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Posts posted by itstheLIKWID

  1. 17 hours ago, ghashpl said:

    a lot of things are not-working/broken/broken-again/going to be broken
    new modules are in EA
    old modules are in EA
    promises that are not (yet) fullfiled

    but yes - we need flying cows

    guys... like... come on... ask yourself what is priority in this game

    Sling loading is already implemented though, we just need the same parameters for cows. Lighten up a bit there fella!

    • Like 3
  2. Hey all, I'm really hoping there's someone out there who knows of this issue or if it's a bug or whatever, anyway.


    I am having issues with no aircraft I fly tracking after take off at all, in less than 30 to 45 seconds after take off the aircraft are not following my flight and end up crashing directly into the ground or in some cases taxiing straight off the grass into the nearest hanger on the take off roll. I've tried this in both stable and open beta with the F14A & B, the SU 27 and an F18 as well, nothing is tracking for me since the most recent update. I have never had this issue before at all, as I make mostly airshow content and some cinematics from time to time you can understand my frustration when even a 10 minute display can't be recorded without an aircraft heading into the dirt less than a minute after take off.


    I'd really appreciate some help on this one, I've tried asking in discord as well but my frustration every time I try to record something is winning over the fight with my patience. Appreciated in advance!

  3. when i try to pay gives me only 30% discount


    It's an issue they are aware of and are trying to solve.


    For anyone who bought the hornet ON STEAM and then transferred it to the standalone version of DCS. the discount isn't working correctly for us.


    ED has already made a post that they are aware of the problem and are looking to resolve it. Have some patience guys :D

  4. Hi Spuky05


    welcome to our forum,


    It is not currently possible to give steam hornet owners discount on the supercarrier, the team are currently looking for solutions and we will let you all know if the situation changes.


    Thank you


    He said he transferred it to the stand alone, which as far as I'm aware is an issue you guys are already aware of and working on.


    I also bought the hornet originally on steam but was transferred with several other modules several months ago and it doesn't apply the discount as of yet, I think this is the issue he is having also.

  5. You don't date much do ya?:megalol:

    If at first you don't succeed, try again.That is how you get things done.


    The simple fact is sound needs to be fixed.


    MIG 21 sounds nothing like the real thing,inside and outside the cockpit.


    Don't need to date when I've been in a stable relationship for over 2 years.


    You learn to be patient and wait for things, so the more you post and complain isn't going to get the development team just to stop what they are working on and deal with other issues.


    Just be patient mate, I realise they aren't in the best of states but we all just have to wait and see what the overhauls will bring.

  6. It has been an issue for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long.


    Whilst I share the frustrations constantly posting the same message isn't going to change anything, at this point it's just pointless spam.

  7. No. When I will have info on those, I will forward it to you. But we cant just work on everything in parallel mate.


    Would love to hear improvements on the sound aspect of things.


    I've had the module for quite some time but have only just recently started flying it, a very unique aircraft in the air and one I am looking forward to spending more time enjoying! :D

  8. I've been recording some SU-27 footage on the latest stable build and I noticed the afterburner noise has changed significantly, it sounds pretty fantastic at a distance but when the aircraft is passing by and reheat is engaged it has no smooth progression into the sound it just turns on like a switch.


    Is it meant to be this way? Flew past in various conditions and most of the moments were on/off type sounds which unfortunately isn't great for videos :doh:

  9. The Mig 29 I feel is one of those jets in DCS that rewards a lot of fine control inputs especially when taking off and landing.


    It took me a few attempts to get a landing smooth without any bounce or any oscilation of the nose moving up and down, I've found around 260/270 knots and being gentle with the flare will let the back wheels set down softly and stop the bounce, as the Russians like aircraft to be used in rougher airfields the front can feel very soft, so touching down too fast will cause the bounce.


    As for the comment on it being a bug I wouldn't personally say it's a bug, just requires some fine adjustments on the control and a bit of practice on the stick. A bit like air to air refueling for the 1st time, you will screw it up a lot but with practice you get better :D DCS is a big learning experience constantly, I wouldn't have thought landing could be so tricky but it was fun to smooth that out.

  10. it would be nice if ED would give some timeline of their plans, whether it be by a certain date or by a certain degree of completion. theres no shortage of other eternal-early access aircraft on stable.


    They are planning to introduce something like this, I can't remember what website I read it on but they asked Wags a HUGE list of questions and he had great answers to them all but one of the questions was if they were planning to introduce a road map for their progress on modules/maps etc and he confirmed it was something they were looking to do to give people a better idea of progress across each element.

  11. I think most people would fly the F3 & laugh & go back to practically anything else :p ( I mean, some of the systems in the later ones were very good, but the aircraft is a bit of a dog when you have a F-14 ) I suspect it'd work well in a niche & have some enthusiastic supporters in a niche, but probably not as popular as the IDS...



    After just very recently watching an interview with former F3/Red Arrows pilot Mike Ling he made me look at the F3 differently and said it was actually a very potent package, so I think we need to give the F3 a little more credit here :D

  12. Here is mine


    2019-10-03 17:13:09.440 INFO SOUNDER: Preloading Sounders from .\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Sounds\Sounders

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.444 ERROR EDCORE: Can't mount coremods/aircraft/f14/textures/lns_f14_exterior. Drivers errors:

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.444 ERROR EDCORE: EDCDriver: there is no directory coremods/aircraft/f14/textures/lns_f14_exterior.edc

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.444 ERROR EDCORE: FSDriver: there is no directory coremods/aircraft/f14/textures/lns_f14_exterior

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.444 ERROR EDCORE: ZipDriver: Can't open zip archive coremods/aircraft/f14/textures/lns_f14_exterior.zip.

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.479 INFO SOUND: loaded 30 sdefs from ".\coremods\aircraft\i-16\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.490 INFO SOUND: loaded 19 sdefs from ".\coremods\aircraft\m-2000c\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.506 INFO SOUND: loaded 7 sdefs from ".\coremods\aircraft\mig-21bis\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.516 INFO SOUND: loaded 2 sdefs from ".\coremods\aircraft\sa342\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:13:09.537 INFO SOUND: loaded 76 sdefs from ".\mods\aircraft\f-16c\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.407 INFO SOUND: loaded 8881 sdefs from ".\mods\aircraft\f14\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.414 ERROR EDCORE: Can't mount mods/aircraft/f14/textures/color/dynamic. Drivers errors:

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.414 ERROR EDCORE: EDCDriver: there is no directory mods/aircraft/f14/textures/color/dynamic.edc

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.414 ERROR EDCORE: FSDriver: there is no directory mods/aircraft/f14/textures/color/dynamic

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.414 ERROR EDCORE: ZipDriver: Can't open zip archive mods/aircraft/f14/textures/color/dynamic.zip.

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.415 ERROR EDCORE: Can't mount mods/aircraft/f14/textures/chromecatlegacy. Drivers errors:

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.415 ERROR EDCORE: EDCDriver: there is no directory mods/aircraft/f14/textures/chromecatlegacy.edc

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.415 ERROR EDCORE: FSDriver: there is no directory mods/aircraft/f14/textures/chromecatlegacy

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.415 ERROR EDCORE: ZipDriver: Can't open zip archive mods/aircraft/f14/textures/chromecatlegacy.zip.

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.422 INFO Scripting: PLUGINS DONE--------------------------------------------------

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.737 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./CoreMods/aircraft/AV8BNA/bin/AV8B_AI.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.737 INFO CE2_AI: Loading CE AI

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.738 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./CoreMods/aircraft/Christen Eagle II/bin/CE2_AI.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.739 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./CoreMods/aircraft/F14/bin/F14-AI.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.739 INFO MiG21_AI: Loading CE AI

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.739 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./CoreMods/aircraft/MiG-21bis/bin/MiG21_AI.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.742 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./CoreMods/services/CaptoGlove/bin/edCaptoGlove.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.756 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded (mm) ./Mods/aircraft/F-16C/bin/F16C.dll.crypt

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.758 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded (mm) ./Mods/aircraft/F14/bin/F14-HeatblurCommon.dll.crypt

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.783 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded (mm) ./Mods/aircraft/F14/bin/F14-FlightModel.dll.crypt

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.807 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded (mm) ./Mods/aircraft/F14/bin/F14-Avionics.dll.crypt

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.810 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./Mods/aircraft/TF-51D/bin/P51Base.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.810 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./Mods/aircraft/TF-51D/bin/TF51D.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.812 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./Mods/aircraft/TF-51D/bin/Cockpit_P51Common.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.817 INFO SECURITYCONTROL: Loaded ./Mods/aircraft/jsAvionics/bin/jsAvionics.dll

    2019-10-03 17:13:10.996 INFO DCS: options.graphics =


    ['messagesFontScale'] = 1;

    ['rainDroplets'] = true;

    ['LensEffects'] = 0;

    ['heatBlr'] = 1;

    ['anisotropy'] = 3;

    ['water'] = 2;

    ['motionBlur'] = 0;

    ['outputGamma'] = 2.2;

    ['treesVisibility'] = 10000;

    ['aspect'] = 1.7777777777778;

    ['lights'] = 2;

    ['shadows'] = 4;

    ['MSAA'] = 1;

    ['SSAA'] = 0;

    ['civTraffic'] = 'high';

    ['clutterMaxDistance'] = 700;

    ['cockpitGI'] = 1;

    ['terrainTextures'] = 'max';

    ['multiMonitorSetup'] = '1camera';

    ['shadowTree'] = false;

    ['chimneySmokeDensity'] = 5;

    ['fullScreen'] = true;

    ['DOF'] = 0;

    ['clouds'] = 1;

    ['flatTerrainShadows'] = 1;

    ['forestDistanceFactor'] = 1;

    ['width'] = 1920;

    ['visibRange'] = 'High';

    ['effects'] = 3;

    ['SSAO'] = 0;

    ['useDeferredShading'] = 1;

    ['sync'] = false;

    ['textures'] = 2;

    ['scaleGui'] = false;

    ['preloadRadius'] = 150000;

    ['height'] = 1080;

    ['terrainMapMFD'] =


    ['distance'] =


    ['mapLodDistance3'] = 200000;

    ['mapLodDistance2'] = 100000;

    ['mapLodDistance0'] = 25000;

    ['mapLodDistance1'] = 50000;




    2019-10-03 17:13:10.998 INFO GRAPHICSVISTA: renderer: 'dx11backend.dll'

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.044 INFO DX11BACKEND: Driver Concurrent Creates - 1

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.044 INFO DX11BACKEND: Driver Command Lists - 1

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.068 INFO DX11BACKEND: NVIDIA API init OK

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.069 INFO DX11BACKEND: NVIDIA Display Driver Version 43630.r436_28

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.069 INFO DX11BACKEND: TRUNK renderer init: showShaderError coreCount=1

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.146 INFO DX11BACKEND: commonPool: 68-128, cbPool: 5-14, samplerPool: 5-16

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.148 INFO DX11BACKEND: DX11ShaderBinaries::loadCache Bazar/shaders/fxo/fxo.zip

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.985 INFO DX11BACKEND: DX11ShaderBinaries::loadCache done. Loaded 1012/1012.

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.987 INFO DX11BACKEND: DX11ShaderBinaries::loadCache C:\Users\User\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\fxo

    2019-10-03 17:13:11.998 INFO DX11BACKEND: DX11ShaderBinaries::loadCache done. Loaded 131/131.

    2019-10-03 17:13:12.053 INFO VISUALIZER: SceneManager initialization

    2019-10-03 17:13:12.567 INFO GRAPHICSCORE: cascade shadows init (preset:'default' quality:4 layers:4 size:4096)

    2019-10-03 17:13:12.609 INFO SOUND: XAudio2: channel layout: Headphones/Stereo

    2019-10-03 17:13:12.609 INFO SOUND: Using SSE FTZ/DAZ mode.

    2019-10-03 17:13:12.617 INFO DCS: gDescription: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070" gVendorId: 4318 gDeviceId: 7041 gMemory: 8088 MB

    2019-10-03 17:13:12.624 ERROR EDOBJECTS: Destruction shape not found AVIASHTAB_CRASH

    2019-10-03 17:13:12.626 ERROR EDOBJECTS: Object HB_F14_EXT_PHX_ALU with id=294 already declared in table MissileTable

    2019-10-03 17:13:13.190 INFO DX11BACKEND: DX11ShaderBinaries::loadCache ./Mods/aircraft/F14/fxo

    2019-10-03 17:13:13.190 INFO DX11BACKEND: DX11ShaderBinaries::loadCache done. Loaded 0/0.

    2019-10-03 17:13:13.209 INFO EDCORE: (dDispatcher)enterToState_:1

    2019-10-03 17:13:13.624 ALERT Dispatcher: Error starting Game GUI: [string "./MissionEditor/modules/optionsModsScripts.lua"]:32: attempt to concatenate local 'filepath' (a nil value)

    2019-10-03 17:13:13.624 INFO EDCORE: (dDispatcher)enterToState_:2

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.154 INFO DCS: application shutdown

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.160 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\mods\aircraft\tf-51d\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.160 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\mods\aircraft\f14\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\mods\aircraft\f-16c\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\sa342\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\mig-21bis\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\m-2000c\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\i-16\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\f14\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\christen eagle ii\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\chinaassetpack\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\c-101\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\aircraft\av8bna\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\tech\uss john c stennis\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\coremods\tech\techweaponpack\sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.163 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path "sounds\sdef"

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.411 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 0

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.412 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 1

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.412 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 2

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.465 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 3

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.513 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 4

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.516 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 5

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.517 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 6

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.517 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 7

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.517 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 8

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.518 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 9

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.518 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 10

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.518 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 11

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.518 INFO EDOBJECTS: lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 12

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.570 INFO VISUALIZER: SceneManager_Implement::~SceneManager_Implement()

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.570 INFO VISUALIZER: TerrainRenderer::release

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.572 WARNING LOG: 1 duplicate message(s) skipped.

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.572 INFO TERRAIN: lSystem::exit()

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.572 INFO TERRAIN: lSystem::CleanScenes()

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.573 INFO DX11BACKEND: DX11Renderer::shutdown()

    2019-10-03 17:14:55.610 INFO DX11BACKEND: NVIDIA API exit OK

    === Log closed.

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