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Posts posted by AdolfoWilson

  1. I use it for both, sometimes i just jump into a free flight over the cities and mountains.


    I really wouldn't have any problem at all if a third release a regional, or particular civil jet with DCS level modeling of systems and flight model, i can easily even see some VIP escort missions. Can you imagine being in a version of a civilian jet equipped with a basic defense suite like flares and chaffs trying to avoid incoming long range strikes maneuvering as hard as possible and popping flares, while your escorts engage the aggressors.


    Besides that just for being a civil jet with DCS level would be very interesting. Even me would buy such module on sight.

  2. I think if you have the money, you must buy a higher GPU, in a single flight DCS doesn't really push the limits, but when you get inside a fully loaded mission with heavy atmospheric situation and lots of tanks, choppers and fighters shooting each other, that is when your hardware will be pushed to the limits, that is the usual load on a normal mission and even more on crazy mission some guys make available.


    So the I5 probably will handle well, but a good GPU is needed. Running Attack missions with the ground pounders is not very good at lower res, as you must visually acquire your targets if not using labels, so 1080 or superior resolution should be used, as most on line servers disable the labels feature. Ah and using the TV screen on aircraft like Su-25T also increase the graphical load while you scan for targets.


    In few months, we will be receiving DCS 2.0 update, it will add feature that will help a lot with most actual performance issues, adding multi thread support and better graphical resources usage which will make a better use of your hardware, and things like greater draw distances are aways welcome specially when looking for fighters. So don't get a weak GPU. I really recommend a better one, if possible.

  3. They should add it to all planes the way it is in TF-51D, you can toggle on/off in game while flying without having to go into any menu screen, just press a button or the default key combination and your body comes and goes like magic, simple as that, and since they will add skeleton animation, i believe the update to the pilot models is coming anyway. Although they look really bad now, even the more recent ones still looks very robotic. The parachute animations, not too much to say, they need urgent upgrade, cause they are ridiculous now, completely outdated, at least the FC3 fighters.


    Additionally, as an immersion feature, they should add the ability to go in and out of your aircraft while in the ground and on the parking lot, with complete animations going in and out the aircraft, some don't even care about this, but you got to admit, this would be awesome!! Go out of your plane and inspect it, see how much damage you took in battle while you wait for the repair, the weapons loaded on the pylons, and just admire your beautiful bird, as ED is making an outstanding job with the fighter models. As an example of that, you can almost "do this" on TF-51D, by just being on the ground with the canopy open and bail out of your plane, and you get almost the idea, except that you can't get inside again, and this even with your engines running. Just with a better "man control" like those ones from first person shooters.

    What do you say hum?

  4. I hope the smoke that the tires generates when it touch the ground get a good update, the current one is really... just "there" to have a smoke on landing, not a very good animation nor graphic quality. The same goes to the brake parachute when you release it, I'm like, a bit ashamed to show my friends the realistic simulation when it comes to the landing effects...

    I pilot most Russian planes so, the parachute is inevitable.

  5. Thank you Guys for all the effort and atention into this problem, specially Frostie for making all these changes on the campaign. I hope ED take a special time to update all the game campaings to work right on the new terms of recent patches they have released. I`m downloading the campaign version that you edited Frostie. So Thank you Guys!!


    Oh and to help the wingman not waste so much fuel, you must wait arround the airfield until all of them take off, then you get into the route without accelerating too fast, they will afterburn for some time until they reach their positions on formations but, they slowdown and keep right, just keep your speed and try to not get too far away from the group. I know this isn`t a solution but this helped me to get them on the F-18 over the sea. Again thanks for all the help.

  6. I did start the Mozdok fortress campaign for the Su-27, but i got to the mission Take Down, and it doesn't complete at all, i take down all the F-18 then order the Sead and strike teams to advance, they complete theyr jobs and then no mission success appears nor the score get to 100. I tried 3 times i got even the 2 f-18 escorting the AWACS down, and nothing. I believe there is something wrong with the campaign.

    If someone knows how to complete this mission please help, i really want to complete the Su-27 campaign as i like a lot this fighter.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. To me every new addition and upgrade will be good at all.

    Let's see... For years since LOMAC i expected for upgrades to make my flight sim experience better. A time passed, then the first FC came out. I took a look at every new thing that was coming with that, the high polygon aircraft model just amazed me, the flight modeling i saw in the videos over the internet just made me go after somewhere to buy it instantly, finally one upgrade, something new just came out to my LOMAC, but, the rest remains all the same, just few tweaks on logics and scripting, ED didn't had the total property of LOMAC they couldn't change things nor upgrade things up the way i wanted, and Ubi simply dropped this Sim to dust... The mod community was the only option, but a mod doesn't feel as an authentic ED product. So i stopped flying Lomac.

    But then Black Shark started it all.

    Today i'm seeing all the updates and inevitably get exited, i expended hours looking for a 3D cockpit model, but it was inexistent, and now i can fly on fully modeled 3D pits on new aircrafts, things that before was impossible to have in lomac we have now on DCS, and they are bringing these updates to the old fighters too, FC is the way they found to bring in the Lomac content as their own product with the quality that ED has showed us on making sims, for a long time i thought Simulation market for home PCs was dead, Microsoft is out, old sim developers are no longer in scene, but ED found a way to survive that dark period, and now we have this old product being ported to the modern era of big graphics and computing power.


    So to understand FC and DCS, you have to look to how things happened from past to nowadays. FC is no longer bound to a Lomac copy, this took a long time to happen, now that this belongs to ED completely, they are making this unbounding of the one original Lomac, witch is the process of upgrading of all planes that was held back by the Lomac label for so many years, thats why for some newcomers the DCS seems a bit unpolished as a whole "game", this is mostly the same engine of 10 years ago taking all these new things in it.


    You will find that there is some inaccurate information on what i'm posting here, but i hope this helps some things to be more clear about the relation of DCS and FC, this even makes me think about the future, like fully clickable FC3 fighters with the option of a lighter mode in witch you use the way you use today to interact with FC cockpits in case you are not that hard-core.

    I believe ED will find good ways to deal with the hardships that will come within this process and we will get us more well built planes into DCS. Sorry for the long texting. :D

  8. Ops, sorry, i mistake myself on this :D, this option is only available in the other instant action the CAS Hard, i think. In this mission a second group comes up normally without the need of the player command.

    This mission is though, they made it way more difficult than the easy, and i had a hard time with this mission and the CAS Hard. Basically you have to strike with precision and haste, and get at least 2 or 3 kills on each dive, if you miss one attack run you may get out of time and loose the battle.

    Again, good luck on this mission.

  9. I'm having a problem, every time i join a multiplayer server, i get to the load screen, then when the load is complete i get the load screen image stucked in front of what looks the F10 Screen behind, with a pause button flashing on the right top corner... What is this??

    I tried to run the Repair DCS but nothing changed. So thats it. I have the latest patch and the DCS FC3 installed and running ok, i'm doing one of the campaigns just fine.

    So i hope to get a answer on this weird problem.

  10. I did this mission but its a bit hard to beat, to call it "medium" difficulty, until you try the hard mission... I did it and i used all missiles so you cant miss and you need your wingman ordnance too. There is a tactic that i developed after failing lots of times.



    As you approach the mission zone, you should get rid of the weight you carry to get a faster "out of the mountains" after an attack run and don't get hit by the air defences, so activate your Fantasmagoria POD at the very beginning of the mission and attack all the targets you see, the Kh-25MPU is Fire and Forget so you can lock each missile at each of the various targets that you will see, throw them all away, saves a lot of weight and will be useless once the other Su-25T group destroy the air defences left, this knowing that it do not track moving defences, even though you will get a hit or two as not all the air defences are moving. At this point you probably is close enough to the next step.



    As you got close enough, you must use the Shkval to spot your first targets. Well... to the right near the mountain you can find the most forward group, you will need some extra altitude to keep tracking them, as they will get behind a single hill for a moment, these will be the first kills, and here goes one trick: you will wait until the Shkval "locks" a tank of the line (when you get the AC mark on the TV screen), you can use the command "attack my target" and then your wingman will engage it. This will help you to get extra kills from each attack runs. Notice that he will automatically rejoin after killing his target, and if he miss the target he will have to make an entire turn to try again, so avoid commanding him into targets that are for instance, moving between city buildings. After giving the order once he responds, you can change your target and make yours strike.



    With the exception of Vikhr, all the laser guided missiles can be launched with another missile still on the way to the target on the same laser, with this in mind you will launch your 2 Kh-29L on the first run, giving 5 to 8 seconds between the 2 launchs, this will give you time to move the target designator the next closest tank around after the first missile hit, and will get lighter without those two giant bomb missiles. The rest is all with Vikhr and you should try a S-25 hits at the second pass, this will get your aircraft more light and more agile to maneuver and scape.


    After your third or fourth attack run, a MANPADS group will spawn at the middle of their advance, so keep your eyes on that too, and ready for a missile launch, kill them asap, or they will get your wingman down. After a bit more time another MANPADS will come again, stay ready for that one too. You can use your Vikhr to kill the anti air crew, it fast and safe.


    So the rest is up to you, you need to master wingman management basically. Hope this helps and sorry for the long texting. Don't forget to call the other team on the radio stack, they will help reducing the numbers on the ground and save your precious ammunition. Good luck.

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