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Posts posted by codefox

  1. Is this from a source within ED or is it from a team that has separate developed su33 flight model?


    It has been left in the DCS files by ED and all I did with my mod was enabling it. Obviously not done yet but it's still tons better than the SFM.

    • Like 1
  2. I saw something about the server changing it's name (to "Aerobatics Online" or something similar) in the admin message when logging on yesterday. Is there any additional info available regarding this?

    There are going to be some changes regarding our servers. They'll stay up and running but we have to take the step of renaming the server and we will re-shape our internet presence. More info will follow when we're there.


    On another note, the Nevada server is up again. The Caucasus server won't be updated to 1.5.5 yet.

  3. The 1.5 Caucasus server is back online and the 2.0 Nevada server will follow later.

    Right now, the server will not auto-restart after 4 hours, but it will probably be restarted within the next hours for further maintenance work. Our custom liveries will also be put back into place later.

    Sorry for any inconveniences caused.

  4. RCtrl+L is navigation lights (red, green and white lights on the plane), not formation lights. I don't think there's a key to turn on the formation lights, but I don't know under which conditions they turn on either. Mostly flying the Su-27 which got no formation lights.

  5. The Su-27 has anti-collision lights (RCtrl-L) but doesn't have the electroluminescent formation strips that the F-15 and A-10C have.

    These are navigation lights. Anti-collision lights are blínking and I do not recall the Su-27 having those in DCS. Only statically lit navlights.

  6. Yep, it's a really old netcode limitation of DCS. Damage is not always completely synced visually.


    Also I have a feeling many here are comparing AI damage models with player damage models. AI will be easier to take out than a real player in most cases since their damage model is not based on the real flight model (EFM/PFM/AFM) but on the SFM with a really simple damage model. They usually only know a few states: intact, slightly damaged, shit's going down.


    If you want to compare damage models in DCS, do so with other players and higher-fidelity planes (not Su-33 or MiG-29 with their SFM).

  7. The VA server has dynamic weather enabled (1.5 only at this point), so the wind value shown in the briefing might not be correct for your position.

    So, wind speed and direction will vary from time to time.


    I did notice the wind effect when flying the Ka-50 on there but it was very manageable. Check the windsocks and smoke from houses to get an idea about where the wind comes from.

    Random failures are turned off on the server so this won't be the cause of your trouble.

    • Like 1
  8. Hast du sie per Radiomenü ausgewählt und kannst du roten Rauch von der Außenlast aufsteigen sehen? Du musst daran denken zu der zu fliegen, die du ausgewählt hattest.


    Radiomenü ("#"-Taste) -> "All Cargo" -> eine der Kisten auswählen.


    Nachdem du die Kiste ausgewählt hast, erscheint roter Rauch an der Kiste, die dir zugewiesen wurde. Dann einfach stabil mit dem Heli darüber schweben.

    Nun gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, neben der Kiste zu landen und eine Tastenkombination zu benutzen um die Kiste an dem Heli zu befestigen. Bin mir nicht sicher wie die war, schau dir mal die Tastenbelegungen aus der Außenlast-Kategorie an.

  9. My only experience in a running L-39 so far was with helmet and headset on, so that probably cancelled out a lot of noise. But communications without intercom is indeed pretty much impossible, probably also due to the glass pane between the front- and backseat.. and because I head a headset on. ;)

    On the outside it was really loud.. like pretty much every jet I ever encountered. One day we had a jet-powered glider at our local flying club and even that little thing was loud as hell from outside, but really quiet from the inside. We got complaints from people living near but as a pilot you didn't notice how loud it was.

  10. Find the cargo (locations are in the mission briefing and they can be seen on the F10 map), fly there and select the cargo using the radio menu in DCS. Red smoke will mark the position of your chosen cargo package.

    From there, move on and do a stable hover above the cargo. DCS will let you know you're hovering above it with a message in the top right. Once you have been in stable hover above it, the hook will automatically connect after a few seconds. Then just carefully lift it up and make your way to wherever you want to bring it.


    There are no designated cargo missions yet but they're planned for the near future.


    Take care about the cargo weight - a Huey won't be able to lift as much as an Mi-8 or Ka-50.

  11. Aussenlasten lassen sich transportieren indem man sie ueber das Radiomenue auswaehlt und dann in einem bestimmten Abstand (2-5m waren es glaube ich) darueber schwebt. Oben rechts wird dir dann angezeigt dass du dich ueber der Aussenlast befindest und nach ein paar Sekunden schweben wird sie automatisch befestigt. Zum Herablassen musst du eine Taste belegen, bin mir nicht sicher welche das Standardmaessig war.


    Wenn du Personen transportieren willst kommt das auf das CTLD Script vom Server an.

  12. Ich hatte auch den T.Flight HOTAS X. Hat mir gut 3-4 Jahre gedient und ist dann so langsam in die Knie gegangen, habe mich anschliessend für einen Warthog entschieden. Der T.Flight ist ansich nicht schlecht, hat aber weniger Knoepfe und kann daher die Bedienung von Modulen wie der A-10C erschweren.. ich hatte ein komplettes Stick Binding mit Modifkatoren aber da hab ich mich nie komplett dran gewoehnen können. Wenn du etwas warten magst und ca. das doppelte ausgeben kannst, dann wuerde ich dir den hier empfehlen: https://www.amazon.de/Joystick-TM-T16000M-FCS-HOTAS/dp/B01H6KXGDY/ref=sr_1_11?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1473973475&sr=1-11


    Ansonten, nimm den T.Flight. Machste auch nichts wirklich falsch mit. Fuer das Geld ist der schon so das beste was du bekommst.

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