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About LynxDK

  • Birthday 04/10/1981

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    Flight Simulators
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  1. Hey i found your dimensions report about the Hornet ufc.

    can you tell us where you measured width and heigth?

  2. This is the worst He will be forever in our minds.
  3. Thank you very much :) We have alot of real parts from the F-18 that we have made drawings from, and then we are also fortunate to know a guy that has access to the real jets, when they do maintenance. So what Deadman Wrote as Best Guess, that is correct, there are a few instruments that differ on these never versions of the jets from the old A version, and there we have the mounting holes and distance to other instruments to "guess" from, so that its correct :) We are trying to get it as close as possible to the real jet, dimensions wise, so that if you wanted, you could replace some parts with real instruments, if you should get a hold of some :) Hope this answered you question :)
  4. I have tried for some time now to get in contact with Winwing for a technical drawing and the posebility for us to work together so that their Throttle would fit 100% in our consoles, but without any luck, they simply never answer me. So we will problaly release the drawings for the console as a version 1.0, and then if there is changes later on, we will release a document for where to drill mounting holes for fx. Throttles.
  5. No need to sorry, we are all doing this to get the best result :) However i will say, that my way of thinking, that you called it is definitely not wrong. Because i have a read Fire test Panel, and i had a friend measure some specific things i needed in a real F-18, and he confirmed that the Throttle width is the exact same as my Fire Test Panel. And since the throttle sits right next to the EXT LTS Panel, and it cannot be wider than the other panels, we end up at that width, unless the EXT LTS Panel is not in line with the other panels.. and thats not the case. So exactly what is happening i dont know, because your panel look authentic, however maybe from a newer version of the plane? as it dosnt have the switches and engraving positioned the same place as the panel we see in the F/A-18C.
  6. Plans will be free to download when they are done. And i will sell them precut in my webshop to ship World Wide too... Its a little early to say the final price, but we are in the same ballyard as the precut A-10C Consoles i have in my webshop, see here: http://lynx.dk/product-category/products/flight-simulator-gear/a-10c-warthog/a-10-precut-consoles/ Because of the weight of the package the price is different for each country. It will not be exactly the same, but it will be close, as the F-18 Console is smaller than the A-10C, and therefore is lighter, but there is many more cut parts than in the A-10C. So longer cutting time, but lighter weight. Its still too early to speak about the price for the 3D printed rails too... as they are not totally finished due to some missing parts in the consoles i need the redesign.
  7. Thank you Milou :) Those WinWing Controls look really awesome, but i have been looking on their site, and i cant find anything about the dimensions on the throttle. But if the Throttle are the same dimensions as the real flight controls, it shouldnt be a problem to integrate them.. But to do so i would need a complete width, depth and lenght of the base casing, and preferreable a technical drawing with possible mounting holes etc. There is so many posts in that forum thread that im not sure if anything like that have been posted there, maybe someone can help me with that :) otherwise ill contact Winwing to see if they can send me anything.
  8. None of the Panels are 3D printed. Its Milled Acrylic, which is then painted and engraved :) Thats the short version :)
  9. Yes :) they will be shared like we did with the A-10C :)
  10. Hey Europa. You are correct, it has been silent for some time, also on our Instagram. The console are still in the final design state, where we make changes and build them to check everything fits. Left side is done, to a point where its ready for release, with the exeption of a mount of a Throttle, so for the time being, we will release it without holes for a mounting solution, however when we do have our Throttle finished, then we will add holes to the design, and those will be easy to drill by people who allready bought precut or cut the plans themself. The right side is now in the fase of manufactoring of the first prototype, with the rails and everything. Whats missing is some mounts for the Hook handle. i wioll show pictures soon, but all the rails and the console need to work 100% before its released, plus it has to be the most simple way to assemble it all. The f-18 consoles allready have many more parts than the consoles for the A-10, however they are smaller, but they are somewhat wierd to assemble :) See the instagram for how fgar we come with the throttle handles. Thank you tom, ive downloadet them and checked with our drawings, they are spot on within 0.3mm some places. To again refer to our handle pictures on instagram, let me tell you a little about our idead with the throttes. Intentionally it wasnt our plan to begin making Throttles and Joysticks, and it still isnt. Why, because we simply dosnt have the machinery to make high quality joysticks, and there are allready others doing way better than we would ever do. So why have we started on the F-18 Throttle, Well because as far as i know, there are only very expensive solutions to get something that resembles the throttle for the f-18. And i would be kinda annoyed to make a F-18 console with room for the Warthog throttle, it would mean i had to get rid of many of the side Panels. With that said, if there is enough interest, i can make a version which will fit the Warthog Throttle, and then ille have to find another space for those panels sitting in its place, It wont be Impossible, but that would be another thread about that, let me know if there is interest in this? To get back to our throttle, Our main idea is to offer a cheap solution for a f-18 throttle, not top quality, but at first a 3d printed version, that have all the Functions of the HOTAS. Build with affordable switches, that if they wear out, it would be really easy and cheap to replace them. The same goes for the moving parts, if they get some wear and tear after a year or two, it will be very cheap to get spare parts for it. And then maybe if there is alot of interest in that throttle, then we can upgrade some of the parts to high quality parts. But, we are sill in the early development of that throttle, and we also have to test it all first, but stay tooned on instagram, where we will show pictures as soon as we have something to show :) Thats about it for now, if i forgot anything, or you have questions, you know what to do ..... oh... and something about a G-seat soon too..... but thats also for another thread :)
  11. I must say Blue, its some real Craftmansship right there :) Very very nice work indeed :)
  12. Hey Jose. Yes, the final plans will be available for download on my website when its done, for free, or you can order the parts precut from me also :)
  13. Hello, and welcome to the forum and the Pit Building. I am working on the drawing for the F-18, and when im done the drawings will be released for free, however there is alot of small adjustments still to be done. you can see pictures on my instagram og what im doing. However if you need some specific dimensions so you can get started with your own drawings, i can provide them without a problem, just write what you need :)
  14. And i Little more :)
  15. For those who are not following me on instagram, here is a little picture Update :)
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