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  1. http://www.lockonfiles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=8561
  2. Now thats what I call Going Green.:megalol: Very nice job there shaggy. I like the darker textures the best. Looking forward to taking some screenshots with it.:thumbup: Thats nice!
  3. Thats great, its not a joke nor a laughing matter when talking about death, especially aircraft crash related...:mad:
  4. Why would you say that? #1. States don't have a say in where a persons body gets buried. Its the Families choice of the person who died. #2. You don't "get used to" any kind of aircraft crash. All are different but every one is scary and frightning. If I was there and was on my boat, I would have run right over to the jet and provided assistance...any Real person would do the same thing.
  5. Perks to the pilot on a job well done. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/01/15/national/main4724543.shtml
  6. I dont post over here. You need to check the thread at lockonfiles.
  7. I got no respect to the people with a "Gotta blame somebody" attitude. Shit happens.
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,463725,00.html Pilot ejected.
  9. Most of the shots in GA's videos are from zoomed-in shots recorded in LockOn and Black Shark. Shaking is a feature in Vegas which I am sure he has also used but recently he has been using After Effects? Correct me there Cato :P.
  10. You will see the progress of the Raptor at VFAT. ;) After VFAT the bird will be getting a complete makeover...model and skinwise.
  11. I haven't seen the new skin yet, but I got high hopes.:)
  12. Pretty sure any updates shall be driven by me first. ;)
  13. Mods, delete this thread, maybe even ban 'mid#1'. He/She was already warned over at the virtual airshows forums about copyright infringment shown on the "midnight f18" website. @mid#1- You better be lucky we don't submit you or the person responsable for the website to the ones you stole those pictures and information from. Mainly Wikipedia.....
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