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Posts posted by LancerVI

  1. 5 minutes ago, davidrbarnette said:

    This 100%. After spending nearly 20 years in corporate America, I'll say the unthinkable: a 23 year-old super-green recent college grad consultant from McKinsey would recommend better project management practices than what we regularly see with these patches. Whatever was done didn't work, and that needs evaluated, of course unless they just don't care about hitting dates. It sure sounds like they didn't test the final release candidate and leave enough time to either work through issues or not delay on the day of the planned launch.

    Yes, I agree with all of the crowd here that says "in the grand scheme, this isn't really a big deal". That's obvious. We're talking about a video game, hobby, whatever. On the other hand, the constant delays get annoying. It is clearly a pattern, and symptomatic of an issue managing product launches. 

    It is not "normal" or "to be expected" to have last-minute delays for complex products, processes, or any other project, regardless of whether it is software, medical devices, brain surgery, aircraft manufacturing, or making orange juice. It's symptomatic of a bad management process. 



    an adult. 

  2. 1 minute ago, primus_TR said:


    In reference to this statement of yours. Relevance should be obvious. 

    Typical of this generation. 

    Say what you will, do what you want. Whether you realize it or not; you're accountable for every utterance. I speak and write this way because I know it to be true. 

    But if the ethics of what I'm talking about are lost on you, I can say that I'm not surprised. My pre-order isn't an ethical choice, now is it? At least be intellectually honest, but again......the ethics seem to be lost on you.

    • Like 1
  3. Anyone remember "WYSIWYG?" I do.

    Not today. Everything is malleable. 

    Unfortunate. I think pre-ordering is absolutely a mistake and I keep making it. I love DCS, but I have to learn sometime, maybe some day.

    I'm not mad; I'm retired and have other hobbies. Just disappointed. If my word was as malleable in my last career; I wouldn't have had one. 

    Sometimes, you should just be quiet. When you're ready.......say something.


    But what does this ole infantryman and LEO know?

    • Like 7
  4. The info here is golden. Obviously, I'm a knuckle-dragging infantryman, so I thought I was doing something wrong when having to trim constantly, except in straight and level flight. 

    Late to the party, but I just thought I didn't get it, so this is good to know and cheers for it!

    As a Stupid side-question: Is it expected behavior to fly a course with lateral angle of attack (nose slightly askew)? I've always endeavored to get the helo, whatever it may be, to fly straight and true. Am I wrong in thinking this way? Sorry if stupid question in old thread.


    Lancer VI

    John 3:16-21


  5. I just wanted to pipe in and say I just received a ThrustMaster F18C stick ordered from Thrusmaster on Amazon and the castle hat up was stuck on (button #7). Couldn't get it to disengage or work in anyway, so this is still an issue apparently. Glad it was out of the box. Sending it back. Not disassembling a new stick. 

    After talking with Amazon customer service, they said they couldn't even offer a replacement; either I had to just take the refund or be put into contact with Thrustmaster, whom they said have very strict inventory controls. Needless to say, I took a refund. 

    Any other suggestions besides the F18 stick that would work with a Thrustmaster Warthog &/or Magnetic Base?  Have the F16/A10 stick, WH throttle and TPR. Wanted a new stick, but I have to say, didn't like the feel of the F18C grip anyway, so I kind of feel 'lucky' for lack of a better word. I suppose I would've gotten used to it. 

    Just fyi.

  6. I have to say, I find the A2G effects against targets, effectively useless. The F15E mission "Artillery Pot Shots". I played all day with that thing and different load outs. Unless you get a direct hit, those arty guns will not be silenced. (I promise you. If even one mk82 exploded anywhere near an ARTY unit, they would cease fire and conduct a survivability move. Not that hard to simulate, I would guess)

    Further, none of the CBUs (and I tried them all) seem to have any lethality to them at all. I played with burst altitudes, MRAs, fusing; you name it. A2G in DCS on myriad platforms (not just the mud hen) seem to vastly underperform.

    DCS is useful for flying and A2A at the moment, but A2G is functionally broken for me, as I prefer the CAS/interdiction role, so combined effects munitions, rockets and guns are my bread and butter. The mk82, 83 and 84 aren't much better. A2G damage modelling needs a serious look, IMHO. 

    I'm sure ED has had the opportunity to see the effects of these munitions live over the years. I know I have. A T-90 is not surviving a direct mk.82 hit only to have "32% damage" pop up. It would be a kill, combat ineffective or whatever phrase you choose to name. Period. 

    Just my 2 cents as a longtime lurker/flyer.



    Lancer VI

    • Like 4
  7. I haven't used it a lot yet, but used it enough to check out IL2, DCS and racing sims and it was enough that I have passed my Valve Index off to a family member because I couldn't go back to it.


    The Reverb G2 is so much clearer than the Index. Right now I am just going through the rest of my VR library to see if any have any glitches. Gone through a little over 20 so far and so far, so good.


    Thanks for the info. So excited to hear more. Still haven't received mine yet. Ordered late July. Rift S was my first experience with VR and I just can't go back. Looking forward to the clarity prospect of the G2.

  8. Update... and again... and again


    Now down to 2 activations. Still zero changes to computer h/w.


    Same here. Down to 4 now. Updated the drivers for my GTX 980 Ti and BAM! 'Serious hardware change detected'.


    Try to re-activate, it says 'successful' but then loops back to the 'serious hardware change detected.'


    Sent the email with the error report. Never heard back the first time I did this several months ago. I guess we'll see what happens.


    I guess I won't be playing Mig21 and I certainly won't be purchasing any Leatherneck modules in the future until this kind of non-sense is fixed.

  9. I've got the same problem, I reported the failure via the activation error report email. Attached the log. "significant hardware change detected" though I don't know what it was.


    Can't play Mig 21, not sure what caused this problem and haven't got a response to the email I sent a week ago. (not sure if I was supposed to)




    To be more clear, I get the error that my key is no longer valid due to "significant hardware change detected" I attempt to reactive, my key is already populated and I reactive. It gives me a success, saying I have 6 more available. But then it loops back to the same error and says "significant hardware change detected." I follow the same process, it still shows that I have 6 activations, it never counts down (thankfully I guess) but I'm at a loss.


    I've unchecked the module, repaired DCS, reactived the module. Don't know what happened. Everything was working fine and then bam!


    Can't play.


    I get that piracy is a problem. I can't stand them either, but this punishing of legit customers, who've paid hundreds of dollars on this sim is just......well.


    Lancer VI

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