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Posts posted by Manoxerox

  1. Did you insert any scripts into your mission?


    You can post a link and PM me and I'll look at it later...




    No scrpits. Just the plane (Dora) taking off from ramp. One waypoint (turning) and landing airfield and dynamic weather. And random failures and civil trafic.

  2. Browsing the manual, I was very surprised to see 2 groups of switches under covers on the cockpit's right hand side. On D-9 the rear group of switches was deleted, and there is actually some proof for that. My question to ED's developers would be: what documents do you have that show on D-9 there are 2 groups of switches under covers? I would be very curious to see it.


    Also I was surprised by several switches there. For example, the Außenbord switch. The last Fw 190 version to have this switch was A-5, it was deleted on all newer versions.


    So the question is: where are those switches? Or is there a master switch for eletric circuits somewhere?:helpsmilie:

  3. Chances are high the trailer will be released again today.


    Description text on youtube:

    DUXFORD, UK, June 5th, 2014 -- The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics will release DCS: Fw190 D-9 Dora as a digital download in August 2014

    The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 is widely regarded as Germany's best fighter aircraft of World War II. Its appearance in the skies over France in August 1941 was a rude shock to the Allies, as it was clearly superior to any other plane. For nearly a year, the Fw 190 was the unmatched champion of the air war in Europe. The Fw 190 had speed and high altitude performance as its two great assets.

    The development of advanced allied fighters resulted in the Fw 190 D--9 variant which first saw service in September 1944. This variant had a larger nose that housed a more powerful Junkers Jumo engine that produced 2,100 hp with the MW-50 boost system. The D-9 was designed for high altitude aerial combat and is a worthy adversary to the P-51D Mustang.

    Key Features of the DCS: Fw 190 D-9 Dora:

    • Unmatched flight physics that allow you to truly feel what it's like to fly this legend.

    • Highly detailed, six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) cockpit.

    • Interact with cockpit controls with your mouse.

    • Accurate Fw 190 D-9 model, squadron markings, and weapons.

    • Detailed modelling the Fw 190 D-9 instruments, weapons, engine, radios, fuel, and electrical systems.

    • Battle the P-51D Mustang in single and multiplayer games.


    Hopefully there will be a DVD-version too.:pilotfly:

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