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Posts posted by Adixylian

  1. Hey guys, my FPS is capped to 64 no matter what I do.

    I tried:

     - switching VSync on/off

     - switching with Alt + Enter

     - setting VSync OFF in Control Panel of NVidia

     - Turned on ShadowPlay (it helped in some cases, not in mine)

     - Removed the line maxfps from graphics.lua




    My PC specs:

      2k 144Hz monitor

       3090 RTX

      i9-10900k with water cooling

      32 GB of RAM


    If this can't get DCS above 64 FPS, than nothing ever will. 
    OFC, this is clearly a bug as, whatever I do, no matter how small the resolution is, the FPS remains on 64 and never moves.
    BUT, when I pause the game (for instance, open briefing window), the FPS jumps to 180. Is this a known issue with some workaround?

    Regarding the "mods", I use: TacView, SimShaker (tried turning this off, didn't change anything) and SRS.


    Any help is welcome

  2. Hey man! 52nd squadron is always welcome to accept new members, but because we actually approach with semi-realism and seriously, it takes some effort to get in our squadron.


    Flying seriously and "realistically" in DCS takes huge amount of time. Not just flying in DCS but also reading and learning stuff outside it. Due to this, we require our members to attend most of our events, which are every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Ofc they also need to keep educating themselves etc.

    So if you think you can put out 2,3 hours almost every day for DCS, you can check our website (just click on my signature picture).

    But, as I said and will say it again cause big most of the people don't get it, flying seriously and "realistically" takes a lot of time and practice, frustrations, studying etc.


    If you do decide to join, you will have to learn (better to say, read) the basic stuff and only after that you will join us on trainings. We also have a ranking system, youtube channel, twitch, facebook, our own rented 24/7 dedicated server etc

    Ofc if you don't like this approach, there is lots of other squadrons :D

    See you in the skies

  3. Hello guys,

    52nd squadron is now recruiting new members.

    We fly mostly F-14 / 15 / 16 / 18 and the new JF-17. We have an ongoing campaign inside the squadron and many other missions. We also have, and actively use, our youtube and twitch channel, website, discord, teamspeak, skinns etc

    We have trainings 2 times per week (Tuesday and Thursday, usual start is between 19.00h and 20.00h UTC+1) and one mission / event on Sunday.




    We are very active and semi-serious / serious squadron. We take team-work and communication skills very seriously.

    If you want to join, you have to know several things:

    - when you join you will have to finish a "starter training package" AKA probation. Here you will learn a lot about aircraft systems, tactics, formations, communication etc.

    - conditions that you must meet in order to join our squadron: 18+ years old, have a trackIr or VR or some other head-tracking device, own a functional joystick, you must know the basics of navigation, basics of radar system and missile tracking laws, you must be able to take-off and land, basic usage of basic Air-to-ground ordinance

    You have all of these --> https://www.52knight.org/recruitment


    Everything else will be done on trainings (tactics, advanced radar and D/L system explanation, formations, maneuvers, communication, brevity etc)


    The probation will start either on Monday 13.1.2020 or 20.1.2020.

    See ya :pilotfly:

  4. Hello guys,


    52nd is recruiting this week new guys.

    We have a detailed training plan that you go through when you join us.

    You get 3 packages.

    1st you do probation --> basics, navigation, communication, basic formations and tactics for a2a and a2g, weapon types, radar system etc.

    After that you get 2nd package --> basic teamwork skills

    And then, if you managed to not get frustrated and leave the squadron, you proceed to advanced training.

    Ofc we don't do only training, we do missions and sometimes just loosed up flights to have fun. We do both PvE and PvP with A2G and A2A.


    If you want only to fly SinglePlayer, casually and with no skills and knowledge, this ain't a squadron for you. You have to be on most of the trainings and you have to keep learning stuff that we teach you.


    We have our youtube channel, website (click on my picture below), discord, teamspeak and our 24/7 multiplayer servers where you can train.


    If you want to join us, go here --> https://www.52knight.org/recruitment


    We will be recruiting till 21.10.2019. After that you will not be able to post any application.

    See ya in the skies

  5. As zhukov stated, a realistic mission is faaaaaar away from just "red type of aircrafts vs blue type of aircrafts". And some MP servers actually have this. On DDCS you will never see F-18 vs F-18 situation, unless it's a blue-on-blue.

    Realistic mission would require that all people who want to join the mission MUST go through briefing with ground commander who will assign them tasks. Also, jumping in on random time would be disabled, you would be able to jump into the server every for ex 45 minutes. If you miss it, you don't jump in.

    But for this you need people who have high enough knowledge and communication skill to actually participate.

    You can get this thing only if you are a member of a squadron that does things realistically.


    Doing this sort of thing in MP is impossible because the DCS MP "Select role" has NO option of providing you with detailed SA and briefing before picking your aircraft which leads the game to a whole another culture and set of mind.

    If you don't understand me, compare joining to MP server in BMS and in DCS.

    In DCS all you see is "RED" and "BLUE" aircrafts. Nothing else. No map, no briefing. 1st you pick your aircraft, then you can check the briefing.

    On BMS the 1st thing you see is the map and the situation, then you check the needed taskings and after that you pick your aircraft.

    So yea, DCS MP isn't made to be realistic, unless the guy forces it in ME. But still, he can't do nothing more than putting certain type of aircrafts.

    There will never be realistic servers in public MP unless ED completely changes their "Select role" page and overall approach to MP


    Edit: I'm not favorizing BMS, just trying to prove the point. I lead a squadron and we actually do missions with a realistic approach (detailed briefings, map is full and there is always more than 2000 ground units, AI and Client CAP fighters are doing CAP, AI interceptors rise when you enter certain zone, you have AWACS and tankers, drones, JTACs, you have factories that produce certain number of certain airframes every X hours so every time you lose an aircraft, you actually lose it and if you lose a factory, you lost supply etc.......), but it took me several months just to build the starting template with all triggers. And then, with some updates, it just doesn't work because ED made something and now it's broken. So making realistic mission, just from Mission Editor, takes a lot of hours. And I really mean a lot. But that's just the 1st step. Now you have to find someone who will actually be able to participate in realistic missions. That guy has to know all the comms, all the ordinance types, his aircraft systems, all formations, he has to be disciplined enough not to rush on 1st bandit he sees etc...

    "Hey let's have realistic mission" is an easy thing to say, but in reality very hard to achieve.

  6. Also, I think it's time to get rid of this "Select role" MP thing.


    Make aircrafts "resourse based" just like the munition (yea yea we already have that). But make it also possible to pick any aircraft that is available, not only the ones you put there manually in ME.

    Also, make (I'm not sure if this is already a thing) it so that the aircraft supply (just like munition) on the airbase can be filled.


    It would be cool to have some factories places around the map that produce a certain number of units / aircrafts and then those are added to the closes airfield. This would give more fun to MP guys as they would have more strategic targets both to attack and defend :D

  7. Well this is a DCS wishlist so I will make a wish.

    I wish for birds (actual, physicial birds that are seen the same on the MP servers with their flocks, shouldn't be a hard challenge as you already have the flight stuff and AI logic. just make AI bird that flies around in formations, spawns somewhere randomly and goes somewhere randomly).

    And of course, probably an often requested thing, clouds that are synched via MP server so every1 sees the same.

    Also, I remember of a video from Wagner about aircraft going through a cloud and hearing the small drops hiting the cockpit. What happened to that?

  8. 52nd Independent Knights Squadron is recruiting new people till 3.9.2019.




    A short word about our squadron:

    We are EU squadron. We fly every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. We have separate wings for

    A2G and A2A. Once you join us, you will get a proper A2A and A2G training from people that are 10+ years in DCS and other flight sims. We are very friendly community focused on learning and upgrading skills all the time.

    We have youtube channel, discord, website www.52knight.org (this is where you have to apply if you want to join us)

    TeamSpeak and twitch where we often stream.


    We are a semi-serious squadron. Sometimes we fly very serious and rarely we do a loosed up flights.


    We are looking for people that fly mostly either AV8B, Hornet, A-10C or F-14. You have to be 18+ and have a wish to become an excellent virtual pilot. You have to be ready to learn new stuff.

    If you are a lone-wolf, this isn't a place for you. If you want to learn how to fly within a team, a flight, with leader and wingmans, this is the right place to sign-up.

    We have our own skinns, we make our videos, we stream etc :thumbup:


    If you decided to join us, go to our website, make an account and after that, fill an application form



    You will get a message with further instructions (when will your probation start, discord link, teamspeak password etc)


    See you soon!

    Spanker, over and out.

  9. Same issues here.

    I was on DDCS, did everything fine and no map appeared on HSI and on the SA (yes I did press "Map" etc)


    When I respawned, map was there (after allingment). I did everything the same. On the next respawn, again no map. Respawned again, map was there.


    After the server restarted, same thing. Took the plane, no map. Back to spectators, took the plane again, the map was here. After I was killed by Sa-10 and took another aircraft, again no map.


    Basically, only every second time I had the map lol

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