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Posts posted by hvymtal

  1. Yep, Turns out it was an issue with quarantined files. 30 minutes of wrangling with my antivirus protection, quarantine, and threat defense exceptions, and I got both the F-14 and my other affected modules working again. Thanks to you and @foxwxl for the tip




  2. All of the DLLs went missing from my DCS World OpenBeta/Mods/aircraft/JF-17/bin/ folder during the last update. Whenever I try to repair it, I get this error



    00034.471 ERROR: D:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\_downloads\Mods/aircraft/JF-17/bin/JF-17_ASM.dll: (5) Access is denied.



    -My user account for my PC is an administrator account

    -I am running the updater in Administrator mode

    -I have restarted my computer

    -I tried updating with antivirus disabled


    This is a crippling error for me, as I can't play the JF-17 without it. I do have proof of purchase available upon request


  3. F14-HeatblurCommon.dll went missing from my DCS World OpenBeta/Mods/aircraft/F14/bin/ folder during the last update. Whenever I try to repair it, I get this error


    00621.287 ERROR: Can't move D:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\_downloads\Mods/aircraft/F14/bin/F14-HeatblurCommon.dll to D:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods/aircraft/F14/bin/F14-HeatblurCommon.dll: (5) Access is denied.


    -My user account for my PC is an administrator account

    -I am running the updater in Administrator mode

    -I have restarted my computer

    -I tried updating with antivirus disabled


    This is a crippling error for me, as I can't play the F-14 without it. I do have proof of purchase available upon request

  4. It recommended I check for viruses, Bitdefender scanned the entire game folder and found nothing awry. Ran a repair, still crashed, same error. Happens when I try to load any of my three terrains (Caucasus, NTTR, PG).


    Checked the game folder, no edterrain4.dll to be found.

    Checked savedgames folder, same, no edterrain4.dll


    Issue was not present yesterday. I have since ran another repair and nothing, still no edterrains4.dll. I will attempt a restart shortly. I do have a couple other items running, but nothing that has caused grief with DCS in the past



    dcs.log, dxdiag, txtBF5, txt2498, and image of the error message are included in the zip


    In the meantime I'll uninstall/reinstall


    edit: edterrain4.dll, no S.


    Reinstall fixed the issue, but the fact it was there in the first place and a repair did precisely nothing concerns me


  5. I almost never see Dog Ears being used though. One of the biggest advantages of the Strela-10 system is that it is entirely IR-based. Besides, given that one is a relatively low-power TAR for Strelas and one is a massively overpowered APAR all-in-one combat system, it's not likely they'll get mixed up by the player in my opinion


    You know what they say about butts and opinions, though :music_whistling:


    As a side note, an Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer (Flight IIA bodge with the 64 cal gun and two CIWS) is supposed to be coming to DCS in the near future. Haven't heard a word since September though. It'll be nice for Blufor to have a properly-sized flight deck for Helis, not to mention the extensive combat capabilities, particularly for air defense and anti-ship.

  6. Well each individual unit is restricted to one RWR definition, so..... :shrug:



    I managed to do a fix for ALR-derived RWRs. I'm not sure how the Mirage's file is formatted (since I have no freaking clue where it is) but here's the lines I added to the general file:



    ['052B'] = 'TP', (uses a variant of the Top Plate 3D air search radar)

    ['052C'] = 'DE', (uses Type 346 APAR, reporting name "Dragon Eye")

    ['054A'] = 'TP', (also uses a variant of Top Plate)

    ['Stennis'] = '48', (AN/SPS-48 )

    ['LHA_Tarawa'] = '48', (AN/SPS-48 )

    Even if DCS has general limitations on RWRs and radars etc with regards to ships, it's at least nice to know what's going to save you or give you a bad day


    Ignore the Hawk CWAR, that was added and I was relying on my memory

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