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Digital Aura

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Posts posted by Digital Aura

  1. ED has changed it so the camera doesn't follow anymore the bomblets..


    Best way to follow where the bomblets hit is use first F6 view and just before the cluster bomb "opens" press lft ctrl + F11 so the camera changes to static free camera..


    ok, thank you for confirming I'm not crazy. I knew I USED to be able to do this.

    So, I suppose the camera that tracks weapons shot at your own aircraft is no longer available as well?

  2. I know there's a command somewhere to view the target after you release a weapon. I'm not talking about F6 which tracks your released weapon... I mean the actual target that is being shot. My problem is, if I drop a cluster bomb, the F6 cam will only follow it down until the clusters are deployed...then the cam shuts off. So I cant see where the clusters drift down.

    Which command is it to cycle to the target view itself ... after you've released the weapon?

  3. So what's up with the AI ?


    Is it just me or is the game terribly unfair about giving enemies an unfair range advantage to lock on to me?


    Typically an enemy Ka-50 is locking me from 8km or further! (lets not even talk about Mi-28s, lets talk apples to apples).

    An enemy shark should have NO advantage over me. So why can't I lock on to them above 6km? Sometimes I can Lock them but not get fire solution/clearance until 4km!! So they're essentially able to engage me from twice the range!?!?!


    Now a question of strategy... I notice that I can usually evade their first few Vikhrs, but they switch to cannons and are extremely effective with those guns! How do you guys engage enemy choppers? Cannon the best option? Or missiles? :cry:


    edit: oh, and does the A/A HO actually do anything? (I assume it's A/A Head On?)

  4. I fly with Ka-50 for two years I think. I'm OK with its all systems.


    But since v1.2.4, sometimes she acts foolishly;


    * Trim: Well centered,

    * Locked on the target,

    * Auto Turn To Target: ON,

    * AP Channels: ON ("Alt" might be off),

    * PVI-800 (Waypoint) etc. all OFF,

    * Flight Director and Hover Mode: OFF.


    But she tends to turn to right (or left) very slow. During missions, after sometime (may be according to sequence of some act of mine) she starts not to obey my commands and turns slowly where she wants. If I don't touch controls she can turn around herself forever, although all systems are properly set (like the items above).


    I know this text can't be proof for that. I'll catch it in the air to get a track. :)



    This is what I'm exactly talking about... when you've already eliminated the factors like making sure you're less than 30 IAS and level/trim already... and she still wants to spin away. When you engage Turn on Target after your hover is on and functioning okay..and it wants to turn away from the target!


  5. I"m finding that it does indeed cause me to drift... perhaps Im not trimmed perfectly enough??

    Also, I must ask if it conflicts with other controls like Turn to Target?


    For some reason, I get into a good place , get trim, lock up my target, hit hover hold and the thing wants to go somewhere else. It's often not even subtle.... but I've been finding it near useless compared to a manual level hover with Hold Alt engaged. Sometimes my Turn on target doesn't even seem to work... sometimes it feels like it's fighting my trim settings that I needed to make it hover in the first place. *sigh

  6. I'm maybe not understanding this properly...


    but when I click HOVER mode my chopper doesn't want to play nice and maintain position. It drifts around like a sumbitch. I practically have to have the heli in perfect trim and already at a dead stop with no lateral movements either before it works...and by that point who needs HOVER when you've already accomplished it. hahaha.


    Also, when I Deselect hover the Hold Altitude remains lit. What am I missing?

  7. yeah I was looking as well... just last week. Couldn't find nothin.



    I ended up downloading the jackbauer A-10C profile (i dunno, google it...Im too tired to look again)... which is a .pr0 file and a .lua file. I renamed it KA-50 and I ditched the .lua file, but the .pr0 file is handy because it bands some of the throttle stuff so you can use the mouse stick to slew, etc. You need to run the profile when you play so you get the assignment mappings in your profile AND the mappings you make in the .lua.


    I still can't get that button on the throttle (the Shkval zoom/tv target frame above in your pic) to work. The game only picks it up as a button and not four. I guess you have to do something in the joystick profiler software to get it to work, but I can't figure it out.


    BUT, i do have a pretty good set up now. That pic above is not a good set up though, imo. Let me make a recommendation... that PINKY button that is mapped to TrackIR...ditch that. Use the PINKY button as a modifier, and then you DOUBLE your button capacity. It's very simple to hold pinky while using all the other buttons!

    Also, you don't want your Shkval slew to be on your joystick... it makes it problematic when you're trying to hover and retain autopilot settings... it's better to map that to the mouse stick on the throttle.

  8. Can you help answer some / all of these questions?


    Is it possible to have the LED's change colours based on the button state? (ie. gear down RED, gear up GREEN). Can you make them flash? (ie. lock on detected)



    Does the MFD screen do anything for any of the DCS modules? I only see a clock.



    How do I use the clutch button as a usable button... or the throttle slider or index finger roller?



    Where is the SDK software? Is it part of the SST software?




  9. I think there maybe some interest in a server, for me personally I dont find it much fun stang on stang. Once the Fw190 arrives maybe but for now its too mundane for me


    Just be aware that the upload for a dedicated server is quite high so bear that in mind if you decide to try a dedicated machine




    You must not like stock car racing either then... :smartass:

    I know I'd be one of the first shot down, but I have no other way to really improve because the A.I. enemies are just way to perfect for me. I'd be looking for a human multiplayer dogfight server as well.

  10. Hi gents. Just trying out the TacView which works great... but my buddy's doesn't work at all when I'm hosting a game. The website says something about the host needing to modify the config.lua for network games.

    I cannot find the config.lua file.

    Any help on this matter?



    edit: NOTICE: In network games, the host must set [EnableExportScript=true] in [config.lua] in order to allow Tacview recording on clients computers.

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