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Posts posted by Manilva

  1. Puedes configurar el piernografo a tu gusto, supongo que cambiar el formato tambien a algo mas alargado, pero dudo que te sea mucho mas util, te va a ocupar mucho monitor, igual queda mejor en VR, yo tambien he cambiado el formato a un A4 que es de facil lectura, solo tienes que retocar un lua, pero cuidado que si actualiza dcs vuelve a la de defecto. Te aconsejo crear tus propios piernografos, dejas la guia de chuck en media docena de hojas, para que te sirva de referencia.


    Mira esto a ver si te aclara algo.



    Puedes probar a poner.


    dedicated_viewport = {0,0,1200,900} asi te quedaria en la parte superior izquierda y en un formatomas alargado que ancho, pero claro tendrias que adaptar todas las cartas de los aeropuertos, y todo el resto de documentos que tengas ahi, con lo cual no se que es peor.

    Gracias Overlord por tu mensaje...

    Estoy en periodo de aprendizaje del C101CC y ya solo vuelo en VR... Así que tener el manual en un tablet para ir aprendiendo no es una opción si tienes que quitarte el HDM cada vez...

    A mi para aprender este tipo de cosas se me dan mejor a base de repetición...

    Cuando empiece con las misiones o MP ya será otra cosa...

    Así que le he metido mano al .lua y la primera poniendo a ojímetro el tamaño del piernógrafo… 800x500 y sale muy bien y se ve estupendo.... los mapas por defecto salen regulares, sí...

    La pena que creo que me saldrán todos los piernógrafos así...


    Muchas gracias!



  2. Muchas gracias!

    Ya tengo claro como limpiar los piernógrafos de información no deseada... bien fácil... ya podía venir en el manual del Kneeboard Builder que no dice nada al respecto... muchas gracias!


    Con lo de ver el piernógrafo en apaisado ha habido menos suerte... Yo uso la versión estable, no la Open beta y no funciona lo que he encontrado en un par de posts:https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=271371 y https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=249380


    Bien parece que la opción para mover la posición y el tamaño del piernógrafo en la pantalla debería permitirlo... pero no...


    O sea que a editar otra vez para adaptar las paginas del manual de Chuck


    Gracias por tu ayuda...

    Un saludo



  3. Hi

    How can I remove the default images that comes with the c101CC kneeboard? I don't find any clue about it

    And I can`t change to landscape the orientation of my kneeboard… I am following some advices I found here but the profile does not work … why why why…:mad::mad:


    Anyone ?





  4. Hi

    I am trying to build a kneeboard from a Chucks guide a nothing more.

    I am facing two issues:

    I can’t remove the by default pages (C101CC)... I can’t see how in the manual

    I want the kneeboard landscape but after setting in Profiles the kneeboard position... nothing happens... any idea what I am doing wrong?


    Any help will be much appreciated...





    Enviado desde mi iPad utilizando Tapatalk

  5. Hi

    I just received 10 days ago my new HP Reverb Pro. Until last weekend I havent had the chance to install and try it. First of all I have to say the change on visual quality compare with the Lenovo Explorer I get last Christmas is just huge.

    My PC has an Intel Core i5-4690K @ 3.50GHz, Gforce GTX 1080Ti, 18Gb Ram DDR3 1600, 2x256GB SSD, HP Reverb Pro... and it seems it can handle DCS in VR quite better that the Lenovo Explorer.

    BUT I am having issues with the HMD going black, first during 5 seconds or more... and the second or third time permanently… When I take off the HDM the screen of the monitor is showing the VR application I was running.

    And this happens to me not only in DCS but also other two VR games and trying and even when in the WMR house.

    I have uninstalled the WMR twice with the same result.

    Does anyone of you suffered something similar and by chance it has been solved? Can be the reason my computer is not enough? Or should I contact HP and ask for a replacement?


    Thanks for any help



    After my above post I did ask HP for a replacement which a I just received last Friday after 45 days wait. I have what it seems to be a brand new HMD HP Reverb Professional Edition. (product No 6kp43ea#abb).

    In the meanwhile I changed my processor to a Ryzen 5 3600 and updated the ram to 32 Gb DDR4 and a 512 Gb Samsung EVO Plus M.2 where DCS is installed. I also added a 5 ports 3.0 USB PCI card with independent from MB power supply. BTW amazing the improving of loading time for DCS app....

    Now the bad news… To start with the new HDM I have uninstalled and installed again WMR, WMR for Steam Beta, SteamVR and so on. I have followed the suggestions found in this forum… From very beginning I have been having several blackouts with in intervals of less than half second… after the blackouts (black vision on the HDM) the black stays until I shutdown the app no matter if it DCS, or other gamme as Thalos Principle or even the Cliff house of WMR... In the meanwhile I can hear the sounds of the program running. And you can see in the monitor the program running until the shutdown.

    I am really disappointed… Any idea? Sorry if it has been already addressed in this post or others…

    Perhaps could it be an USB issue? The problem remains when I plug the USB in the USB port of the MB (One port said VR ready in my new MB MSI MPG x570 Gaming Plus...) Should I change the Innateck Pci card for another one? Or should I contact HP and ask for a new replacement or a refund?


    Thanks for any help…

  6. Hi

    I just received 10 days ago my new HP Reverb Pro. Until last weekend I havent had the chance to install and try it. First of all I have to say the change on visual quality compare with the Lenovo Explorer I get last Christmas is just huge.

    My PC has an Intel Core i5-4690K @ 3.50GHz, Gforce GTX 1080Ti, 18Gb Ram DDR3 1600, 2x256GB SSD, HP Reverb Pro... and it seems it can handle DCS in VR quite better that the Lenovo Explorer.

    BUT I am having issues with the HMD going black, first during 5 seconds or more... and the second or third time permanently… When I take off the HDM the screen of the monitor is showing the VR application I was running.

    And this happens to me not only in DCS but also other two VR games and trying and even when in the WMR house.

    I have uninstalled the WMR twice with the same result.

    Does anyone of you suffered something similar and by chance it has been solved? Can be the reason my computer is not enough? Or should I contact HP and ask for a replacement?


    Thanks for any help

  7. I am pretty sure you don’t need to start Steam, nor SteamVR, nor Steam VR for WMR; but you need to have the three installed.

    When you start DCS from the cliff house, automatically Steam starts what is needed and after a little wait the DCS menu comes...



  8. Hi


    I am new in WR. I have begun with the Lenovo Explorer and I quite happy indeed.

    At the moment I use a headphone plugged to the conector of the headset. How can I use Teamspeak and how can I use a mic…? the headset connector seems to be just for listening, not speak…


    I need some advice really… I am quite confused and although I've been searching for through the fórums I haven't find anything. I would like to try VoiceAttack but flirt need to solve this.



    If it is a silly question please forgive me.







  9. Hi



    Sorry in advance if it is avalaible in the forum or wherever, but I couln't find it.

    If would appreciate vey much if somebody could send me a Hornet keyboard.html from an English instalation.

    Mine is a Spanish one and having the Early access manual in English makes things sometimes difficult when I try to pass from the manual to the keyboard...



    Thanks in advance

  10. Installing the BFT paractice


    I bought the campaing before it was available at DCS.

    I keep the key.

    I have downloaded the practice missions from the link above...

    A silly question, I know... How do I install it so I am asked fot the key...

    I place the file at the proper folder but it keeps like a .miz file with a size of 63MB... I d not see the individual mission files as I se with the BFT campaign or AAT campaign...


    Thanks for help...

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