Hi there,
I've bought a new PC recently with the main intention of going into flight sims again ... haven't played them for quite a while, so I'm really looking forward to fly again :)
Well, I've installed DCS World and it unfortunately keeps going blank directly after showing the logo on the startup. I've tried both Steam and DCS.com version and it doesn't make any difference with the exception that in the latter case I can hear the main menu music rolling in the back (but the screen still remains blank).
I've updated all the drivers, reinstalled the game, have done a file verification via Steam, have deleted/renamed the DCS folder in the Saved Games file, have also tried to replace the OptionsModsScripts.lua file, that have been reported as problematic by some users ... Now I'm running out of ideas and would appreciate some help.
My PC specs: i7-10700K, 2x16 GB RAM, RX 5700 XT 8 GB.
I am also attaching an options.lua file, in case it helps. options.lua
Many thanks in advance!