbus stick and controller. is there someone who can guide me to do the settings. I need to assign the flaps, park break and gear and so on but dont know to get it done. looking forward hearing from you Duke
  5. I have the tca stick and the quadrant. the pitch roll and rudder and throttle works fine. but I assign the buttons to cockpit move back and so on also flap and gear , they doesnot work any idea what I do wrong?
  6. thanks for the info. within 2 days I will take contact and first will registrate today. looking forward meeting you
  7. I Always would like to fly the BS 2 and I bought this one a long time ago. I flew a lot with fsx and xplane11 with warbirds but no heli but I skipped it all and would like to fly with DCS. my question is: is there someone or a club who could teach me the BS 2 and make me more involved within dcs. I have no experience in DCS. looking forward hearing from you I am dutch b.t.w.
  8. that was a perfect help from you both thank you very much I can practice now further on.
  9. what about the TDC do you have an answer for that one to. Balt and Ralt works fine now and thank you for that.
  10. Does someone knows why it is not correctly working? I level out and try to push the BALT or RALT button in auto. After diverse times of pushing it sometimes goes on with the two dots. The same below the 5000 with the Ralt. As a third same problem is the TDC which I have under the hat function. Sometimes it works sometimes not. For the rest I dont have any problems with the F18
  11. Before I fill in the required information there is one question left: I am dutch and do live in the Netherlands. Will give that a complication regarding education time etc. There are 6 hours in between. So if your lessons at 9 pm as I read then it is 3 o clock in the night for me. Duke
  12. I fly the F18 and I would like to fly with a small group of people or a special group F18 squadron. It would be nice if someone of that group is willing to teach me more. I have time to study and fly. looking forward hearing from you
  13. yes I started with running engines at the ramp. Wiil watch carefully next time thanbks for your reply.
  14. For me it is once because I started a couple of days ago. I thought maybe I do something wrong anyway I keep an eye on it. Furthermore some strange effect with throttle desinated The TDS I could easely get it up and down left and right to lock the target but today it is not working . Also Balt and Ralt I have to try several times before it works. Maybe someone knows the answer because I have no track history.
  15. I have buttons of my keyboard G5 and G6 asigned for engines to bring it up to idle to get them startup. I do not have the impression I touched on those buttons is that what you thought?
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