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Posts posted by terahurts

  1. Very nice, I thought something like this in HTML might be cool as well, figuring out a way to upload your profile to a page and it would generate an image like this, thanks for doing this!



    Unfortunately my coding skills begin and end with BBC Basic. I know there's a tool for Elite:Dangerous that does something similar, but it reads Elite's config file rather than the Saitek .pr0 file.

  2. After spending a few days working on my control mappings for DCS I started to run into the 'can't remember where I mapped what' problem and wanted to create a graphic I could pull up on my tablet or print out for reference. I had a look around the internet but couldn't find any tools that did the job automatically so I've spent a few hours knocking one up


    It's a PDF with user-fillable forms for each button/switch/hat, so you can either fill it in with Acrobat or your preferred PDF reader or print a blank copy. If any of you are using the X-55 and would like to give it a try and provide some feedback I'd be grateful.


    There are two slightly different versions; the first is a single page 1980x1200 document which is probably more useful for printing out and filling in the blanks with a pen/pencil. The second is a three-page document with selectable radio buttons for the three modes which is likely to more useful when used on a tablet or secondary display.


    Singe page PNG:D1PmNaC.jpg


    Single page PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4NGIpQIUGFhWk1sTlZNX0VkQ2c/view?usp=sharing


    Three page PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4NGIpQIUGFhVGhXYTczR0c4ZUk/view?usp=sharing


    You might have to download it and use Acrobat or Foxit to actually edit the fields.


    Disclaimer: I found the base graphic on-line with no attribution. All I've done is move it parts around and rescale it slightly and add the PDF forms. Since there are half a dozen different versions floating around I'm assuming it's in the public domain. Feel free to edit/change copies for your own use.


    Quick edit: The M1, M2 and M3 radio buttons are selectable on the multi-page PDF and the 'Game' 'mode description' and 'Notes...' field is copied between all three pages all other fields are separate for each page. The fields for the toggle switches will require a carriage return in between each line for the text to line up properly with the switch position.

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  3. Unfortunately the bsod when switching profiles is a saitek issue it happens to me too randomly and I have no idea why.

    None of these profiles are modified in any weird way just made with the crappy 800x600 window that saitek provides.:thumbdown:


    First of all, apologies for necroing this thread.


    Infernus, I've spent the afternoon looking fiddling around with your profiles and the BSODs and as far as I can tell it's being caused by using the mode switch as a key press. Swapping to the profile works with no problems, but as soon as I switch to another or select 'Clear' I get a BSOD (this is a five-hour-old clean install of Windows 7 and the latest Saitek drivers), but if I use the HUD software to remove the key presses for the mode switch I can swap profiles with no problems.

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