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Posts posted by TynMahn

  1. 1. I completely understand and appreciate your approach and feelings on this. I figured it was conscious and I figured it was done for pretty much the reasons you expressed.


    I only brought it up because, playing online with other real people, it is kind of nice to know who you were pitted against after the fact.


    Maybe an "after action" type record could be accessed like on the stats page that you are working on. Where someone could go after they've played to see who they were up against in that one hard fought engagement or whatever.

  2. I'd like to offer the following suggestion:


    Would it be considered to put in the server messages like they have In LFDM? The server has a message telling who shot who down when it happens, it also gives messages when allied targets are being engaged.


    Not having these messages may be a server admin decision and I may be in the minority but I really miss these messages whenever I fly on SoW. It is nice to know who just handed it to you and encourages a more "communal" type gaming feeling.

  3. So, I think I pushed a button or something and caused the following to appear on my screen.


    In the upper left "Main" is displayed and in the upper right "Static1" is displayed.


    Can anybody tell me what I did to cause this and how do I make it go away?



  4. Was finally able to get back online (unfortunately, I started out as a steam user and have so much money invested, I'm stuck there) and did some flying on SoW. I noticed a couple of things


    1. Static mustangs at Beuzeville were not sitting on the ground

    2. I don't know if this is a setting I have to adjust, a limitation in DCS or a server settings but, I was attacking the railyards at Carentan and most of the ground objects (trucks, train cars, etc) would not render until I was almost on them...makes target acquisition and lining up for an attack run even more challenging guessing where you are going to shoot until the last minute when the object pops into existence


    I don't know about other people and I don't know how I'll feel in the long run but, just starting out on this server, I like the semi-single playability aspect vibe I get from it. I feel like it's kind of a merger of sp/mp …


    I think it's pretty cool, so far.

  5. I too have encountered this problem, and recently.


    I have, on at least 3 occasions, ran into long standing mostly minor but, mostly really frustrating issues, like this, that have been around in this sim for months, even years before they are addressed, if ever.


    The other two issues that I can think of off of the top of my head right now persisted for YEARS before they were finally resolved. Not only did they persist for years, they were never even really acknowledged by the developer. Nothing was said, by the developer, about them knowing about and looking into the problem and no help or temporary solution was offered to alleviate the enjoyment killing experience caused by the issue.


    It seems, from the fact that this post has languished with no reply since November 2018, (a full year prior to my encountering the same issue) that this is yet another example.

  6. Well, if it works for you, I guess I must be doing something wrong somehow.


    What the plane does when it reaches the waypoint is, initially it starts the turn toward w/p 2, then abruptly changes it's mind and turns to w/p 3.


    If I don't put a probability in, it just turns directly to w/p 3.

  7. I was afraid of that.


    I guess, if I want to make this work, I'll have to look into this MOOSE or MIST business. Seems kind of odd that it isn't intrinsic to the editor. I mean, it's already a bit of a learning curve just to learn the editor and now I have to look into some third party scripting thing just do a simple task.


    I already considered your suggestion about "stacking" groups" and, it would, kind of work. However, I was trying to set a random type scenario where different groups would spawn randomly without limit

  8. Is the probability condition in the advanced waypoint actions broken or am I doing something wrong.



    As an example

    Task - Fighter Sweep

    1 AI Plane in group

    I have set three way points.

    At waypoint one, I add a perform command/switch waypoint to waypoint 3

    I tick "probability" in the conditions

    If I set the probability to ANYTHING above 0 (zero), the ai will ALWAYS switch to waypoint 3

    If I set it to zero, the AI goes to waypoint 2|


    1 - am I trying to use this correctly?

    2 - is it broken?

  9. Like the title says. I fly, pretty much exclusively, the p51 offline in DCS VR. I own, but have rarely flown, since I got VR, IL GB. Last night, I fired it up because they just released their version of the p51 and it struck me how much CLEARER EVERYTHING is in IL2.


    My question is, do I have my settings wrong in DCS or is this just how the two different titles compare in VR?

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