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Posts posted by mechagimbal

  1. I was trying to get reacquainted with the A-10C after a long helicopter hiatus. I was working on landings and I wanted to shadow some of the AI and see how they did it.


    They were not good role models.


    I also noticed that if you set up a pair of AI to land and jump into the second aircraft during the game, flight lead still waves off at the end. But that might be because I didn't have the right speed set up in the landing waypoint. I didn't try to duplicate it after I dropped the speed way down.


    I started to think it was just the presence of a player that did it, but I set up a single AI aircraft to land and things behaved normally even when flying right next to him.


    ...Except for the hogging the middle of the runway and abrupt braking they like to do.




    I guess I should really just join a virtual squadron if I'm going to learn anything right.

  2. I had issues with micro stutters some time ago in DCS after upgrading to my i5 2500k. Although there were countless threads about game stutters and a myriad of reasons they occur and another myriad of ways to fix them, the one thing that cured it for me was turning off the "C1E" power saving feature in bios.


    That tiny tiny bit of time it takes for the cpu core to jump back to life may seem like nothing, but it had a noticeable affect on the game for me.


    Edit: Originally thought it was called "core parking", but a quick look at my bios again and I noticed it was called "C1E". Although I suspect they both are roughly the same thing.

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