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Posts posted by Zoijar

  1. Same here. It makes night flying quite sickening. Seems primarily shadows on the ground, buildings and fences and so on, where in one lens it's lit and in the other it's dark, which creates a very weird visual effect in VR as your brain obviously can't interpret that.

    This is pretty important to fix I'd say.


    I tried turning those secondary shadows off, but it doesn't help.

    steamvr, nvidia 3090

  2. On 3/12/2023 at 9:21 PM, ignition22 said:

    With steam upscaling and 1.7 pixel density you are doubling up on the same thing but also the DCS pixel density setting is not very efficient. Pixel density in DCS should be left at 1

    Thanks for this by the way! I now set it to 1.0 and steam to 250%, which I know is a lower total res but it looks roughly the same, and the performance is so much better. Stable 45 fps @ 90hz and the GPU is not at 100% so some headroom. All that stuttering on low terrain is gone too, it's super smooth now. Thanks!

  3. Oh disregard my previous post, it seems the DCS in-game performance counter is bugged/wrong. I'm not at all CPU bound despite it saying so. Far from it, it's using all my cores and only like 4ms per frame, as opposed to 15-20ms on the GPU at 90-100%. So don't believe that that say in-game that's you're CPU bound on main/render threads.

  4. Hmm I'm not sure yet. Data point:

    • Default overclocked RTX 3090, Ryzen9 5900X 12-core, 64GB ram
    • SteamVR / Valve Index
    • 90Hz, 120% steam upscaling, motion reprojection turned off
    • DCS pretty maxed out, almost all high/ultra, medium shadows, 4x anisotropic filtering, 2x MSAA, none of SS(AO etc), 1.7 pixel density, all sliders to the right, default shadows + global illumination
    • Mostly 45 FPS in flight (90hz / 2). Looks good, feels smooth. Except when looking 90 degrees to the ground, there's this weird stutter or warp every second or two, mostly when stuff moves parallel from you (motion reprojection is off). That's pretty annoying.
    • F16 training startup mission with some extra traffic and clouds it alternates between 30 and 45 FPS (90 / 2, 90 / 3) on the ground. 45 FPS in the air.
    • DCS itself says I'm either CPU rendering thread or main thread bound. It says of the 22ms frame time (45 FPS) 15ms is spent on CPU. So with 15ms CPU I'll never get 90 FPS even if my GPU would be infinitely powerful...

    I'll have to do some more in-depth timing to see where my cores and GPU are. I'm OK with 45 FPS, but I feel I could even increase the fidelity more. Even pixel density 2.0 doesn't seem  to change my frame rate. So the challenge seems to be either how far I can push my GPU as I'm 12-core CPU bound anyway, or what to reduce in settings so I might hit 90 FPS -- not the GPU settings it seems.

  5. Would there be any benefit to having a HMD mask mod only and keep all of the regular shaders? The latest version of the mod doesnt seem to give the same boost and now it looks noticeably worse than the unmodded version.


    I appreciate the work you have done with this mod and look forward to future improvements. Really should be a part of the base game with VR mode is enabled.


    You can do this yourself quite easily. Take the _HMD.hlsl shader file and put it in your deferred shaders folder, then edit the Compose.fx shader. You need to add three lines:


    1 this include:


    #include "_HMD.hlsl"

    2 clip render pass:

    float4 PS_SINGLE_PASS(const VS_COMPOSE_OUTPUT i, uniform bool useShadows, uniform bool useSSAO, uniform bool useSSLR, uniform bool useCockpitGI, uniform int mode = 0): SV_TARGET0


    discardHmdMask(i.pos.xy, getBufferSize(StencilMap));


    3 clip msaa:

    float4 PS_MSAA_EDGE(const VS_COMPOSE_OUTPUT i, uint sidx: SV_SampleIndex, uniform bool useShadows, uniform bool useSSAO, uniform bool useSSLR, uniform bool useCockpitGI, uniform bool discardTerrainInsideFog, uniform int mode = 0): SV_TARGET0


    discardHmdMaskMSAA(i.pos.xy, getBufferSize(StencilMap));


    I also changed the mask size a bit, and increased the MSAA mask size, as otherwise I'd see shimmering from the corners of my eyes in VR, which is annoying. That gave me 10-15% performance boost with zero visual impact (depending on pixel density and MSAA settings of course: 1.4pd with 2x MSAA/SGSSAA/MFAA)



    (and then recompile your shaders of course, this .bat file helps)

    del /q "%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\fxo"

    del /q "%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\metashaders2"


    :: Find/Replace 'E:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta' to be your install location

    del /q "G:\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\terrains\Caucasus\misc\metacache\dcs"

    del /q "G:\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\terrains\Nevada\misc\metacache\dcs"

    del /q "G:\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\terrains\Normandy\misc\metacache\dcs"

    del /q "G:\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\terrains\PersianGulf\misc\metacache\dcs"

  6. Did you update your DCS World to the latest version? I think the campaign is only visible in the latest version.

    I'm having the same issue, or is it that it won't work with the openbeta 1.5.3? Or does it have a different case-sensitive module name perhaps?




    === Log opened UTC 2016-03-26 09:11:03

    INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 6.2.9200; Win64; en-GB)

    INFO : cmdline: "E:\DCS\bin\DCS_updater.exe" --apply install A10C-BFT_campaign

    STATUS: Initializing...

    INFO : basedir: E:\DCS

    INFO : dcs_variant.txt: openbeta

    INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN; WORLD,A-10C,CA,F-15C)

    INFO : branch: openbeta

    STATUS: Connecting to update servers...

    INFO : Got reply from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com

    INFO : Got reply from srv3.update.digitalcombatsimulator.com

    STATUS: Verifying cached version info...

    STATUS: Preparing to install A10C-BFT_campaign ...

    ERROR: Unknown module A10C-BFT_campaign

    === Log closed.

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