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Posts posted by coreflux

  1. Yes, there seems to be a problem with F-117 targeting systems :( It seems that LGB attack doesn't work for it ... but I don't know why :cry:

    Does it work in Mbot Screaming Eagle campaign ?


    Not sure, maybe mbot has a working script fix for it, I would PM and ask. For now the best work around is to use the skipmission.bat when the nighthawk mission comes up to get a different one.

  2. The path must also be altered in the cmp-file, located in the campaigns folder. Also, check the numbers of ..\ in the skipmission.bat and firstmission.bat so it points to the correct folder.

    I noticed that your path does not include the EN folder.


    Thanks! I think it worked!!!




    This is what mission end is supposed to look like?


    Im not getting the error message anymore.


    Apparently if you do not make an EN folder in the aircraft mods folder it breaks everything.

  3. The path is not correctly formatted as string due to the last backslash. LUA interprets " as "", therefore it does not close the string. Remove the last backslash and it should be working.


    Nope, still happening






    Here is the code inside camp_init

  4. This is a logFile called by the Campaign's EventsTracker.lua and is created at mission end. It refers to the campaign Path so check your Campaign path in camp_init.lua under the init folder. If you simply downloaded and placed the campaign folder/files anywhere other than the original campaign path you must edit it to where the campaign now is.


    I changed the path in the file and I am still getting the error:


    This is the path to the campaign in blue



    Here is the code in the camp_init file.



    Not sure why the error is still coming up, its the exact same error in my last post.

  5. Have you altered the missionscripting.lua?


    From the readme:



    2. Open the file "DCS World\Scripts\MissionScripting.lua". Add two minus signs in front of line 16 "sanitizeModule('os')" and line 17 "sanitizeModule('io')". The code block from line 16 to line 20 should then look like this:





    require = nil

    loadlib = nil


    This modification has to be repeated after each update of DCS World, as each update reverts the file back to its original state.


    WARNING: This modification will allow the execution of LUA code included in any downloaded custom mission that is potentially harmful to your system. Modification at your own risk.



    Also, run the game as an admin, I have to do that to make it run


    Thank you for the response. Yes I have commented out the two lines of code in the code block, I ran DCS as admin too and the error message still came up. Also I am playing on DCS 1.5 and not the 2.0 Open Alpha, could that also cause a problem?

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