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Posts posted by raptor909

  1. Hi. A10CII. The led of Caution Master after latest update dont blink anymore. I use an Arduino Mega. All switch of UFC works very well, only led remain off. I tried also with an Arduino Uno and others led but the issue remain. It happens to you? Any suggestion? Ty bye.
    Inviato dal mio M2003J15SC utilizzando Tapatalk

  2. There is a way to change how switches behave by some kind of script, I remember doing that about three or four years ago. 
    This is the thread, I managed to make it work, but I have to confess I found it hard to follow due to me not being very adept in programming, plus there were some confusing references in there where commands didn't appear where I expected them to be
    I hope you find it easier to follow that I did, good luck!
    Ty but I use an Arduino card and DCS-BIOS....

    Inviato dal mio M2003J15SC utilizzando Tapatalk

  3. Hi. The A10C inverter 3 pos switch have an issue. I use a 3 pos switch but not move in TEST position, only in OFF and STAND BY. I used different switch (momentary and toggle) but the issue remain. Also the same 3 pos switch that I use work very well with other 3 pos like Arm or Light switch.


    Inviato dal mio M2003J15SC utilizzando Tapatalk



  4. Hi. After latest update Vaicom Pro remain on Easy Communication ON even if in DCS configuration easy com is unchecked.


    Inviato dal mio M2003J15SC utilizzando Tapatalk



  5. Hi. In Vaicom profile why I cannot create an alias for the command phrase "playtime in xx minute"? All the others command phrase is ok adding a "1" at the end of the phrase. Plz can you try if happens? Ty

  6. Hi


    I have 2 issues.


    1) When I use AOCS command (status or/and interrogate), the messages appear correctly in the log of VA but I cannot hear the voice


    2) I cannot dictate on the note tab of the kneeboard. After I say "Start dictate" in the log of VA appears START DICTATE but in the note tab remains DICT OFF (should be DICT ON in red)


    Help me plz !!!

    Thank You


    On 2/4/2021 at 4:26 PM, RAZBAM_ELMO said:

    From our lead dev on the matter:


    "YEs it is a known issue. it is a problem with the stroke (SVG) system. Fortunately it can be fixed in code, but it is a case by case basis. What is happening is that we are using a fixed thickness and fuzziness value when the display is exported.


    static const double thickness_fix = 1 / 0.8;
    static const double fuzziness_fix = 1 / 0.5;

    if (purpose == CURR_PURPOSE_GENERAL)
    //Normal stroke processing for inscreen display
    //Exported displays values
    shaderLineVariableParams.thickness = 8.0 * thickness_fix;
    shaderLineVariableParams.fuzziness = 3.0 * fuzziness_fix;


    So, in the future, we can implement a Special Options that can modify hte fixed value. Unfortunately this cannot be solved for everyone with a single fix as it is a case by case basis.




    I am leaving this up here for everyone to share and see so individuals experiencing this issue can adjust as needed for themselves.


    Ok but which is the file to put the code in ???

  8. Hi


    I used two 8" LCD screen for export left and right MFD for every plane.


    When I used them with AV8B (and enable them with CTRL + ALT + [ for left and CTRL + ALT + ] for right ) working well ONLY during day.


    When I used them during NIGHT mission the two MFD working only the EHSD page and "NO" all other page like ENG page, VSTOL page, STORES page, ecc (the screen is black).


    I've attached a trk file.




  9. Hi

    I tried to tune with radio backup but not working.


    1) Try in two different airports with a victor freq and uniform freq

    2) Try on stable and openbeta

    3) The radio control switch is in ON position

    4) Try with radio1/2 selector switch

    5) Try with freq preset from editor and in manual mode

    6) Try with RSC selector in TR and TR+G


    It's ok only when using UFC Radio.


    Can you try plz ???

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