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Posts posted by Gogsie59

  1. I have made several changes to the special options page as per the manual but it doesnt help in the slightest. No matter the setting the jester wheel is still half hidden. This using a G2. i cant even start the plane cause I cant interact with jester. Can some bright spark share there settings to get this fixed and not just point to the manual which doesnt help. Even better can Heatblur tell me how to fix this.

  2. After being informed to go to the oil platform I input the coordinates which are listed as waypoint 6 but this point me towards land and not an oil rig. I check the coordinates which are correct so I am lost at what to do. I believe I could just follow saber 3-1 who goes off in the opposite direction but if thats the case whats the point of inputting the waypoint. Both times ive tried it and both times the waypoint is miles away on land.

    • Like 1
  3. I tried this today, no joy on my end, in fact it caused dcs to crash every time. In the panel it tells me no module found and all the indicators are red. Im using a G2 and not with steam vr.

    Nice idea but a manual would be nice with instructions instead of the bare bones that are given. One bit says to set bindings and there is a highlighted bit of text but guess what its a blank page.

    Im out.



  4. On 10/31/2023 at 5:24 AM, Comstedt86 said:

    FSR2 is not available, it's old school FSR1 with TAA applied currently in DCS.

    • NEW: Added support for AMD FSR 2, FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) also using an upscaling algorithm to improve performance. Also like DLSS, it will have little to no effect if you are CPU-limited. WIP.
  5. It's maybe just me but when I try the first mission and he tells me to follow I can't move because the wheel chocks are in place and nothing I do removes them. I don't remember being told to remove them and using the menu to ground doesn't do anything so I'm well and truly stuck. Any tips out there?

  6. As previously stated in another post I cant get past the first mission. A kind gentleman pointed to a video of the campaign and I am following it to a T but it keeps failing me saying I failed to destroy whoever it is at way point 3. I fired my jsow when told to and the target is in range. I then fly past the tower and see it collapse and Im thrown back to the carrier to start again. HELP. What am I doing wrong.

  7. I must be really hopeless at this, I cant even get past mission one, It keeps failing me for failing to destroy jsow target at way point 3. I do fire at it but no joy, round and round I go, rinse repeat. Gets a bit boring and I end up shutting it down. Here was me thinking this campaign is supposed to be easyish for beginners.

    What am I doing wrong.

  8. 1 minute ago, YoYo said:

    It was before:

     Screenshot 2023-01-27 123034.png

    On the shortcut for your DCS.exe (on the desktop).


    Thanks, yes I saw that and was trying to copy but it says invalid. In anycase mine doesnt look like that it doesnt say testing 2nd, do i need to add that.

    2 minutes ago, jurinko said:


    Záznam na celú obrazovku 27. 1. 2023 160756.jpg

    thank you thank you, exactly what I was looking for. You are a gentleman.

    • Like 1
  9. Where do i add the --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR I tried after where it says dcs.exe it said that was invalid, I tried before it, again invalid. Can someone please put up a pic of what I'm meant to do. I know for all you clever clogs who do this sort of thing its a no brainer but if you don't know , you don't know.  Much appreciated.

  10. 1 minute ago, BIGNEWY said:

    You can make a shortcut for DCS and in the properties and target line of the shortcut you add 

    --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR

    Screenshot 2023-01-27 123034.png

    to the end of the line. Now when you use that shortcut to start DCS it will always force openXR and VR 

    Thanks, excellent. 👍

  11. 32 minutes ago, BIGNEWY said:

    updated first post 

    • OpenXR is removed from autosearch. DCS has a chain of VR vendors in priority oculus, OpenVR, Varjo, etc. OpenXR was in that chain in top priority, now it is removed from this chain and only available when you explicitly specify it in command line of DCS.

      If you need to force openXR in DCS command parameter is --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR

    motion reprojection crash is fixed. 

    thank you

    Sorry for being dense, so for example I have a G2 what do I have to do to make it run native open xr??

  12. On 1/10/2023 at 11:16 AM, Deltaalphalima1 said:

    There is no massive issue with using the windows calibration, it's just that it can override the native Thrustmaster cal, which can cause other issues and doesn’t give best performance.
    The windows cal is also specify to one computer, where the Thrustmaster cal is stored on the throttle so is portable between computers.

    I believe the windows calibration reset can be bugged in some circumstances, which might have happened after you update the firmware. By running the windows cal you may have essentially just manually reset it. If it’s working how you like it now, I wouldn’t worry about it.

    If you have another computer you can connect the throttle to and test that might be good to try. If you connect it to anther pc and it works fine, you’re definitely good to go.

    Thanks, yes it's working flawlessly at the moment. Slew is brilliant now and chuffed with it.

  13. I have had the slew upgrade installed for about 6 weeks, all went fine and worked perfectly. I installed the new firmware for the thumbstick  last week  which also worked fine or so I thought until I found that the hat switch on the right hand side of the throttle was going crazy as were all the switches on the right hand side of The throttle. When I checked with the Windows game controller it showed that when I used the hat switch all the other hat switch buttons were lighting up. The other switches, China hat etc would also light up other button positions. Reinstalled the firmware, reset the calibration in the window cal app and then recalibrate with the drumstick recap app. Still no joy. As a last resort I used the Windows calibration tool and bingo all buttons and hat switches are working again. I know it says never to use the Windows calibration tool so I'm wondering if I've mucked something up and if I need to do anything to get it working with the thrustmaster calibration.

  14. have got my throttle buttons working perfectly again, I opened the Windows calibration via joy.cpl in the run window. As I checked all the switches on the right throttle numerous buttons were being activated when I pressed for example button 7, same for all the other buttons the numbers were flashing on and off as if I was pressing them. I recalibrated the throttle with the Windows calibration tool and bingo all working as it should. Very strange that this happened but just a heads up to anyone who comes across this problem.

  15. I have got my throttle buttons working perfectly again, I opened the Windows calibration via joy.cpl in the run window. As I checked all the switches on the right throttle numerous buttons were being activated when I pressed for example button 7, same for all the other buttons the numbers were flashing on and off as if I was pressing them. I recalibrated the throttle with the Windows calibration tool and bingo all working as it should. Very strange that this happened but just a heads up to anyone who comes across this problem. Thanks again to Willie for getting back to me. Grant.

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