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Posts posted by CommDante

  1. I myself was kinda looking into a personal transport, light attack/fighter myself. What I did was check ingame and loadout some NPC aircraft to see weapon loadouts and check the encyclopedia. This is what I gatherered (loosely).



    Hawk T1

    -Cheapest of the 3 @ $39.99, now with discount $27.99 no bonusses given or taken.

    ...even cheaper atm for $25 @ VEAO Site 'till 1st.

    -1 version of the plane

    -Dual seat incredibly unlikely 'would need a complete rewrite of the ASM'. Pilot will be able to switch seats, but just/mostly for show.

    -EFM -> AFM planned for release at end of Januari 2016

    -Good amount of view area, HUD is non-intrusive. Triangular shape gives a bit of a fighter feeling.


    -Fastest (Mach 0.81 at s/l, 0.95 at height)

    -Good flight range of 2500km ?

    -Highest ceiling of 13.5km ?

    -most 2050kg 'payload', empty to max takeoff


    -2* A2A pylon

    -2* A2G pylon. (Per pylon: ) 3* MK82 (not 1 or 2 atm :?) - 19* 2.75 rocketpod - CBU87 / clusterbomb


    L-39za (L39c isn't in encyclopedia yet)

    -Mid ranged priced @ 49.99 and $10 bonus. (Now with discounts actually most expensive, since it's only one that didn't get a discount)

    -2 versions of the plane. C with a internal smoke generator and 2 smoke pods with loads of different colours and weaponcapable) and ZA as light attack version.

    -Dual seat working for MP, able to create 'errors' which pilot needs to fix when in backseat etc.

    -EFM -> PFM implemented (yeah, ED developed)

    -Decent amount of view area - HUD is very obstructive, but is/will be removable in C version at least.


    -short flight range - '1650km with nominal load'

    -least 1250kg 'payload', empty to max weight


    -(L39c had 2 pylons which can handle small bombs, all kinds of colours smoke and R-3 A2A missiles), ZA has 2 more pylons, but nothing known about those 2...

    -Not much known else from ingame.



    -Highest price of $59.99 (with discount atm: $41.99), No bonus given, but seem to apply (or they forgot to mention it doesn't)?

    -2 versions of the plane. EB with 3 internal smoke generators (Yellow, white red) and a light attack version CC with 7 pylons and a 'better engine'.

    -Dual seat planned (I haven't seen anything about what is possible from back-seat, flying seems logical, but don't know of any 'error-creating' stuff.)

    -EFM release unknown, Soon ?

    -Has an autopilot/navigation system

    -Good view area - No HUD or anything in EB, looks a bit like Cessna with squared instrument panel in front.


    -Decent speed: 770 km/h (417 knots, 480 mph) (Mach ~0.65 )

    -Huge flightrange: 4000 km

    -good service ceiling: 12.5 km

    -mid 1800kg 'loadout' empty to max takeoff


    -Outer pylons has AIM-9P, R.550 MagicII, 19 2.75 rocket ability ... even a br-500 bomb

    -middle wing has a wide arange of bombs, rockets and a anti-ship missile.

    -Inner wing pylons mostly same bombs and rockets.

    -belly-pylon has 2 different gunpods

    ...Yeah, 7 pylons total, with quite a range of different weapons, able to have 6 rocket pods or 4 bombs with 2*A2A missiles.



    In short:


    None of these seem to come with a campaign or missions according to the store pages!

    Hawk seems to be somewhat of an exception: 'Fully interactive, comprehensive training missions make learning to fly the Hawk easier.'


    Hawk T1:

    --- Quite soon flyable, but won't be much of a trainer without 2nd seat for MP.

    --- 'Best' performing. Bit restricting armaments, but decent amount.

    -Seems atm this it's more the performer/showoff/scout.


    L-39C/ZA: Already flyable as a trainer in MP. Pilot 'Hood' might help extra in that area.

    --- Performance and loadout wise least impressive.

    -Seems atm the only actual trainer


    C101-CC/EB: Don't know anything about when it will be flyable and what 2nd seat might do myself.

    --- Good performance, especially range. Most likely a no-brainer for people who want to fly for hours on end.

    --- Awesome weapon choices

    -Seems atm the most diverse and capable due to all the different armament options.



    Obviously, this is just from ingame encyclopedia and NPC plane loadout info (and some posts) from unfinished products. It's a shame there is so little known from the C101 team. Only videos on youtube that I find that might tell something are all in spanish.


    Hope this info might help people a bit to choose.

  2. You can also make your own missions in Nevada (only reason to get 2.0 atm), and in MP there is pretty much always something to do too. Also, there are a few Red Flag Campaigns being designed specifically for Nevada for A-10c and F-15c (seperate Campaign DLC's though, unless you pre-ordered).


    Also, NTTR/Nevada is bigger than just Las Vegas. Although it's mostly desert with some POI's like the dam and some towns etc, it has plenty of terrain to make some interesting missions. Nevada is mostly a change of scenery atm though, and 2.0 alpha currently is mostly just for testing that map.

  3. Nice, I hardly ever win anything either (usually 'Ýou almost won' sticker orso, nothing of value anyhoo), might be hope for me yet...hehe


    Anyhoo, gz on your F-86, Skjold. Hope you'll make lots a miles on that bird!



    And to all people with good intentions: Merry and happy Midwinterfest!! (Or Midsummer for peeps 'down-under' ( couldn't help myself: ))




  4. How could you stop caring about this module? It's one of the most known airplanes around? Just landing and takeoff looks like a thrill to me (unlike the A-10c, which can pretty much land backwards >_< I can't remember ever crashing it into a ball of flames on landing, even with only 1 wing, 1 engine and 1/2 a tail.).


    I've kinda stopped developing my poor-mans switchbox atm (carton mailbox with some switches on an arduino as USB kbord atm, although I might go back to a USB double-joystick device after some LUA learning) because I knew I needed some more switches for this plane to add , before making it more permanent (nice wooden/glossy painted etc) version.


    Oh well, like you said, I hope it'll go to someone who will get some miles on this little rocket-on-wings ... even with the more recent modules coming out, it's still one of the most challenging and interesting ones. It's THE Mig-21!! ;)


    And merry Midwinterfest to everyone with good intentions! (However you want to name it, pretty much everyone celebrates it in one form or another...well except those 'down under' I guess, more like mid-summerfest there, so they name it even more different. :P )!!

  5. I hope you'll give me a very merry Midwinterfest by presenting me this awesome plane.


    Even if you won't, I wish a happy merry Midwinterfest to everyone on this forum (and beyond ;) ).




    (I hardly ever win anything of value, if anything at all. But it's a nice place to try and spread some good wishes around!)

  6. It can actually have 3 if not mistaken, wel the CC (combat version?) at least...according to ingame plane spawn weapons. Just create a mission, spawn a plane and you can see loadouts .. obviously 'not final' in anyway, but should give indication at least.

  7. Awesome discount. :love: I'm glad I checked this forum before buying all kinds of steam games I'll probably won't play for another year orso ... hehe.

    I was actually shopping a bit for a personal transport/acrobatic plane (NTTR alpha coming out soon and all), but the lack of 2nd seat usable in MP put me off slightly from this one.



    With this $12 price it's pretty much a steamsale though: if you like the idea and think you might want it, buy it! ... even if just for support. Think about actually playing/flying it later. ;)

    .... I've got such a backlog ... >_<


    Also made a few posts on other forums as commercial to this great discount, no matter what people say: flying in formation and doing acrobatics is pretty kewl :joystick: (as long as they're combat-able planes, they have a place in DCS :thumbup: )



    That said, might want to work on your code distribution, been almost an hour now. Is this done manually? Also, for new customers of VEAO website, registration mails etc came in spambox ... so be sure to check there and tag them as non-spam. ;)

  8. The first thing I'll turn-off forever, if it will be implemented - Motion Blur.

    The picture itself not perfect already, so there is no need to make it any worse.

    Motion Blur as it presented in current games - is just bad movie effect.


    Regarding real life experience - I did not notice any Motion Blur during rolls, stalls, loops and high-speed low-passes on Yak-52, as well as during riding motorcycle at speeds up to 270Km/h.

    Brain is too perfect and too adaptive to deal with it.




    also: makes a lot of people motion sick, even those who normally don't get motion sick. It eats fps and does nothing but make things unnecessarily fuzzy. Eyes have the fastest muscles in a human body, it's just some stupid movie effect! Do it in After Effects if you like it so much plz.

  9. Euhm, youtube? :P There are loads of videos out there.... (Don't forget Falcon 4 has loads of this info, being played for decades now (my manual was printed in 1998 ;) ).)


    "But on a real mission...there are sooo many things to be aware of that I just get lost."


    That's what training is for, most combat flight sims are very unforgiving in campaigns and kinda demand knowing the plane and systems ... that's why there are so many training missions. With FC3 it's a bit annoying, since those training missions were so old, the only way to still present them was by videos. Also, most of those missions you don't fly alone....you're with other flights that need to do their thing. Often SEAD strikes are in front of a strike group which both (or shared) have a fighter escort. In such a case, you don't want to fly further ahead of them, just shoot down any enemies that get close in BVR!


    IR missiles are indeed probably the most annoying threat, maybe the new icon enlargement thingy helps, but usually that's why you have a wingman ... to spot threats coming towards you while you're busy doing the mission. If you know you're in the area of an IR SAM, keep watching the area where it is for launching cues ... and: Just try and stay out of range. (Quite easy with newer F-16's, since threat circles are on FCS/MFCD's)


    There aren't that many IR SAMs in DCS world afaik though and when they are, the range is usually pretty small. More often you'll get shot by manpads (laser guided, but still often no to little warning) ... which kinda like AAA only go until around the 10.000 feet ceiling.


    Best defense is knowledge in this case, check the briefing and check the SAM's in the encyclopedia air defence part and see what type and range those things have.

    Hmm, just checked and doesn't tell if it's IR or RADAR or whatever....

    Oh well, there are some sites/pages that have all kinds of info on SAM's..ranges, weapons...common vehicles etc.

    Unlike say a Tunguska, which can operate solo ... a 'SAM site' is usually a couple of vehicles working together....RADAR dish, command center, couple of SAM launchers, maybe some ammo trucks etc.


    When launching a HARM/ALARM orso (Anti RADAR Missiles) ...it usually only goes towards the RADAR, sometimes they can still fire visually, or use the RADAR of another SAM site nearby. (This is also the reason the Doppler defeating doesn't always work..and why it often is hard to actually hit one of those RADAR's ... they often cycle between groups).

    Getting SAM sites to launch/track you for launching SAMs, to get a good lock for HARM/ALARMs (usually for wingman) is called being a Wild Weasel ... might help with searching on yt etc.


    With SAM's: Either stay out of range, fly really high ... or hit the deck and fly at ground level/under the RADAR.


    tldr: Just stay out of range, briefing should show threat circles of the SAMs!!

  10. I mean, is there any chance of surviving 2 vs 3 + SAM + AAA in real life? I can barely take out one enemy fighter at "excelent" AI, and my wingman is not much better than me, how am I suppose to handle it?


    I could be wrong, but wasn't that mission about flying escort for a SEAD (Suppress Enemy Air Defences)? If so, only concentrate on the planes, and don't let them lure you into SAM areas. Your job is to keep the SEAD flight safe, not kill all planes per se.

    Even if not, there should be something about those AAA/SAMs in the briefing and how to deal with them.



    General SAM evasion:

    Just stay out of range. :P

    Usually stay high (10k+ is usually enough for AAA) and out of range of the SAMs. Higher you get, the less 'planar range' the SAMs have too.


    Be aware of your surroundings, headtracking is key in SAM/missile evasion imo.


    Often SAMs use Doppler RADAR, turn 90 degrees on them and they can't see you. Doppler can only see stuff that goes toward or away (newer RADAR's use multiple techniques iirc, so don't rely on it too much).


    Bleed their energy by going left/right (from missiles perspective), since it tries to intercept it will overcompensate and loose valuable speed/energy. Don't fly straight when missiles have been fired at you. (Unless you already defeated them in the step above.)


    Hit the deck, fly low so RADAR looses track due to ground clutter/losing Line Of Sight etc.


    flares//chaffs accordingly for IR // RADAR ones they get close (when they don't have a trail anymore and they still seemed to get to you).



    I used to fly a lot of SEAD missions with a flight buddy in Falcon 4 ... can't wait 'till some more SEAD able planes come out (F/A-18 and Tornado :pilotfly: )

    • Like 1
  11. What modules were you flying? And what level of expertise do you feel you need? e.g. take off and landing shouldn't be that hard to learn. Also: you might be able to find a nice group of players that wouldn't mind some practice runs with you, often a pair of extra eyes in the air makes up more than some extra ordnance.

    Also, often it's easier to just ignore most systems and just learn 1 or 2 things at a time.


    A-10c eg is one of the most complex modules with all it's possibilities....but as long as you can shoot eg some mavericks, you should be able to have fun for that hour a week you can manage to play.

  12. Most packages come with interactive tutorials. The old FC3 ones however only have videos ...


    There are also documentations for every plane hidden away in eg. .\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\Flaming Cliffs\Doc


    I think easiest is to make some simple missions yourself. Incase of the SU-27:

    One on the ground, where you can do a full startup, taxi, take off, circle around and land again.


    another with some planes in the air (as well as your own, save time while training), and set in the mission editor with no weapons on the enemy and set so they won't shoot back ... these will be your target practise 'drones'. Take as many different missiles as you can to try them out.


    Then with the manual in hand (tip: use you tablet/phone/2nd monitor orso for the manuals) just try stuff out in a relaxed environment...and get to know the plane, it's weapons and weapon systems etc.

    Also, download the tutorials ingame, if you haven't already ... they'll be in .\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\Flaming Cliffs\Missions\EN\Training for easier watching (and eg manual next to it etc.)


    After that, try the campaign again. ;)

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