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Posts posted by Niehorst

  1. Guys, imagine a RL apache pilot would has to steer with a warthog on a table without any extension!

    The Flight Model of those modules want to be as realistic, as possible. When you're not willing to get your controls in the correct position and you don't try to recreate the controls mechanics (extension, tension etc...), why to hell would you expect to be able to fly this thing? (and not be flown by it?)

    The messing around with curves etc. is always a work around and will always have it's downsides.

    I admit, that those FM changes are always a new challenge, but with the right equipment, not that hard to adapt to.

    I'm using a "gooseneck" extension. Right now about 40cm, will shorten it a little soon. (VPC base on the ground) and NO! curves. With this lenght I could even lower the saturation to get a steeper response and only need verly little cyclic inputs. With an equipment like that, it soon feels like your're wearing the apache and it does what ever you want.


    This SCAS Saturation peep is in fact really annoying... 

    • Like 1
  2. The hammerhead maneuver works quiet well, with little practice.

    Go full speed, pull the nose 90° up, while keeping the aircraft straight. look to the side and wait for the "world outside to stop moving".

    At this moment, lower collective to nearly 0, kick in right rudder, (did not try left that much) until your nose points 90° down.

    When you think there is no way to prevent the aircraft from crashin, let it dive just a second longer, pull collective and be amazed how your rotor tears up your nose few feet above the ground.

    (As always, much better in VR than pancake, especially with a "butt kicking device")

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    • Thanks 1
  3. 48 minutes ago, Ignition said:

    Try to fly without the controls window open, you will enjoy the helicopters much more. Try it. Don't be so dependant on the position of the controls.


    Never had it on the screen in the Apache. Would kill my immersion. Still fighting the mouse cursor. It's always in my (VR) view.

    Extension + more or less curve setting and you should be good to go.

    What really helps is to keep the pedals out of the trimming business, by making them anti-torque pedals (no re centering), if you can.


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  4. Since the rollout, no need for trim reset or controls indicator and simply enjoy flying and hovering her better every day. I feel when we get the Auto-Hover, I don't want to use it anymore. Still struggling with hovering between treetops on 3 sites and quickly turn 180° to get away there quickly, without increasing altitude, if I need to. I know you shouldn't leave yourself that less options, but the maneuver itself has to be flown without wood chopping!!😠

    What really helps is if you're not coming to helos for the first time. It takes some time to understand WHEN you really have to focus on your  FPM or VSI, the little arrow on your altimeter on IHADSS simbology. HINT: TRANSITION (especially when decreasing your speed and reaching the point where the aerodynamical lift stops and your aircraft must be held up by only engine power) If you get surprised by that effect, you'll end up in the VRS while hearing lovely betty throwing candys at you: "Rotor RPM HIGH!"

    The "Rotor RPM LOW - Candy" is another thing, even sweeter, more advanced and important when you whip the Apache down a hill through a valley or some street canyons at max speed.

    Both have on thing in common: It's a result of changing your collective to fast! (you got surprised by a change of flight state again!!)

    What helps even more is, when you can make your pedals anti-torque pedals. (very easy with the TM TPRs + Damper mod kit) so you can keep them totally out of that "trim messing".

    The most important thing: USE AN EXTENSION ON YOUR CYCLIC! (I would recommend 20cm at least!)

    You can control a DCS helicopter with an unmodified Warthog or Saitek or even a Cougar. Last one I did when the BlackShark was initially released. It can work, but you'll always find yourself loosing control, will never be that precise (especially during hover and very slow speed flight) and the much more force you need will get you exhausted quiet fast. (Anybody knows how hard the springs of the TM Cougar are???)

    Hope I could help out one or the other guy. Most of it is hardware related and needs some investment.

    But it will pay of so much, believe me!

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  5. I want a group of Hueys load up some infantry at mission start. (These guys need an Apache escort and a clear LZ!)

    Only works when I set them to cold start, so the infantry men have time to board the aircraft. When I let them do a hot start, they take off immediately and land afterwards to load the troops. I tried with "Landing" in advanced WP options but didn't work.

    I'm OK with the workaround (cold start) but really want to know how it's done. Couldn't be that hard.

    THX in advance!

  6. There is this documentation on TV about combat helicopters and some historic missions. One episode is called "duel in the desert". Telling the story of an UK Gazelle crew during desert storm. They were fighting a well hidden T55 in an urban area. They keep circling in their "battle box" and on the hot leg trying to aquire that guy. Took them several runs and one missed HOT-3 before they finally destroyed it. What these guys wanted to do at least was hovering there. They would not have survived that.

  7. 27 minutes ago, AbuMuqawama said:

    Using the gun with the helmet mounted sight gave me a massive grin. It's a fun aircraft, co-op or not.

    Yeah, every DCS pilot knows it. You get surprised by that one ZSU-23 position behind that treeline. When seeing the tracers coming at you, you not only evade, but evade and immediately get some rounds back at this guy.😡 Could be you forget this during your first flights, but you get used to that option very fast!😀

    Or even better: aim for a rocket attack of your CP/G (COOP) and look to the site, aiming and firing your gun on the guy mentioned above. Keep her steady so your CP/G gets some rockets off the launchers and keep surpressing that guy down there!

    Little crazy to aim the gun with your head, and line up the aircraft on that rocket "I-cursor" at the same time while looking 90° to the site and down.

    In this situation the IHADDS fully pays out!

    Most VR users will tell you, they would never go back to 2d.

    Same for me, BUT with the Apache it's even more... It was absolutely made for VR and if you hesitated until now, or playing with it to get a VR headset, DO IT KNOW and thank me later!

    I can truely say: I never had more fun in DCS and I'm here since LOMAC and just starting with MP multicrew and stuff.

    • Like 1
  8. Is it just me?

    Wondering why I can't find any post about it.

    The mouse cursor is kind of disturbing me in the Apache. (VR) Never had this in another module. It seems to always be visible and it hangs around somewhere in my FOV. Normally the cursor should vanish after not touching the mouse for some time.

    This little sucker wants to kill my immersion! Can someone please tell him to leave! 😫

    • Like 1
  9. GameMode in DCS... Never knew why there is that option?

    Didn't they want to start this "gaming lockon on thing..." some time ago? Hope they realized that nobody wants this. People who don't want to "fly" will go and play warthunder or what those arcade games are called. What we see here, is the fair punishment of "checking gamemode" and easy "avionics" in DCS!😆


    Just kidding mate. You'll get the hang of it and it's such a joy to whip this beast through the caucasian valleys at treetoplevel or even a little underneath.

    In VR when diving down a hill, it feels like you are falling into that valley. AWESOME!

    Make sure you get an extension on your cyclic stick!😉

    All you lucky guys using the TM TPR's, get the "DAMPER MOD KIT" on it! Add it and remove the springs to have some real acting anti-torque pedals that don't need to be trimmed any more. In Jets you can leave the springs. The Centering mechanism works much smoother.

  10. I can't even get the thing into boresight align mode. (VR)

    it's time for me to get the cold start done. just tried it once. klick boresight, ihadss -> no circles, no boresight message in IHADSS. I think I missed something...

  11. ...of course a good old one. Was always a weakspot in DCS. I see they changed the behavior of the AI. Won't go in Kamikaze style after unleashing him on TOO's during a hover attack. He slides sideways to acquire something, at least most of the time. But he really ALWAYS crashes into trees. I think the apache invites to fly NOE style, at least with the IHADSS on your face. It always feels like babysitting the AI by not flying to low and constantly looking back if he's still there.

    The ability to let him engage a particular target and to have some more control over the wingman is something we really need. Not only in the Apache!

    But this wood chopping thing is something what really isn't acceptable, especially for this absolutely fantastic machine, that was made for sneaking through the trees. For me the AI wingman is nearly 100% useless. At least in the cuacasian region with all those trees.

    We can be sure that they have a lot of in the pipeline for the wingmen interaction with the later coming FCR, PFZ's and stuff... For now it would just be awesome to not have your buddy run into trees every single time😭

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  12. Yesterday I tried the invisible FARP for the first time. Is it Apache related, that the AI wont start on the ground, no matter what you select?!

    (start from runway, parking slot etc..) Even with Engines off, wingman is hovering above me at mission start. Could have checked this by myself, but today I wont have time to get in the office again😭

    When you select "start from ground" you normally can put flight members into the landscape wherever you want, if I remember right.

    With the apache, the wingman sits on Player's aircraft right at the beginning with the expected results.

  13. Didn't even looked for FPS by now. Because if I do, the tweaking starts again. 😄

    I was crazy enough to invest in a RTX3090 at the beginning of last year (sorted out to be the best investment last year, and probably one of the best investments ever, in regards of this fantastic module)

    My IHADDS is connected to a ValVe Index.

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