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Posts posted by peope

  1. From what I've heard from the community holidays seem to be common.

    Also look out for steam sales as they seem to be on different schedules.


    I'd say the flagship would be the a10c warthog.

    It is quite a learner craft and the "create fast mission" works well with it and JTAC.


    The upcoming Mig21-bis from Leatherneck seems beautifully modeled.

    Russian style korean war kind of plane.

    Mainly a swept wing interceptor with horrible characterisics except speed.

    Still with ground radar (that you can only use for 15 min until the cooling alcohol is all spent and you fry it).

    It has some ground aspects to it.

    And *tons* of clickable buttons (Moar Buttons! ;) )


    The su-25t is actually a pretty useful and fun craft with some abilities that I believe the a10c lacks.

    (SEAD missiles?)

    No joy with clickable cockpit.

    But a fun bird and 6dof to move your head in 3d space.


    I'd look out for halloween or christmas.


    Have fun!

  2. Check under Personal section->My Orders.

    Click details for each purchase and you should see the keys bought from the ED store.


    If you bought modules from steam you can find them in the steam client.

    Right-click dcs-world in steam application. Then view cd-keys


    I downloaded each module I bought from EDs servers and run them to install.


    Best of luck

  3. I would send a polite message to the one you entered the contract with.

    (I do not know who it is. If it is ED or Naturalpoint or some vendor).


    I don't think it is really appropriate to bring these issues up for everybody unless it is of general concern or info.


    Whatever comes out of it I wish the best of luck.

  4. I did the same thing as you.


    On the left there when you have logged in on the site.

    Personal section->Licensing


    There you will have to enter all the keys from steam that you paid for.


    To get the keys from steam.

    Right-click on dcs-world to the left in the library in the steam cient.

    And choose "View CD key".


    Then enter them one after the other on ED:s webpage.



    Not sure if copying the planes from the steam folder is possible because of DRM.


    Hope it helps

    // Peo

  5. I am not looking to blame anybody.

    That is unproductive and futile.


    I am looking to understand how things will move on in the future.

    What to expect when it comes to each distribution platform.


    Going steam -> ED Shop is a one way ticket.

    And I would be a fool if my worry that steam will not have the same level of support it had before is not true.


    Equally I would be a fool if the intent from ED is to fully support steam as a distribution-platform and I wen't over to ED as a distribution-platform that is not as simple for me to use.


    I don't have the information to make a good choice.

    Would you consider steam to be a depreciated platform now in favor of ED:s own distribution?


    Either way I love the advanced DCS-simulators and am looking forward to all the things it will offer. Especially the "modern" PFM/EFM and interactive cocpit variants. I've had an eye out for the choppers in the discount for a long time.


    However. There is a cost to moving to ED:s platform and irrevocable.

    I do not know the "cost" of sticking to steam as a platform.

    And it comes down to the level of support that distribution-platform is expected to have.


    Without knowing more it looks like stand-alone is the preferred way that will work the best with patches, betas, programs and new aircraft coming out (as 3d party modules might not come to steam?)


    Any suggestion on which distribution platform to use to "futureproof"?



    // Peo

  6. I am wondering if using steam is depreciated and if ED wants us to move to buying and DL from their own shop?


    The reason for asking is because of the serials on steam works on DL from ED but not the other way around.

    And because of the summer sale which is only for the ED shop.


    I am investing quite a bit into DCS.

    Not just the modules I've bought but hardware.

    And I'd like to know if the preferred (by ED) is to buy directly from them and using steam will make me loose opportunities to buy 3rd party modules and get all of the quality that DCS can give.


    Would you suggest moving from steam platform to standalone downloading from ED directly or is either option equally good/preferred?



    // Peo

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