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Posts posted by Isaac

  1. Hi Mik75,

    As per DCS_AH-64D_Quick_Start_Manual_EN.pdf page 301:


    When intending to engage targets with laser-guided Hellfire missiles, the most important step is verifying the Priority missile channel is set to the same laser code as the TADS LRFD. If these do not match, the CPG will receive a “REMOTE” message in the Sight Status field of the High Action Display, to indicate the requirement for an off-board laser designation source.

    So to me it looks like there must be a mismatch between the laser code of the TADS LRF and the Hellfire.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Floyd1212 said:

    Isn't the purpose of adding a curve to give you more finesse around the center position, trading off some granularity at the axis extremes?

    I'm using a center stick with a 20mm extension and still like some curve to give me added precision around the center for holding a rock-steady hover.  I'm running a curve of 15, and y-saturation of 90 for pitch and roll axis.

    Floyd is totally right in his statement, however that was not what I was trying to convey (provably I used poorly chosen wording). Personally I don't like the idea that a control is going to behave differently at different angles because of the curve. While I'm no (real world) pilot I think helos are not meant to operate with curves other than what the manufacturer defines after thousands of testing hours at the beggining of the manufacturing phase (please correctme if I'm wrong), if you are unable to fine control the 64 then my recomendation is to practice more otherwise you are moving away from how it was meant to be employed, basically you are going to constantly input larger than necessary movements to your controls because your axis sensitivity at the center has been reduced to make your life "easier" something that would not translate well if one day you are given the chance to fly and Apache 😉... Being said that, try to fly with and without curves and see what you like the most...

    By the way, I totally agree with Floyd's input on the 20cm extension... very much neded for helos.


  3. 15 hours ago, JOEM423 said:

    Im Currently limited to using Yaw on my Throttle until i get all my hardware out of storage, But I can temporarily purchase seperate rudder pedals if need be!!!

    Hi JOEM423,

    Yes, I would personally recommend to purchase a GOOD set of pedals (Virpil, vkb,... ) anything that is metal construction with good sensors, unlike airplanes helicopters are inherently unstable and a fine control of the tail rotor is a must.


    11 hours ago, Dozer1606688093 said:

    Not when it comes to women.. 😁

    While Dozer is damn right, I also think that when it comes to controllers you only use curves when either they are subpar or they are broken / misbehaving, if they are properly working controls I strongly recommend not to use any as you are going to loose finesse.


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  4. Hi Truebrit,

    I'm unsure what you meant to say by "1990's graphics" but the real deal is less than 1000x1000 pixels of resolution... I would say DCS TEDAC implementation is reasonable accurate (I have never used or seen one in real life but I have used high end gimballed mid wave IR cameras like the MTADS). 
    The main issue with DCS is that we are seeing textures and polygons rendered in our PC screen with a limited rendering power not so much how the MTADS / TEDAC is being simulated.


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  5. Hi Oscar,

    Regarding the VR slideshow you were talking about... have you tried the suggestion below? I have an HP Reverb G2 and it works wonders, I run the DCS in VR preset (from the options menu) and it is smooth!



  6. Hi Everyone,


    I'm piling up to everyone else with VR low frame rate issues.




    PS: By the way, has anyone tried the Gazelle helicopters after the update? for some reason now I can't use them as "player", I can see the AI using them but I can't pilot them when yesterday, before the update I was able to pilot ...

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