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Posts posted by Overparduffer

  1. Are you more concerned with learning to fly it or learning to use the weapon systems? The former is harder in the F14, the later is harder in the F18.


    The F18 is practically point the plane where you want to go and let go of the stick. The F14 requires almost constant trimming. You go heads down for 7 seconds, look up and you might be inverted headed for the earth at mach 1.


    The F18 is a multi-role aircraft so it can employ all types of weapons which takes time to learn.


    Both fun for different reasons but the F14 is really fun to fly.

  2. Yeah, I've still got to take the time to learn this skill. I think I've made 3 failed attempts each one significantly better than the last but still a ways off. Was thinking about seeing if I could do something similar using the trim, but this sounds way better. I'll have to try it. Thanks

  3. I enjoy multiplayer more than anything else (actually I also really enjoy the training missions when I'm learning a new aircraft) but I figure I need at least 45 minutes if I'm going to play. And that's usually just one pass over the target by the time you startup, figure out where the targets are and how you're going to attack them, fly to the target, fly home, etc. If I don't have that much time then I get my DCS fix with YouTube or Twitch.


    Of course given the game's time commitment I also have to walk away for months at a time and then come back later when life permits.

  4. When you drop the flaps on any aircraft it creates more lift. Whether or not it's too extreme in the F-18 I have no idea but IRL in smaller GA aircraft, when you drop the flaps you immediately push the yoke in/down to counteract the additional lift from the flaps. Otherwise you will balloon noticeably.

  5. I was having similar issues where I would fail to connect or the game would crash 95% of the time when trying to get on multiplayer servers. Then I watched Spudknockers guide to optimizing DCS 2.5, NVIDIA graphics cards, etc. He mentioned manually adjusting the size of your computer's pagefile and once I did that I've been good ever since. Even with 16GB of RAM, my computer was running out of memory so I guess the larger pagefile compensates for this.

  6. Bunyap Sims content on YouTube has helped me more than anything else. His on the range series covers specific topics in 10-15 minute sessions but even watching his single player campaigns helps a lot as he is constantly telling you exactly what he's is thinking, why he's doing what he's doing, etc. Some of it is slow paced (particularly if you just want to blow shit up) but it's very good IMO.

  7. I bought the module about 2 weeks ago along with the Warthog Hotas. Previously I was using a Hotas X. The Warthog helps tremendously since most commands are right at your finger tips.


    I'm definitely still a noob when it comes to the plane and it's systems but I can fly online on the 104th, easily locate the target area, kill stuff with mavericks, spoof missile launches, etc. I.E. I have the basics down well enough to enjoy the module a lot.


    PS And I don't have a lot of time to fly so I may have only 10-12 hours in cockpit in the A-10C.

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