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About GPatricks

  • Birthday 12/01/1964

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    BMS 4.37, DCS 2.x.x, IL2/FC/CLoD
  • Location
    Valencia, Spain
  • Interests
    Computers/Flight Sims/Racing Sims

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  1. Nice, i'm considering the Visionary and adding a LeapMotion2 to it. Hopefully they will (or already have) sort out the "reverse foveated" issue some people are getting (blurry center vision, clear peripheral). Be great to hear your thoughts on it!
  2. Just for a point of data, on my 2560x1440 (144hz) in 2D, under High pre-set but with all scenery sliders full right, it stays at 180 FPS and FT was a low of 4.8, high of 6.6, pretty much 95% at 5.5ms on Plazmatest mission...
  3. All this was you in 2D? OMG.... How did I miss that?? 100% on me, "I have just completed a fresh windows and dcs install in preparation for new VR1 Headset arrival. During some 2D testing, simple one airplane sat on runway cold, I am seeing a repeated spike in Frametime and CPU Busy. This pattern is seen no matter what changes I make to DCS or PC"
  4. This is Plazma Torture using my regular VR settings (shown above), PresentMon started (just like above) when I went over the coastline.
  5. Happy to, but more important may be what I do outside of DCS. For instance, on this new Win11 install I decided to try the "Atlas OS" Win11 tuning app. Very simple and automated, removed a lot of Win11 bloat and unneeded "features". I actually did it a few days in (have to override an initial check) and it didn't mess with any programs or installations. Second is how I install NVidia drivers. I use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to wipe all traces of the current (initially installed by Win11) driver, then install new ones using NVCleanstall in the clean installation mode. Just video drivers, no GeForce Experience, no Telemetry, nothing. Below is a graph of FT during Plazma Torture with your VR settings and then what my normal VR settings are, though I did save yours as one of my Custom setups.. Shadows at max are a definite FR hound.
  6. Don't have a 25T "Cold start at Batumi parking'' mission I can find, just one for Syria. Also having trouble with too many FT data points in the PresentMon CSV, have to find a setting to reduce from the 1872 points it's producing for 30 seconds.. but even with that don't get spikes like yours (but again, not Apples for Apples until we are looking at the same thing). In the SU25T Plasma Torture mission, you engage autopilot the second you enter, don't touch anything, then start recording as you cross over to land... should you choose to run it.
  7. I will, thanks for the info. If possible please try something like the Su25T mission posted here, or using a base plane Cold & Dark most everyone has..( I don't own the F5, but have 90% of all else). Just want to keep it Apples to Apples, and also your graphics settings of course 9best to just use VR preset for testing comparisons).
  8. As i've seen so many people putting it on like they are building a brick wall its not hard to use too little or waaaay too much TP. I use Noctua NT-H2, apply it with a stiff plastic spreader to cover every part of the CPU in contact with the transfer plate with a THIN even layer (after cleaning the CPU and heatsink with an alcohol solution). Set the heatsink down, little wiggling to evenly distribute the application even more and push out any air bubbles, lock her down. Putting a glob in the middle (as Intel recommends!) may cover, may not, may be the exact amount to create the right thickness (Paper thin, only enough to fill in the imperfections in the two surfaces), or may not. Best way to KNOW, buy enough paste to do several applications, try one, remove cooler plate and look at it. Just my $0.02..
  9. Have to say the idea came from a guy going by "Morphine us" on the Varjo Discord, my bad for not giving him the credit as I never would have thought to try Voice Attack without him...
  10. Corsair iCue Titan Liquid CPU cooler, logging while in DCS I have not seen past 75c, and that is with the CPU running all cores at 55x all the time.
  11. Thank you, i'm amazed that DCS has introduced a way to make the haze (fog) so thick you can't see 10' in front of you but no way to go the opposite way... boggles the mind.
  12. @lefuneste01 - any hope of fixing whatever DCS broke to get VREM working again?
  13. Interesting, I run with HAGs ON but depending on who you listen to, many say to turn it OFF.. One thing, I read - "HAGS can cause performance issues with OBS and hardware encoders, so it is recommended to disable it when running OBS"..,
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